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    A Godly View of the World
          Retiredrev's Personal Viewpoint

    Sun, Jul 29th - 4:00PM

    Jesus Restores the Lost Sinner Back to God

    The well known Presbyterian preacher of the 1930s and 40s, Peter Marshall, once made a statement that emphasizes the work and ministry of Jesus Christ. The once chaplain of the U. S. Senate said that "Jesus came to save from the guttermost to the uttermost". I don’t know if the phrase was his creation or if he got it from someone he had heard. I’ve heard other preachers use the statement and I’ve read where yet others used it.

    Peter Marshall, and others, were simply explaining the love of our Lord’s willingness to save those who are in the gutters of our world and also those who live in the upper most crust of society. They were affirming that the lost sinner on skid row is no worse off than is the sinner living on prosperity avenue, nor is the sinner on prosperity avenue any better off than the sinner on skid row. All need salvation.

    In my sermon on Sunday July 29th, and in this article, I make a slight twist in the use of the before mentioned statement. I want to emphasis to believers that we have been saved from the gutter of sin to ministry avenue in the world. The enemy of Jesus can be taken from the gutter of sin and made to become a minister of Jesus on the highway of life.

    Paul wrote about reconciliation in his letter to the church at Colossia. A heresy was being taught by false teachers. They said that the body was evil and none spiritual, therefore God could in no way live in a human, evil body. To dismiss the fact that people saw him, it was said that Jesus only appeared to be present in the body, but in fact, really wasn’t! Thus, Paul pointed out the reaffirmation of John’s Gospel of chapter one. Paul wrote that all things were by him, through Him, and for Him (Col. 1:15-18).

    Then in verse 19, he wrote "For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile everything to Himself by making peace through the blood of His cross — whether things on earth or things in heaven" (v. 19-20).

    The church was reminded that God reconciled the world of sinful people to Himself through Jesus Christ. Reconcile means to restore. That reconciliation was absolutely needed if human beings ever hoped for Heaven. The race of humanity became fallen in sin in the Garden of Eden when Eve and then Adam disobeyed the command of God. The result of that act brought judgement upon the whole human race. From that moment forward, those born to women, have come with the curse of judgement. When the law is broken, a penalty is attached to the lawbreaker. So it is with breaking God’s law, the penalty is eternal separation from God in a place described as Hell.

    The only way for man to escape the penalty was to have the perfect sacrifice cover the sin. The blood of animals was used to cover over man’s sin throughout the Old Testament. But the New Testament, or covenant, was the era of hope. Jesus the perfect Son of God came to be the perfect Lamb of God to take away the guilt of sin.

    Why was and is that blood necessary today? Because the offspring of Adam is alienated from God. People can have everything needed to sustain life. Good jobs, homes, health, families — yet still missing the most important thing for life: a new birth that can only be achieved in Jesus Christ.

    Mankind was also hostile to or enemies of God. Still are! When lost in sin, you were also alienated from God and an enemy of God. Now that you are saved, let your light shine and become the ministers you are called to become.

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    Sun, Jul 22nd - 4:55PM

    There Is Great News Today

    Much of the news reaching our ears isn’t pleasant. The drumbeat of war continues to loom upon the horizon. Just as the Bible declares, there will be wars and rumors of wars until the end of time. There are reports of murder, rape, robbery, child molestations, abandoned children, incest, bestiality, and a long list of other nauseating acts of sin.

    Have you ever heard about or read the number of stories of husbands killing their wives or wives having their husbands murdered? Have you ever witnessed so many divorce cases as are being handled by our legal system? News is often bad.

    If that’s what turns you on, then leave immediately and go to some other location in the paper. I’m sure you will find enough of what it takes to satisfy your craving. But I want to share with you some great news. My space is limited so I’ll have to hit the high points. The good news which I’m sharing comes from the Bible, God’s Holy Word. It is the good news of God’s love and forgiveness.

    John wrote about one of Jesus’ experiences in the forth chapter of his Synoptic gospel. The ministry of Jesus was becoming more and more popular. People were hearing Him and becoming believers. Many were being baptized as a result of His messages. The disciples were baptizing the new converts.

    The 4th verse has an interesting sentence. It begins, "He had to travel through Samaria, . . ." (HCSB) to get to Galilee. Anyone looking at a map of the life and times of Jesus, will see that Judea is directly south of Galilee. The straight route would indeed carry Him right through Samaria.

    But the custom of the day would cause a true Jewish individual to take the long route around Samaria, across the Jordan River, then northward, carrying them around the country. That route would normally be taken because Samaria was considered a land of half breeds. It was largely occupied by Jews who had intermarried with Gentiles. So, there was a distinct hatred by the Jews of the Samaritans.

    The statement, "had to travel", is translated similarly by other translators of the scriptures. But the sense of the necessity wasn’t because of travel, but because of an inner compulsion in the heart of our Lord. There was a need to be met in Samaria before arriving at Galilee. That need turns out to be a Samaritan women at Jacob’s well near Sychar.

    First off, it wasn’t typical custom for a man to talk with a woman in public. It was less likely for a Jewish man to talk with a Samaritan woman. But this is the mission which compelled Jesus to go the least likely route, certainly the most unpopular route.

    At the well, Jesus took an earthly illustration and expounded a spiritual truth. That illustration was water. The human body needs water for survival. But there isn’t any source which can produce a liquid which can provide a permanent solution for one’s thirst. But Jesus told the woman that He could give her water which would do just that very thing. In fact, it would produce "a well of water springing up within . . ." (v. 14). Hers, as well as the thirst in the heart of every lost person, is hope beyond the grave. And Jesus was telling the woman that He was that hope and so He is for all who are lost today.

    The good news is that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son to die on the place call Calvary for the sin of the world. All who turn to Him in faith receive a life changing experience. If your life hasn’t changed — a different talk, a different walk — then you haven’t received the living water which changes the harlot into a saint, the gambler to a walk of faith, the booze head to a clear thinking follower of Jesus Christ. The good news is: Jesus seeks to save the lost!

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    Sun, Jul 15th - 11:55PM

    Praying For Blessings or For Trials

    Peter wrote in his first letter, ". . . the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ"(1:7 NAS). Tested faith strengthens living faith. It must be tested to prove it is genuine. It will be tested in order for it to become stronger.

    I realize none of us wishes for the kind of trial required to develop spiritual muscles, yet there is no other way this can be done. Strong faith isn’t produced with a quick fix. There are no faith-strength spiritual pills.

    The body builder is required to push against strong resistance in order for the body muscle to develop. In like manner, the spiritual life must push against resistance which comes through trials. It is easy to laugh, show a happy spirit, be faithful to the Lord’s house and His day when life is rosy. But when trials come, we often fail the test and thereby fail to grow in spiritual strength.

    A couple of weeks back I went out to the Progress Baptist Church to help in their revival effort. On the way over from Gloster, on Sunday morning, I noticed along the way scores of people who were planning their day without the Lord. There were boats being pulled by trucks, four-wheelers carrying their loads, yards being cut, and numerous other activities along the way. Sunday, the Lord’s Day, wasn’t their day for church going, that was evidenced by their dress and activities. I’ve seen this same picture on other occasions as I traveled to various churches on Sunday mornings.

    I’m sure that many of these folk are good, caring individuals. I’m sure some of them are members of a local church, some perhaps fairly regular in their attendance. But I also understand that they were unaware that God is going to send trials in their path in an attempt to strengthen their faith and in an attempt to reclaim them to faithful service. And I’m almost positive that the old "ox in the ditch" tale is repeated on occasions.

    The Bible does teacher the lesson of the oxen in the ditch on the Sabbath (which is the day of rest for Old Testament folk, among which our Lord lived until His death and resurrection). Jesus taught the people, when that is the case, the ox should be helped out of the ditch, even on the day of rest. Most oxen in ditches which I’ve encountered through the years are those which were pushed in! Truth is, there wouldn’t be as many oxen in ditches if Christians didn’t put them there!

    Those who use this excuse, without reason to do so, are Christians who become weaker in the faith and not stronger. Lifestyles won’t be strengthened. Language won’t change. And witness will become less effective.

    "That the proof of your faith . . .", which Peter penned, helps believers to realize that tested faith produces stronger and more faithful Christians. Any true believer, who has passed the times of trial successfully, is concerned about the influence they show to people around them. Successful trials will produce more witness and more faithfulness to the Lord’s Day and opportunities to gather together for worship, fellowship, prayer, and Bible preaching and study.

    Next time you are tempted by Satan to do your own thing without any regard to God’s wishes or will, say no to him and yes to what you know as a believer you should do. It’s strange that most of our church members think they get enough spiritual food in one hour a week that will help them overcome hundreds of hours and numerous temptations. But that is what is happening all over our area.

    Perhaps instead of rain, we should pray for trials. Instead of blessings, perhaps we should ask for spiritual strengthening tests! What do you think?

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    Sun, Jul 8th - 5:46PM

    Remission of Sin Is Offered Through Jesus

    Salvation is the experience of a lifetime! Furthermore, it is the experience of eternity. Without it, life beyond the grave is nothing short of eternal separation from God and all that is Godly. The destination is a place of choice by the individual who ends up there in Hell’s misery.

    The Bible declares that not everyone who says they have experienced salvation have indeed really been saved. Jesus said, "On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?’ Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you! Depart from Me, you lawbreakers!’ (Mt. 7:22-23).

    But for those of us who have experienced the saving grace of our Lord, have received the remission of sins. Do we understand that awesome, inspiring word’s meaning? So we have received the remission of our sins. That moment of salvation was an experience we can never forget. And we should desire to know more about it, what it means, and what really happens when salvation is experienced. I want to try and reveal just what remission means to those of us who believe.

    The word remission means release or forgiveness. It is frequently used in the King James version of the Bible. The newer translations use another phrase and are sometimes ridiculed for doing so. There is a verse in the Bible that makes the meaning clear and that verse is in Romans: "God presented Him as a propitiation through faith in His blood, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His restraint God passed over the sins previously committed. He presented Him to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be righteous and declare righteous the one who has faith in Jesus" (Rom. 3:25-26). A deeper look at this verse doesn’t punish the newer translations but we see how they indeed clarify what remission is in the experience of salvation.

    We learn from those folk who study the Greek New Testament that the word the King James Bible translates as remission, means to overlook. In this case, in the scripture above, taken from the Holman Christian Standard Version, has translated that Greek word as "God passed over the sins previously committed". The NIV Bible translates it in this manner: God leaving "the sins committed beforehand unpunished".

    His remission, or looking over our sin, is His forgiveness. But that forgiveness is connected to another wonderful scriptural term — repentance. Meaning that when the sinner repents [turns from sin in broken spirit before the Lord] of his or her sin, then God the Father looks upon Jesus His Son who is the propitiation [offering for atonement] for everyone who comes to Him by faith.

    The awesome reality is that sin which sets out to destroy souls in an eternal Hell no longer has any power over a believer’s eternal destination. We, as individuals, can never undo the fact that we are spiritual law breakers. And nothing we can do will ever make us perfect again in His sight. But there is one hope for all mankind. There is one way to escape the fiery pits of a devil’s Hell. That way is the Mercy Seat of the offering God laid out on Calvary some 2,000 years ago. His name is Jesus.

    Now see the text: "God presented Him [Jesus] as a propitiation [offering for atonement] through faith in His [Jesus’] blood, to demonstrate His [God’s] righteousness, because in His restraint God passed over [forgave, released] the sins previously committed". This is in no way a licence for inclusion of every belief and every lifestyle. God’s grace and mercy is extended to those who repent [change directions].

    How horrible it is to see people say no to such love and compassion from Creator God.

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    Mon, Jul 2nd - 12:29AM

    The Bridegroom’s Return Could Be At Any Moment

    The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25, 1-13, is a warning to all of us to be ready when the bridegroom comes. The wedding having been performed at the home of the bride, the bridegroom now takes his bride into the banquet hall and all who are prepared goes in to enjoy the festivities and food.

    This parable is about ten young unmarried girls who could have all gone in and enjoyed the reception. Five of the young women, knowing that the bridegroom could come at any moment, made sure they had enough oil for their lamps so they could see the way to the reception room. The other five knew he could come at any time but delayed in making their preparations. After finding oil and trimming their lamps, they discovered the door to the banquet had been closed and they could not get in.

    That’s the way it’s going to be when Jesus comes back to the earth. Some people are going to be ready to meet Him and go into the banquet hall with Him while others will be unprepared at His coming.

    The million dollar question from the lips of multitudes of believers is when is Jesus coming back? It’s like if only they knew when, they would know when to clean up their lives.

    Jesus said that no one knows when the end will be. That is left into the Father’s timing. He alone knows when and He isn’t saying. Signs around the world certainly seem to point to a soon coming. But that can’t be said with absolute certainty.

    So, when is He coming back to the world and bring an end to evil? In first Thessalonians 5:2, Paul tells us that His coming is "as a thief in the night". In other words, His coming will be at a time when He is least expected. With tongue in cheek we could conclude that His coming will be on Wednesday night. That’s when it seems most people least expect Him.

    Truth is, His coming for you and or for me might take place in the next few moments. He could call us out of this world through the doorway of death. On the other side of that door, there is no opportunity to decide which direction you are going. That decision is made while you live on this side of death’s doorway.

    Then, of course, Jesus’ second coming might take place at any time. For the child of God, that could be the rapture of the church into the presence of the bridegroom who is Jesus Christ. The same truth as before holds at this point also. After the rapture, its too late for decision making. If you are left behind, too bad!

    That leaves me to say there will be three kinds of people waiting for the Bridegroom to come. When He comes, there will be a waiting people. Folk who have come to know and love the Lord are waiting their passage out of this world. The more I read the newspapers and hear the television newscasts, the more I long for the exit sign. All the bad news presses us to desire the golden streets of glory.

    When He, the Bridegroom, comes, there will be a joyous people. The five wise virgins in the story sighted in Matthew rejoiced to see the bridegroom and they lit their lamps and they shined brightly as they joyfully entered the banquet hall. When an individual really meets Jesus, that person’s life glows with the glory of Heaven.

    When He comes, there will be a sadden people. The unwise virgins begged for some oil. They were saddened because they could not enter into the banquet hall for the festivities. So it will be at the end of the age. Some will rejoice, others will be saddened, while there are those today just waiting to enter into His eternal rest. In which group are you?

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    Name: Odus Jackson
    ChristiansUnite ID: retiredrev
    Member Since: 2006-02-25
    Location: Gloster, Mississippi, United States
    Denomination: Southern Baptist
    About Me: I was born July 13th, 1936. Married to Peggy Ann Lewis of Gloster. Two children, a girl and a boy. Four grandchildren, 2 girls and 2 boys. Will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in 2007. Retired from active pastor of local churches in 1998 after... more

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