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    Mel's Odd Stuff
          Just a bunch of odds and ends. Life is strange sometimes, so this will probably be strange, too...

    Thu, Jul 26th - 11:09AM

    Breakfast of Champions

    Hello all,

    Just thought it was important to share:

    I didn't have breakfast before leaving for work this morning.

    I just ate a "Bill Cosby Breakfast" that someone so graciously gave to me.

    What is that?

    Chocolate Cake!

    The Lord Will Provide.



    Comment (5)

    Tue, Jul 24th - 11:37AM

    Too Much to Follow

    I have to admit, I have wanted to post something, but because of all the noise, much of what I have to say needs to be evaluated.  I am struggling even now, to figuratively, 'tame my tongue' and not to say anything harmful.

    I am sorry.  I don't have time to do that right now.  So I am somewhat quiet.

    However, enough of what I see can be covered and must be covered.

    I had misunderstandings with jetaime, but on each occassion, I was able to muddle though and we seemed to be able to get past it.  That she has specific ideas about her own blog is fair.  That I often ignore protocol goes without saying.  It was inevitable that we should cross wires and make sparks fly.

    However, I was thick skinned about it.  Trust me, I need to be and have had much practice in this.  Things said on this site pale in comparison to what I have endured outside of here.  I even let go things that some might think I should not let go of.  We'll talk no further of that.  It is gone.  It is best to forget it.

    Jetaime did say something seemingly crossing a line of sorts.  Calling a curse is not unheard of.  Examine scripture and you will see it even in the New Testament.  My discernement is that it was probably not called for.  Yet, I am not condemning her for that, because simply driving to work someone can upset me enough to cause me to think similar things and even verbalize it on rare occassions.  I am usually immediately penitent of that, although sometimes my mad is still boiling and I find my flesh won't let me get there.  So I do not judge or withhold my fellowship.  I am a bit withdrawn and wary maybe, but I need to give her time to repent and/or me time to understand.  We jump quickly on others.  What, then, is the sin that lingers in us longer than our patience for others?

    God is patient.  We need to learn that ourselves.  Therre are times for action.  There are times to be still and smile gratefully at those who insult you and may even strike you.  You are blessed because of that.  Believe it and you will do better with these things.  My faith in this is tested often and grows greatly.  I am weak elsewhere, but taking insults for Christ, even from my brothers and sisters, that I can do with great joy, even if it is in great pain.

    Trust me.  None of us is righteous on the basis of what we do.  Not one but Jesus Christ.  To do what some will do is like saying "I am right" and defending that on what you do and not what Christ did for you.  Paul weeps for the Jews who were doing this in his time.  Can you not tell that?  Can you not weep with him?

    This hurts more than anything.  Please step back breath slowly and deeply and pray.  Ask for wisdom and the humilty to accept it.  I don't need to agree with you, but I must with Christ.  Please agree with him so that this pain may be lifted.

    In Christ's Great Sorrow,


    Comment (8)

    Wed, Jul 18th - 12:20PM

    Just an observation

    I think that when we have damage in our own lives, it is that very same damage in others' lives that we can see so very easily.  We are intimately aware of that particular failing's hallmarks.  I think in a way we are trying to justify ourselves when we see someone else struggling with the same weaknesses as we do.  We magnify their damage in some sort of sick attempt to diminish our own.  I really think this is what 'the log and the speck' is all about.  If we are still struggling with something, the best we can do is share it openly in our life, not point it out in others.  Somewhere there is a scripture about strong brothers (and sisters) gently restoring a person who is stumbling and trapped in sin.  I don't think it means they never struggled with what they are dealing with, just that they currently do not.  The context might point this out, but I am not sure.  I have not the time to search this out.  I think it is in a letter to one of the churchs.  Maybe someone else would be so kind to do so and share either here or on their own blog? (with a ref to their blog here)

    In Thanks,


    Comment (9)

    Tue, Jul 10th - 12:51PM

    Five things about me (maybe I should have made it seven?)

    Jon asked for this, and I think it a reasonable request:

    1)      I am a wargamer that often plays under the name of Jason Clearbrook.  I like to think that my name is good, but like anything, I am certain that there are those who hold me in low regard.

    2)      My study habits are quite simple.  I read while I am on the train coming to work.  That is my quiet/study time.  Currently, I am doing the one year bible (new testament only) in the New Living Translation.  My preferred version is the NIV, but I really have nothing against most mainstream translations.  My basis for not getting too crazy into the ‘this translation is the best’ thing is a simple observation of quotes in the New Testament.  They refer to things of the Old Testament and I see how they can vary from the original in exact wording, (and in fact must, since they are usually in a different language) but carry the same essential meaning as well as we are capable of understanding it.  That is enough for me.

    3)      My favorite colors are Red and Black.  My most comfortable colors are Blue and Green, so it is nice that Air Force uniforms are these colors.  It makes me more comfortable in them.

    4)      I spent two and a half years at the United States Air Force Academy.  Although I at various times was on almost every probation list they had, I was a self initiated elimination.  I quit.  I was a Centurion, which means I did (in my case well) over 100 tours, which was a punishment that consisted of marching for 1 hour a pattern of squares with a rifle on your shoulder in your best uniform guarding ---- nothing at all.  I was also a Guardian of The High Frontier.  I did over 100 confinements which is 1 and a half hours of sitting in your room awake in your best uniform.  You could study.  You could listen to music.  You just couldn’t leave or sleep.  Do that for 12 hours in a day and you will go stir crazy.  I was a leader of Spirit Missions, which meant I led in ways that could get me in more trouble.  I was best suited for these duties, because no one else wanted to take the burden of these should they get caught.  It would take a while to explain this fully.  The long and the short is this:  Legally, these Spirit Missions were wrong in some way and outlawed in many cases.  In truth, they were an essential part of Esprit de Corps.  My personality and position meshed with this perfectly.  A dim reflection of parts of the body that I see clearer than most.

    5)      I take oaths very seriously.  I do not expect a person to break one unless released by the person they made it to.  One of the ones I have taken a few times is the Oath of Enlistment.  Read it sometime and you might begin to understand what I have sworn to do, and try with all my frail might to accomplish.

    Comment (12)

    Mon, Jul 9th - 7:37PM

    Just a thought...

    If you don't find the time to do it right the first time, when will you have time to go back and do it again?


    Comment (5)

    Fri, Jul 6th - 4:08PM

    A 4th of July Pondering...

    In a way, you can blame Jon for this.  He asked a question that started me thinking this way:

    In what way does a soldier create?  What, if anything, does he or she create?   At what price?   Is it worth it?   If so, what makes it worth it?

    This is the general tread of my thoughts...

    I am still thinking on this one, or I would have posted more.  But I hae questions more than answers at this point...

    In Christ,


    Comment (8)

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    About Me

    Name: Mel Miller
    ChristiansUnite ID: lylejr
    Member Since: 2005-09-28
    Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I've been a christian for some time, but squandered my time and talents 'in a foreign land' I have been in the military (active and reserves) for 33 years. (now retired) I have two lovely daughters, and life seems to often be strange to me.

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