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          ...and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13... And Jesus saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19... hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 1 Corinthians 1:20... I have set before thee an open door. Revelation 3:8

          A Biblical Point Of View In Light Of Todays Politics, Conditions And Crises.

    Fri, Jan 29th - 6:08PM

    The Haters of Reality – Part 2

    Friday, January 29, 2010

    The Haters of Reality – Part 2

    In the first segment of this blog; The Haters of Reality -Part 1, we discussed the current turmoil in American society; the surging problem of Liberalism and Relativism; and the one behind it all: the Father of Lies - Lucifer. We now continue onward…..

    The City of Enoch

    After Adam’s fall at the dawn of creation (Gen. 3:1-7; Rom. 5:12-19), Adam and Eve’s first born son Cain followed Lucifer’s example of following his own godless and vain imagination. In this manner Cain abandoned Almighty God’s presence and possible redemption to live out his temporal existence in a delusional system he and his progeny created (Gen. 4:16-17; Jude 11a). Cain replaced the truth (reality) and sovereignty of Almighty God with his own self-governed, godless system. In the process he founded a city named Enoch, dominated by Cainitic culture (Gen 4:17-24). The final fruit and outworking of this godless endeavor ended in lawlessness, anarchy and violence. In the end, divine judgment from Almighty God destroyed this corrupt and godless civilization with a global flood (Gen 6:1-7; James 1:15; 2 Peter 2:5-6).

    The City of Babel

    Within a few centuries after the judgment on Cain’s delusional and godless system by means of the Noahic flood, another godless system emerged on the face of the earth (Gen. 11:1-9). The descendants of Noah began to build another city. The ruler of this city, Babel - capital of the ancient kingdom of Babylon - was Nimrod (Gen. 10:8-10). Babel, however, was like none other city built before it. The builders of this city sought not only to set up another delusional, godless system, but they introduced an “alternative creator” or substitute deity (“an abomination”) in the place of Almighty God (Rev. 17:2, 5).

    When the triune Godhead saw what was transpiring in the plains of Shinar (i.e., the city of Babel), in His grace and mercy He changed their common language to many different languages (tongues), creating a situation where people divided into various clans and tribes. Babel’s inhabitants were then scattered across the face of the earth (Gen. 10; 11:9). This event forestalled the result of a one-world godless state and postponed God’s judgment on this delusional system until a much later time in the future (Rev. 17:1-5; 18:3-5; 19:2). From this divine judgment and dispersion the nations were born (Gen. 10).

    The Nations of the Earth were:

    As the rebellious inhabitants of Babel were scattered across the face of the earth, they took with them the godless, “alternative reality” and philosophy of the city of Babel (Rev. 17:1-5). As time passed, the nations became cemented and immersed in their godless cultures and philosophies, and they have reaped the consequences of their godless practices unto this day (Rom. 1:18-32).

    "This “Babelology”of a godless politico-religious ideology and philosophy still dominates our world today"

    Since Babel’s judgment some forty-two hundred years ago, people in the world today have been living in the aftermath of the “Babylonian unbelief and apostasy.” This Babelology of politico-religious ideology and philosophy still dominates our world today, and it has truly hampered Lucifer’s tyrannical designs for global worship and creation of a global fascist state under his sole, sovereign thumb (Rev. 14: 8; 17:16-17; 18:2). Even now events are transpiring that will soon make Satan’s grand and diabolical design a reality (2 Thess. 2:7; 1 John 4:3).

    The Final Delusion of Desolation - 666

    With the ongoing, exponential advancements in technology and media today, the language, culture and geographic barriers - restraining the global unification necessary for Lucifer’s godless, global state - are eroding right before our very eyes. Global unification and a New World Order is not just a delusional “pipe dream” anymore, it is fast becoming a REALITY. We are at the very doorstep of Satan’s global, fascist state ruled by his lawless minion, the Anti-Christ (Dan. 2:41-43; 7:8; 19-21, 25; 2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 13).

    "Notice that as societies, cultures and nations become more and more base and hardened in their hearts and minds, they are more and more exposed to the godless and demonic influence of today"

    Notice that as societies, cultures and nations become more and more base and hardened in their hearts and minds, they are more and more exposed to the godless and demonic influence of today (Luke 4:5-6; Eph. 2:1-2; 6:12; 1 Tim. 4:1-2; Rev. 16:13-16). This trend is a driving force that is setting the stage even now for the world’s final showdown against Almighty God, His sovereign authority and eternal reign on earth and in heaven. This final showdown is called the Battle of Armageddon (Psalm 2; Dan. 2:43-44; Joel 3:2; Zech. 14:2; Rev. 16:13-16).

    Once the Rapture of the Church takes place, Almighty God’s restraint will be removed (2 Thess. 2:3, 6-8). The dam - as it were - will be removed and the godless, base practices and the unbridled passions of man will be unleashed to flood the world with godlessness and lawlessness. As these awesomely turbulent times of global calamities come to pass, the world will look for a scapegoat. Feelings of anti-Semitism and hatred for Israel will intensify as never before (Matt. 24:12; Rev. 12:17).

    As the Anti-Christ rises to power, he will seek to exalt himself over all and will accomplish his despotic goal (2 Thess. 2:2-4). He will use the massive devastations, the fallout from global wars and natural disasters inflicted on this earth by Almighty God to seize unlimited power and authority over all the earth (Rev. 13). The Beast (Anti-Christ) will seek to change the times and the seasons (Dan 7:25). He will rewrite Almighty God’s eternal, spiritual and natural laws of creation, and enact his own secular, godless agenda upon the masses of humanity. He will lead a global assault on all that is Almighty God, decimate all ideologies and eradicate the followers of Christ/ Messiah (God’s lovers of reality and truth) - Rev. 13:7; 17:12-17; Rom. 8:36. Anti-Christ will impose on the world his mark, his idol-image and his will. In so doing he will cause all to worship both himself and his “father,” a.k.a. “a great red dragon” (Rev. 12:3-4), “that old serpent” (Rev. 12:9; Gen. 3:1-4), “Lucifer, the son of the morning” (Isa. 14:12), “the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). In this, his mad attempt, Anti-Christ will be successful (2 Thess. 2:4; Rev. 13:4, 8, 12, 16-18)!

    "Anti-Christ will impose on the world his mark, his idol-image and his will. In so doing he will cause all to worship both himself and his “father,” a.k.a. “a great red dragon”

    This vile act will indeed constitute a great insanity. The whole world will reject their Creator to follow and worship this lawless one (Satan’s Anti-Christ) with great passion and zeal (Rev. 13:3, 8; 17:16, 17). They will do so with the veritable understanding that they are fully rejecting Almighty God and His saving grace for their lost souls (2 Thess. 2:10-12; Rev. 14:9-11). These doomed haters of reality - in that day - will be quite willing to follow their delusion through to the end. They will be thus damned for all eternity in Almighty God’s prison and “junk yard” called the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:14-15). This fate would they choose rather than to repent and honor their Creator and Savior (2 Thess. 2:10-12; Rev. 9:20-21). This “Abomination of abominations,” which the world of that day will choose to worship, only brings these “Haters of Reality” to an absolute and eternal desolation (Dan. 9:27; Matt 24:15, Rev. 14:9-11).

    The Eternal Prison of Reality

    At the end of the 1000-year reign of Christ, the Haters of Reality then living on earth will be confronted with their most feared phobia. They will come face to face with the final reality of time and eternity, and be ushered into the very presence of Almighty God - the Righteous Judge - at the Great White Throne judgment (Rev. 20:11-15). Here these sin-ridden, rebellious masses of countless multitudes from the beginning of time to the end of the millennial reign of Christ will give a final account to Almighty God. We do not read in Revelation 20:11-15 that even one person opens their month in protest. The delusional and darkened imaginations of fallen man will be obliterated by the ETERNAL light of reality.

    Upon the divine and righteous judgment from Almighty God, the lost Haters of Reality are cast into Almighty God’s ETERNAL prison called the “Lake of Fire.” Here in their unregenerate state they will FOREVER have to give account for each and every sin - from the smallest, minute transgression to the vilest of thoughts and words. Hear what Almighty God’s Word says concerning these wretches and their wretched estate:

    And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found NO PLACE FOR THEM (Rev. 20:11).

    He that is unjust (unrighteous, broken), let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous (cf. Rom. 10:4), let him be righteous still: and he that is holy (set apart by Almighty God), let him be holy still (Rev. 22:11).

    The souls of unregenerate men and women will forever remain in their misery and terrible condition. They will be left with their memories and the reminders of their rejection of Almighty God’s pardon, reaping the devastating, eternal consequences (Luke 16:23-25). The tragic end result for these individuals is having to give a full account to Almighty God for their personal violation of Almighty God’s Natural Laws of time and Eternal Spiritual Laws of forever.

    "At the end of time these Haters of Reality will abide forevermore in the presence of ABSOLUTE REALITY in torment and anguish"

    The most tragic thing imaginable for a human being is to be thus left to their own darkened and delusional thought process.

    From Lucifer to his fallen angels (demons), from Cain to Nimrod, from Babel’s scattered founders of the nations to the Anti-Christ, from Gog and Magog in the middle of the Great Tribulation to the Great Rebellion at the end of the Millennium, at the end of time these Haters of Reality will abide forevermore in the presence of ABSOLUTE REALITY in torment and anguish.

    Lovers of Reality

    Almighty God calls out to all today to be saved (i.e., delivered) from the “wrath to come” (John 3:17; 12:47). God calls us to abandon our delusional philosophies and ideologies and follow after His eternal absolutes of reality and truth.

    The Lord Jesus said, I am the way, the TRUTH (reality), and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but (except) by me (John 14:6).

    God is a Spirit: and they that worship him MUST worship him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH (John 4:24).

    They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy TRUTH: thy word is TRUTH (John 17:16-17).

    Because of His great love for us, Almighty God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth (John 3:16-17), and to deliver us from the bondage of our trespasses and fallen nature (Gal. 1:4; Eph. 2:1-7). In reading this very sobering post may you consider seriously the VERY REAL realities of time and eternity, and understand how desperately you need the person of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, as your Personal Savior. May it be so for you to be found a Lover - and not a Hater - of Reality.

    Place your trust in Christ TODAY! You will NEVER be the same!

    The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    DJP I.F.
    Edited by BEL
    Hater's of Reality - Part 1

    The Gospel of John Challenge
    What Is Sin?
    Are you Good Enough for Heaven - Take the test and see!


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    Tue, Jan 26th - 8:26PM

    Today's U.S. Culture and Society - Will The 2010 Elections Help?

    Tuesday, January 26, 2010

    Today's U.S. Culture and Society - Will The 2010 Elections Help?

    We should not be overly excited or deceived by the Scott Brown victory or any other conservative-moderate victories in 2010, however exciting as they might be. The true heart of the American people has NOT CHANGED for the better. It still is what it has always been over these last 50 years or so: licentious and haughty. Even now many conservatives have been subtly intoxicated and tainted by socialism, godlessness and the immoral practices of the Left (Jer. 6:16-17; Matt. 15:8, 18-20). For example, consider the Republican administration and congress of the last 8 years. Except for a core of faithful true conservatives (fiscal and moral), the movement would have faded away years ago. What makes you think that the heart of these politicians or the American people has changed or will change? It hasn't and it won't. Sadly, the "voter reaction" victories occurring in 2010 (e.g., Scott Brown) will only display the last struggling convulsions of a decadent nation on the precipice of total collapse. I have absolutely no pleasure in making this statement. In fact, I do so with a grieving heart.
    "Sadly, the "voter reaction" victories occurring in 2010 (e.g., Scott Brown) will only display the last struggling convulsions of a decadent nation on the precipice of total collapse. Sadly, the "voter reaction" victories occurring in 2010 (e.g., Scott Brown) will only display the last struggling convulsions of a decadent nation on the precipice of total collapse."

    What we need today in America is a true to heart - moral and social - revival with the rebuilding and regeneration of the family foundation which has been decimated by liberalism. When this ideal and natural law is on the ballot box the moderate independents usually flee to a liberal candidate. Social morality scares them (the moderate) to death. They will and have no problem voting for a fiscal conservative, but they almost never will vote for a pro life/pro family, Judean/Christian values moral one. The moderate Democratic Blue Dogs and Rockefeller Republicans who voted for Reagan - 30 years ago - in the past were no where as base as today's liberal independent. That is why these despise Sarah Palin and that is why she scares them to death.

    The state of our society and modern-day culture here in America is sickening, to say the least. It’s no secret that with the spearhead of the 60’s secular leftist/ socialist movement, America has reaped “a whirlwind” of societal consequences that are indeed devastating.

    Secular Liberal Pollution

    The non-absolute morality and godless religious ideology of the secular left has permeated into all aspects of our once dominant Judean/ Christian heritage and culture. The Social climate of today’s America is so decadent, so immoral, so polluted, so base and so lewd that it has passed the point of remediation to the point of no return.

    The majority of people look at the surface of our societal ills and gullibly think that things aren’t as bad as they seem. The fact is, though, that our society is contaminated to the very core. The steak - as it were - has been left out of the refrigerator too long, and no “conservative ideology” revival or leadership can restore this rotting corpse (see Isaiah 1:5-6). Once a nation is given over to the basest of ideals (i.e., secular socialism) and moral practices, it is just a matter of time before it implodes on itself in rottenness (see Romans 1:18-32). As one who loves my country I take no delight in declaring this, but the present status of our society and culture compels making an objective assessment. May we as a people learn the lessons of history, and may she be our wise teacher. Every nation that has gone down this path has not survived.

    A Steak and Its Environment

    When a steak (i.e., humanity) is placed in a refrigerator, the cold environment slows down the corruption and spoiling process (see Isa. 64:6; Rom. 3:23). Even under refrigeration the meat will eventually spoil, but the corruption process is slowed down. Such is the Conservative (Right, moral) ideology.

    When a steak is left out at room temperature, the corruption process accelerates due to a higher rate of bacterial growth that takes place in a warm environment. Such is the Moderate (Centrist, compromising) ideology.

    When a steak is left out in the direct sunlight and high heat, the corruption process accelerates exponentially. Such is the Liberal (Leftist, secular) ideology.

    The tremendous impact from the 60’s counterculture revolution is akin to a steak left out at room temperature. In the last 40 years or so since, the corruption process in our society has increased to an extent such that we can see the radical and fundamental changes that have produced countless social ills and catastrophes (refer to the Red Light District America blog from July 2009).

    2006 - The Consummation of a Secular and Socialistic America

    When the far left of the Democratic Party took power in the House and Senate in the elections of 2006, the Left began rapidly instituting their radical leftist agenda and nothing has been able to stop it since. Our previous president George Bush, a Moderately Conservative “lame duck” president, would not fight this aggressive agenda “tooth and nail” and supported too much of it. The stage was thus set for our first ever radical leftist, socialist President of these United States, Barak Hussein Obama.

    In just the first year of the Obama administration, we have seen a deluge of his leftist agenda. 2009 has seen an exponential change in all facets of government, culture and society. Super-socialism, super-spending, fascist polices, nameless accountability, destructive agendas, countless corruption, mass deception, godless arrogance, and so on and so on.

    "2009 has been the year of the point of no return for American culture, society and policies in Washington D.C."

    2009 has been the year in which the steak has been moved from a room temperature climate into the direct heat of the sun. The corruption process of our “steak” culture and society has now been made irreversible. The demonic flies - as it were - have infested this rotten piece of flesh and are leading and participating in America's rapid deterioration (1 Tim 4:1-3). 2009 has been the year of the point of no return for American culture, society and policies in Washington D.C.

    Such rapid deteriorating conditions and a global, “reprobate mind” society are setting the stage for the perfect storm, which is the arrival of the ultimate politician and supreme secular fascist - The Man of Lawlessness. He will seek to change the times and the laws (Dan. 7:24, 25) and establish a global fascist state (Dan. 11:36-39; Rev. 13:14-18). He will make war against God’s people, the realities of Almighty God and His eternal sovereignty (2 Thess. 2:8-9; Rev. 13:1-7, 17:12-14). This man will also go as far as to set himself up as god and to be worshiped by all (Matt. 24:15; 2 Thess. 2:4; Rev. 13:4, 8, 12). He and his global fascist state will shortly after meet their doom at the glorious Second Coming of Almighty God the Son, Jesus the Messiah/ Christ (Dan. 7:26, 11:45; Rev. 19:20, 19:11-21).

    Our godless nation - and world - is presently on a collision course smack dab into a terrible time of judgment called the Day of the Lord, or The Great Tribulation (Isa. 24; Joel 2:30-32; 1 Thess. 5:31; Matt. 24; Rev. 6:6-17).
    "Let not your heart be troubled. All these things must be. The end result of the corrupted and totally spoiled steak (humanity) will be the Battle of Armageddon, in which all nations will go to war against the Eternal Sovereignty and Lordship of Almighty God"

    The Bible describes the global conditions of the last days as follows:

    Jesus stated: And because iniquity (lawlessness) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. (Matt. 24:12)

    This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Tim. 3:1-7)

    Let not your heart be troubled. All these things must be. The end result of the corrupted and totally spoiled steak (humanity) will be the Battle of Armageddon, in which all nations will go to war against the Eternal Sovereignty and Lordship of Almighty God. Christ at His second coming will decimate all these global armies with His Word (Zech. 14:3-4; 2 Thess. 2:8; Rev. 19:11-21). He will then judge and cast out all unrepentant and unbelieving humanity that survives from the entrance into the 1000-year earthly kingdom of Jesus Christ (Dan.9:27; Joel 3:2; Zech 14:16; Matt. 13:29-30, 40-43, 47-49, 25: 41-46). Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven be established forever in Righteousness and Justice! (Isa. 2:4, 11:1-11; Dan. 7:14, 18; Zech. 14: 20-21; Mal 4, Romans 14:17)

    "Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven be established forever in Righteousness and Justice!"

    Even now Almighty God is calling all humanity (the rotting steak) to repentance and to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, who is the Savior of all mankind. Only Christ can deliver one from the pollutions of the heart (Jer. 17:9) and of this doomed world (Gal. 1:4).

    Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Call on Him today, won’t you? He will deliver you from the bondage of sin and the wrath that is appointed for this sinful world.

    In these Last Days may you look to Almighty God and His Word for the encouragement, hope and help you need. Place your trust in Him today! You will never be the same!

    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt. 6:33)

    The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!

    DJP I.F.

    The Gospel of John Challenge
    What is Sin?

    American conservatism at the Alamo


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    Tue, Jan 19th - 10:14PM

    American Conservatism at the Alamo

    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    American Conservatism at the Alamo

    Today Conservatism in America - and in the world - is at the “Alamo” of its existence. As we shall see, there is no way that we as a nation - let alone a global society - can survive the devastating impact of the past 50 years. We are at the imploding point even now. The American structure is ready to collapse by the over burden load of godlessness and decadence placed on it by the American people. The dam is about to burst, and the “lawlessness flood” of oppression, tyranny, global war and human catastrophe is soon to deluge the United States of America and the entire world.

    We should not be deceived by the Brown victory or any other conservative/moderate victories (2010); though exciting as it would be. The true heart of the American people has NOT changed for the better. It is what it has always been over these last 50 years, licentious and haughty. Even now many conservatives have been subtly intoxicated and tainted by socialism, godlessness and the immoral practices of the Left (Jer. 6: 16,17, Matt 15:8, 18-20). Except for a core of faithful true conservatives (fiscal and moral), the movement would have faded away years ago. For Example; the Republican administration and congress of the last 8 years. What makes you think that the heart of these politicians or the American people has changed or will change? It hasn't and it won't. With these victories - Scott Brown or a 2010 win - all that we will be witnessing are the last struggling convulsions of a decadent nation on the precipice of total collapse. I have absolutely no pleasure in making this statement. In fact it is with a grieving heart.

    "The Brown victory may slow things down a little and look like a solid victory to conservatives but below the surface is the infesting rotting root and core of 50 years of secular liberalism perpetrated on and by the American people"

    The Brown victory may slow things down a little and look like a solid victory to conservatives but below the surface is the infesting rotting root and core of 50 years of secular liberalism that has been stealthily placed on and slowly received by the American people (Isaiah 1:2-10). This cankering societal outworking can never be uprooted and fixed. That is the reality. There will be no stopping this decadent tidal wave and tsunami except ONLY by Jesus Christ’s second coming to earth to establish His Kingdom in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Dan. 2:34, 44; Rev. 19:11-21). This my friends is by no means a fairy tale or an imaginary dream. All of life attest to the fact that Devine justice is coming and we all must give an account - conservative or liberal (Roms 1:18-32).


    2009 has been the year of the point of no return for America. There has never been more devastating legislation and drunken power-inflamed spending alongside an immoral secular dominance in our nation’s brief history than the year 2009 . There is no way for America to survive this deluge of secular occupation. This is not just our own personal evaluation and private interpretation. Sadly, many in the Conservative leadership and movement today cannot grasp this final reality even while knowing that things look very grim. It seems to be a Conservative trait to always be optimistic of the future in the light of grave realities.

    Conservatives need to fight like never before and do all we can to hold back this “dominance of decadence” and marching tyranny. 2009 also has been the year of the “grassroots conservative” American. From organizing Tea Parties and other rallies, calling and writing our legislators, voting, being informed about the issues and legislation that affect our nation and personal freedoms, the Conservative American has stepped up like never before. We have a lot to be proud about and thankful for, but in the end will it be enough?

    "The Conservatism movement in America - much like those who fought valiantly at the Alamo - will shortly be overrun and butchered at the hand of the godless, lawless world in which we are presently living in"

    The Reality at Hand

    The Conservatism movement in America - much like those who fought valiantly at the Alamo - will shortly be overrun and butchered at the hand of the godless, lawless world in which we are presently living in (Gal. 1:4, Eph 6:12). This sobering reality is too much for the majority of conservatives to think on, and they do not want to entertain this reality in their mindset. This thought is just too horrendous and frightening a thought. It is sad to say that multitudes of conservatives are oblivious or have very little understanding of what Almighty God’s Word has to say about events transpiring in the Last Days of godless mankind (Matt 24, 2 Tim 3:1-7, Jude 1:18, Rev. 6 - 19). If they truly had faith in Almighty God and believed His Word, they would fully comprehend the day and hour in which we live, being truly set free and liberated knowing that Almighty God is still on the Throne (John 8:32, 36; Rev. 4-5)! Fallen humanity (Conservative and Liberal) is doomed to failure without their Creator and Savior. Unfortunately, many conservatives want to remain subjective and willingly ignorant about the harsh realities at hand. They cannot let go of their “Conservative Optimism” that posits “all will be well in the end (Jer. 6:14, 8:11, Ezek. 13:10, 1 Thess. 5:3).” Such delusional optimism is rampant in the conservative movement, preached by its false prophets of optimism to the optimist “Kool-aid drinkers” on the right. We must see “outside the box” of time and look at the whole, eternal picture. That is the only way to truly comprehend the day we live in.

    The Kingdom of Heaven and the Rule of Natural Law

    Our hope should not rest solely in the American people or the conservative movement; and our expectations should not be focused on the out come of the future 2010 elections (Psalm 146:3, Jer. 17:5-9 ).

    Our only hope for today and our tomorrow is found in Almighty God’s Son Jesus Christ. He alone can set men free from the bondage and tyranny of sin and its dire consequences (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Rev. 20:11-15).

    At the end of the horrific seven-year tribulation period where global lawlessness and anarchy reigns (Is 13:9-11, Zeph 3:8-9, Matt 24), Jesus Christ will come back to earth from Heaven’s glory to crush the godless world’s rebellion (Isaiah 24; Daniel 2:44-45, 2 Thess. 2:8-9, Rev. 19:11-21). Jesus Christ will then establish His 1000-year reign on the earth in righteousness and banish all those who rebelled against Almighty God’s natural laws and spiritual absolutes (Matt. 25:31-32). These lawless ones will be held fully accountable and their punishment will be severe, swift and eternal (Dan 7:27, Matt. 25:41). At this time Christ will establish His kingdom and will rule the world with a righteous rod of iron (Is 9:7, Micah 4;2-3, Rev. 2:27, 12:5, 19:15). Peace, liberty and justice will be the fruit of the Reign of Christ (Isaiah 2:2-4). The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s Creator will be established and honored throughout the world, and harmony and peace shall be the fruit thereof (Is 2:1-5, 11:1-10, 65:25, Hab 2:14, Zech 14:16-21). The 1000-year reign of Christ will be a “Conservative Utopia” of righteous perfection for all who truly want it (Psalm 27:7, Is 32:17, Matt. 5:3-12, Rom. 14:17, James 3:18).

    "The 1000-year reign of Christ will be a “Conservative Utopia” of righteous perfection for all who truly want it"

    It is ONLY through and by God’s Son Jesus Christ that we can find peace with God and peace in our lives (John 14:27, Eph 2:14, Phil 4:7). The tide of the current day in which we live is inexorably moving, and it is a losing battle no matter how valiantly we try to fight or stem it. Mankind cannot overcome or alter the oppressive nature of the flesh (fallen unregenerate humanity). It will eventually succumb to its fallen nature and destroy itself. This is exactly what Almighty God’s Word tells us.

    Do You Personally Know Your Creator/ Redeemer?

    May I ask you this serious question? Do you have the perfect righteousness needed to enter into the holy presence of Almighty God? That is what Almighty God has provided in the person of Jesus Christ for all those of Adam’s fallen race (Rom. 3:23; 6:23;10:2-4; 2 Cor. 5:21).

    These turbulent and troubling days are only going to get worse. There is nothing we can do to stop what is happening and which will come to pass. We are indeed at the Alamo in our world today. May you look “outside the box” of your time-constrained worldview, and have faith in Almighty God who so loved the world that He sent His Son to die for your sins and mine (John 3:16-17). That is what life is all about, i.e., having a living relationship with our Creator in spirit and truth (reality) - John 4:24.

    May you place all your expectations in Him alone for your eternal - as well as temporal - well-being (1 Peter 5:7, Rev 1:5). You will never be the same, no, never!

    The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    DJP I.F.

    The Gospel of John Challenge
    What is Sin?
    A Message To The Conservative In These Trying Days
    Conservatism's General Rejection of the Bible

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    Sat, Jan 16th - 7:40PM

    The Haters of Reality – Part I

    Saturday, January 16, 2010

    The Haters of Reality – Part I

    The current battle for the soul of America is raging as never before. We have seen in the last century a mad dash to push our country toward a secular liberal, godless fascist state in which the “elite class” rules over the masses. Our nation was founded on the bedrock of the Bible, Judean/ Christian values and the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God; hence the conflict. These Constitutional apostates and haters of our Constitutional Republic have nearly arrived at their Machiavellian destination. As America apostatizes from the realities of Almighty God, the Bible, and moral absolutes, we are seeing - as never before - a dramatic transformation of our country into a populous of secular and unbelieving “apostatizing Christians.” We are reaping the devastating whirlwind of our day and are being transformed into the very beast that our Founding Fathers warned of: a tyrannical state of anarchy and chaos.

    When Spiritual (Moral) Absolutes and Natural Laws are rejected for a delusional reality and a godless morality (which is actually immorality), the end is near. America today cannot survive under the weight of our godless decadence and licentious society. Even now we are at the imploding point. Conservatism is like the Alamo. Anyone who is truly objective has to see that even a new conservative administration can never sustain the weight of the cultural junk heap and social devastation placed on America by the “Haters of Reality.” Sad to say, even Conservatives refuse to be objective about the realities of Almighty God and His Word. In a sense they are no different from today’s secularists. Both of these groups - though dramatically different - reject the Divine revelation of Almighty God found in His authoritative Word.

    "America today cannot survive under the weight of our godless decadence and licentious society. Even now we are at the imploding point"

    When the Rapture of the Church finally transpires, America will fracture into anarchy and discord. There is no doubt that because of today’s strong partisan stances and ideological differences in Washington D.C., following the removal of saved people from the earth, a second American civil war will arise. As the Tribulation begins (Matt. 24:10-12), America’s final demise will be its assimilation into the godless United States of Europe (Rev. 17:13,14). Near the end of the Great Tribulation, those remaining in the United States will go against Almighty God at the Battle of Armageddon (Psalm 2; Joel 3:2; Zech. 14:2; Rev. 16:13-16).

    Liberalism and Relativism

    We may define Liberalism (or fallen human subjectivity) as the morally relativistic, pluralistic practice and application of partial absolutes and natural laws. It involves having a narcissistic view or subjective perspective which is dominated solely by one’s sensual feelings (i.e., controlled by the 5 physical senses) and fleshly (earthly) desires (Jer. 17:9, Rom. 5:12-19; 7:14-24). In such individuals, their emotional (sensual) feelings and desires override and dictate their perception of REALITY (grasp of concrete facts) and belief in absolutes and natural laws.

    Such is the case that Liberals (i.e., adherents of Liberalism) allow their emotions and human senses to govern and determine their worldview or perspective of life. As a drunk driver is impaired by fermented drink, these also are rationally impaired by their faulty belief system, attempting to manage their life’s affairs with their delusional (make-believe) outlook. Like the impaired driver they are ignorant or indifferent to their true condition – in a drunken (irrational) stupor that resists reality and rational thinking. The end result and fruit of this irrational perspective of “alter-reality” is inevitable anarchy and devastation (Isaiah 57:20; Romans 1:25-32; Revelation 17:1-2).

    "Like the impaired driver they are ignorant or indifferent to their true condition – in a drunken (irrational) stupor that resists reality and rational thinking. The end result and fruit of this irrational perspective of “alter-reality” is inevitable anarchy and devastation"

    That is why it is so hard to communicate reality and truth to the liberal or base mind. Their subjective, narcissistic, emotionally-governed, pluralistic mindset WILL NOT ALLOW them to face any reality (Psalm 53:1; Prov. 14:9; 17:12; 18:2). They are absolutely SCARED TO DEATH of reality and the accountability to it. (2 Thess. 2:10-12; Rev. 21:8). They will do whatever it takes to preserve their “alter-reality,” even to the point of slandering, inducing malicious acts and even - yes - murdering all that oppose it (Rom. 1:32). Truth and reality torment their imaginary worldview and speak of a Day yet to come when all will give an account to Almighty God - the Righteous Judge of all. That is why these cannot have the teaching, practice and worship of Almighty God in the public square today. He (Almighty God) and His followers must be eliminated at all cost and in a Day soon to come they indeed shall be (Dan. 7:21; Rev. 13:7; 17:12-14). These violent tendencies and actions bear witness to their decadent practices and immoral, wicked lifestyles (Gal. 5:19-21; Rom. 3:10-18; Jude 1:10). In the end they will be held absolutely accountable to the Natural Laws and Spiritual Absolutes of Almighty God (Rom. 2:16; Rev. 20:11-15).

    God’s word states:

    Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him NOT as God, NEITHER were thankful; but became VAIN in their imaginations, and their FOOLISH heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became FOOLS (Rom. 1:21-22).

    And this is the condemnation, that light (reality) is come into the world, and men LOVED darkness (delusion) rather than light (reality), because their DEEDS WERE EVIL. For every one that doeth evil HATETH the light (reality), neither cometh to the light (reality), lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God (John 3:19-21).

    Where was this godless ideology was conceived? Let's take a look!

    The Original Hater of Reality

    Lucifer, God’s greatest of all God's creation (Ezek. 28:12, 15), in eternity past enjoyed a relationship to Almighty God. I truly believe there was a point in his existence that he adored and loved the Triune God with all his heart. He had the chief place as Protector of the Holiness of God (Ezek 28:14) and was the worship and choir director of Heaven (Ezek 28:13). Lucifer enjoyed all the heavenly blessings of his rank and position. As events proceeded, though, there came a time when he became proud, arrogant, envious and bitter. In his foolish heart he sought the place of his Eternal Creator and Sovereign for himself, and he led a delusional rebellion against Almighty God in which he and his followers were cast out (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:15-18; Jude 1:6; Rev. 12:4). Lucifer could have remained in his highly honored position indefinitely, enjoying the eternal blessings and fellowship with His Creator. In his madness, however, Lucifer chose rather to abandon the confines of absolute reality for a vain existence in the darkness of make-believe and delusion. In his attempt to exalt and preserve himself at all cost, he rejected and abandoned all that was real, becoming a murderer of souls, a tyrant of humanity, a despot to the fallen angelic host and a mastermind of slander, false truths and darkness. He is known as the Prince of Darkness (error, delusion and vain imagination) for thus is his reality (Isaiah 14:17-17; John 8:44; Rev. 12:9).

    In the end Lucifer will give complete account for his godless existence, in which he will be damned forever in the Lake of Fire. He will finally and ultimately have to face the reality of absolute truth for eternity in a place of torment prepared by Almighty God (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10).

    Are You A Lover of Reality?

    As we live in this current delusional day when lawlessness and anarchy are dominating almost all facets of American life, may Almighty God be your trust and provide for you all your expectations. Do you know Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior? If not, may you do so even today. He will provide you with the ABSOLUTE TRUTH (REALITY) and you will never be the same! (John 8:32,36)

    Stay “spiritually tuned” for the completion of The Haters of Reality Part 2... as we look at Cain, Nimrod, the coming Anti Christ and their multitudes of followers!

    The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    DJP I.F.

    Take the Gospel of John Challenge
    What is Sin?


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    Tue, Jan 5th - 7:09PM

    The Personal Testimony of a School Teacher on the Failing Educational System In America

    Tuesday, January 5, 2010

    The Personal Testimony of a School Teacher on the Failing Educational System

    Right off the bat let me tell you about myself. My credentials – a black recently retired PE teacher of 40 years in the Hartford, Connecticut public school system. I was raised in a large inner city of Washington D.C. and educated in the public school system. I possess a Bachelors and Masters Degree and am a “people person” who loves teaching.

    I retired this past year with great disappointment and sadness for the public school system, the individual students, teachers and parents. The current education system is failing to do the job of educating our children. There are individual successes, but for the most part the successes are very few. If the educational system as a whole would be a lot better if they only choose to do what is right for our children, but they WILL NOT. Many, many harmful changes have accrued in the 40 years that I have taught. In this brief post I will attempt to state these changes that I have witnessed firsthand. First of all, may I testify to you that I have personally changed.

    The first 10 years of my teaching career I was neither a conservative nor patriotic and without the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior. It was not until I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior that I saw things for what they were and how they should be (Eph 2:1-10). It has been my personal relationship with Him that has absolutely changed my life and opened my eyes to the realities of this world(1 Cor. 1:30)!

    The public school system as a whole is not winning. It starts at the top - the superintendent - on down. To be successful in this arena one must stay on track and be focused to win. One must not succumb to the “system” and its politics. The doctrine of social promotion is basically a losing policy. Students know that after a certain number of years and little or no work - or even poor attendance - that they will still be promoted to the next grade. How is this naive and slothful ideal for our children’s future to motivate and encourage someone to succeed? It doesn’t! It ruins them and removes the personal responsibility and motivation from these children to succeed. There are many teachers who feel sorry for these students, but in the end they allow them to slide on through to the next grade washing their hands of the matter blaming the system for the injustice. Most of these children will fail down the road. In the end, who loses? The children do.

    The Discipline Disaster

    The decline in discipline is a tremendous problem. With the disintegration of the family unit these children are already with their backs against the wall. The majority of them lack the guidance of a father and mother to give them disciple and direction. The Superintendents also choose to ignore this grievous problem. Administrators like to pass the buck onto the teaching staff. Many of the current administrators today do not have the respect and proper reverence of the students. The Teaching staffs – because of this environment - are frustrated and totally demoralized. The student’s attitude is “since there is no accountability why should we bother to do right?” The repeat offenders continue to go on doing their thing with no consequences of discipline to follow. Police officers are now assigned to the middle schools and high schools to maintain order and prevent violence. The charter and magnet schools have the privilege to remove the repeat offenders and transfer them out of their schools. Where do you think that these repeat offenders from the magnet and charter schools then go? That’s right. They are placed right back to our regular public schools. The school security guards are totally frustrated with the lack of support from the administration to deal with these repeat offenders. Through the years I’ve talked with several principals, assistant superintendents, and union leaders regarding the concerns about the lack of discipline and nothing ever gets done. Sadly, it will take something serious to happen before anything substantial is done. The education system has placed on it’s teachers a “gag order” from talking to the media and press. We are told NOT to voice our concerns to them unless we get permission from “Downtown”. My friends, you can just imagine why there is such a gag order imposed. The educational leadership wants to squash and suppress any reality and truth that might be damaging to them and to their educational physod.

    If there was a strong code of discipline in place that was effective, quick, constant and firm - this would solve the majority of these problems. The students would know that they were to be held accountable for their personal actions and the consequences would follow them. Right now the consequences for the misbehaving students are weak and unstable. Again, if strong discipline was supported and enforced by the educational administration this would greatly enhance the teaching atmosphere and the efficiency of the current dilapidated education system.

    No Leaders to Lead and Moral Decline

    There is no current strong visionary leadership to be found today in the educational system. Nowadays the administrators are nothing more than useful tools or little puppets (“bobble heads”) at the superintendent’s disposal. There once was a day when strong leaders use to listen to their staff’s concerns and dealt with these situations right away. They had a personal bond with their teaching staff and sought the betterment for the students and the educational system as a whole. Whatever needed to be done, they took care of it, and the staff willingly followed. Past administrators used to support the staff in difficult situations, but today they have succumbed to the fear of the superintendent and the losing of their job if they choose to support their staff and not the administration. Yesterday, creativity of teachers was encouraged, but now there is a widening divide between the administration and the teaching staff and parents. For the system to work effectively, good leadership and mutual support among educational professionals is essential. My personal observation over the years is that this relationship is in total collapse.

    The moral decline in the public educational system today is very evident. Political Correctness, relativism, profanity, blaspheming the Lord’s name, teaching the use of condoms and clean needles, filthy sexual language, etc., is common practice. Graffiti is prevalent everywhere. All one has to do is to walk through the halls to see the current decay. Try scheduling a visit and walk around a school unannounced. I seriously doubt if you will be allowed to do so, but if you are able to, talk to the custodians, security guards, cafeteria workers and substitute teachers. They will testify to the collapse of order and structure to be found in these intuitions of “learning”. I have personally seen disruptive students placed -swept under the rug - into disclosed locations to be concealed from the view of visiting administrators. Why the fear? Why hide the problems? There is no reality to be found in the delusional bizaaro world educational system of today.

    Additional money for education is not needed. Too much of it is already being squandered on worthless programs that will never work or help the students. Much of it goes to the creation of mediocre jobs that are totally unnecessary. These newly created jobs are usually administrative ones found downtown. One example of wasteful spending is the computers that these schools possess. For instance, computers are not even being repaired with spare parts. These computers are just put aside and eventually thrown away. There is not even an attempt to do so. There is no appreciation at all found for teaching resources, the tax payer and the tax payer’s money. How can the educational system be effective when it take everyone and everything for granted?

    More Issues Clouding the Picture

    The teacher unions of today refuse to listen or act on the concerns of its members. They used to be attentive, but they are no different today than a political party seeking votes on Election Day. Once they have your vote you are ignored until the next election. They are extremely liberal and socialistic. They practice, promote and push a P.C. agenda on its teachers and members. The political correctness of today is murdering the current education system of today by the suppressing of truth and promoting a false reality.

    There are still many great teachers and eager students in the public education system. Students that want to learn can learn. The teachers want to teach, but the administrators are not people persons. They have geared themselves only for the teaching of the CMT (Connecticut Mastery Test), which is in their view all important. Their only concern and goal is centered in achieving these high test results. This process is called “teaching for the test.” My friend, whatever ever happened to teaching and educating the student? The main focus and drive of today’s teachers is to obtain a high CMT score. The results of this practice are not in the best educational interest of the student.

    The students’ parents are essential for the school system to run effectively. Good parents want only the best for their children. A great many teachers want the best for their students also. The “old school approach” use to be that you taught the student as if he/ she were your own child, but teachers today are instructed to “low key” the problems and just "teach' the students in light of them. The parents actually have more power than they ever use. They have been turned off and discouraged by the bureaucracy of the failing school system. This system has become these parents “sugar daddy.” The nanny-state socialistic ideology and mindset is: “We can take better care of your child than you ever could – we are the professionals - so get out of the way”. Unfortunately many do because it is convenient for them to do so. These give over their children and responsibilities to the state. For example - These days, note how early in age the system wants to start educating your child. The public educational system seeks to offer and provide for these children free lunches, health clinics, p.c. social instruction, after school programs and so on. These socialists personally believe they can provide for your child better than you (the parent) ever could! They take this responsibility on themselves to dilute parental authority and advance their agenda of total government control over every area and facet of our lives. Notice how they seek to do this indoctrination first with our children.

    The schools of the past use to be “real neighborhood schools” in which everyone in a particular neighborhood went to the same public school. The communities of old were tightly knit and looked out for one another more or less, but in today’s educational system students are now being bussed into magnet schools to get a “better” education. When one reflects on the current busing mentality, it is an absolute insult to be bussed out of your community and into another. What one is unknowingly communicating to that child is that they are unable to learn effectively in their own community and own neighborhood. What is crucially needed today is to strengthen and encourage the parents and these communities to work together with the educational system and to demand a better education in one’s own neighborhood. This would increase the quality of education in more places and reduce the need for magnet schools and more busing.

    Today there are countless obstacles that are in place to detour progress such as endless paper work and meaningless meetings. These feel good and worthless meetings should be more beneficial and relevant to the needs of the failing school system. However, they are not. Teachers and parents should be allowed to have more say and input but the educational machine is out of control and too despotic to ever allow that. If these meetings are in anyway to be beneficial to the students; teachers and parents must have an input into the equation. All we as teachers want to do today is to teach the children and have the educational system provide us the basic “common sense” tools that we need to do so. Again, we find more good intentions and another pipe dream that will never take place.

    The Break Down of the Family and the Fading Old Ways

    The students of today - because of the break down of the family and social order - possess a higher amount of social and psychological problems then ever before. The current school system is not equipped to handle these problems and still effectively teach the student. “Special needs” students are further hampered by the inclusion policy put in place by the educational system. The inclusion policy enforced by the education system lacks the individual, i.e., “one-on-one” time with a teacher that is essential to help these students succeed. These students need more individualized time with their teachers, and because they do not get this added attention they also become frustrated and become disorderly. The healthy students are frustrated also because they are missing out on learning from having to wait on the teacher tending to the special needs students. In this endless cycle it is easy to see how this idle down time caused by the back and forth interactions between students creates more disruptions and problems in the classroom. The current classroom size increases do not help these special needs students affected by this inclusion policy, they just escalate them.

    Today, patriotism (nationalism) and our Judean/ Christian heritage are going by the wayside at an alarming rate. The question needs to be asked, “Are we the United States of America or a socialistic state requiring diversity?” Whatever happened to the traditional Easter and Christmas recess? It has been overthrown and replaced with a secular title of Spring break and Winter break. In all my 40 plus years of teaching I never could imagine going to school on Veteran’s Day until recently. There is absolutely no respect for tradition, i.e., the “old ways.” The Pledge of Allegiance use to mean something to the teachers and students, but now it is a ritual of the past. Could this be because it contains those taboo words, “under God?” There is absolutely no respect for the American flag or our veterans to be found.

    There used to be a commitment to teaching excellence practiced by those in the profession. I have been looked at by many of my acquaintances today as insane for being a public educator for 40 plus years. When I first started teaching, it was not like that. We enjoyed our job and our students. We used to look forward to going to school each day, but while the secular liberal system has succeeded in beating out of us the love of our job, it hasn’t yet beaten out of us the love of our students. Today many young teachers get overwhelmed by the failing educational system of the inner-city schools. They are greatly discouraged by this frightful monster and have chosen to leave the inner city to teach in less stressful suburban schools. I cannot blame them.

    The public school system of old once embraced patriotism, conservative ideals, and allegiance to God and country but unfortunately those day are long gone and have been taken over by socialistic liberals and leftist ideology. By this Leftist ideology take over, the ramifications have been devastating on our societies, students and the public education system as a whole. They are dark days indeed.

    What Is Needed Today

    There exist numerous choices in magnet / charter schools having different themes. The gifted students are not challenged in their own neighborhood schools, and as a result they go to a charter or magnet school for a richer education. Each school should have its own gifted students program so that others could strive for this mastery also. If the Public Educational system would “raise the bar” for the gifted students, the other students would also benefit from this lift.

    More “hands on” subjects or vocational (trade) schools are needed for middle school students. This includes academics that will help the students to realize the benefits of the three “R’s” (reading, writing and arithmetic). Due to budget cuts though, these kinds of classes are being eliminated. For example, the courses which have been cut have been - Technology Education, Family Consumer Science, Art, Music, Band, Physical Education., Computer Repair, etc. The current educational system DOES NOT look on these subjects as vitally important to its student population, but these classes at least would have provided students with a useful trade and practice to help them in their future.

    One’s Personal Evaluation and Reflection

    Again, my heart personally goes out to those teachers, students, and parents that are oppressed and snared in the current liberal-driven public educational system in America, which is undeniably failing. Just look at the stats on the education system since school prayer was removed in 1962 from school.

    In light of these things, one should ask these personal questions: “Where is my starting point?” “Where is the starting point (foundation) and the future in light of the current public school system?” I have personally found my personal starting point in the Person of Almighty God. He alone is my sanity in light of the insanity of the Public School System. If you are a public school teacher or administrator or someone who just breathes air, and Almighty God is not your starting point, then you will NEVER make it, my friend. NEVER! The current system is geared for failure, not success. IT IS ALL HEADING TO A GREAT GLOBAL TRIBULATION AND FINAL JUDGEMENT OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Matt 24, Rev 13)! That is the reality my friends.

    The public educational system of today and its delusional aspirations will never strengthen your heart or give you hope. The realities of the current situation will only drive you to despair. There is no hope to be found in the public educational system of today for the future of our youth. There is only one place to look. This hope is only found in Almighty God and in His Son Jesus Christ. We live in precarious times. Whom will you serve? Whom do you choose? May your choice be found in the Great Educator of Life (Matthew 11:25-30; 1 Cor.1:30). Christ alone will set you free from the delusional thinking of our current day and its devastating effect on our youth and culture (John 8:32, 36). As I reflect over the last 40 years of teaching He has been my sanity and hope as this godless world system implodes on it’s self do to the ravishings of sin and lawlessness (Romans 1:18-32). He has personally set me free and has given me the hope for a bright shiny future for tomorrow ( ). May you also place your trust in Him today - you will never be the same!

    “Be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:24)

    The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    JET/DJP I.F.

    The Gospel of John Challenge

    Edited by BEL I.F.


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    Name: The Ignorant Fishermen
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    About Me: I've been saved for 17 years. I am excited about Almighty God and His great plan for all found in Jesus Christ. I currently have a blog..The Ignorant Fishermen which looks at current events and other topics from the position and eyes of God's Holy Wo... more

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