Sat, Jun 24th - 12:59PM
Alone with Jesus
"But you, when you pray, go into your room and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly" .... Matthew 6:6 NKJV
I love my family and friends, but when I'm alone with Jesus there is a joy in my heart that cannot be put into words. I long to know Him better with each passing day. I try to always say and do things that I know will make Him happy but; being human, I fail Him. I'm glad He knows my heart, my every thought and how much I love Him.
It is a privilege to fellowship with Jesus. It's something I don't take lightly. I can't just put Him on a shelf and take Him down when I want something. If I don't talk to Him on a daily basis, then I don't have the right to ask Him for anything. I praise Him continually ~ He is as He should be: my first priority. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. He is the beautiful rose of Sharon. He suffered, bled and died for me. There is no one like Jesus! Nobody else will ever love us like He does.
Do you spend time alone with Jesus? Is He the first priority in your life? Have you given your heart and your life to the Savior of the world? Jesus loves you so much that he spread His arms and died for you. Do you know Him?
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Thu, Jun 22nd - 12:02PM
The Struggle
"In the last days perilous times will come" . . . . 2 Timothy 3:1
Have you ever heard someone say that if you just trust Jesus, He'll solve all your problems and you'll float through life with riches and peace?
If that were the way God planned it for the people who serve Him, then what was Paul's problem? After his conversion, he was as godly as they come, yet he had problems galore. He was one of the greatest missionaries of all time ~ and what did he get for his trouble? Beaten up. Arrested. Nearly drowned. Run out of town.
Look at Joseph, Abraham, Job, Jeremiah, Peter ~ godly men one and all. Yet they all faced dangers and trouble none of us will ever see. So why the struggle? Why is it that tragedy strikes Christians with the same blunt force that it strikes an atheist? Why are we not exempt from natural disasters, serious illness, and misunderstanding?
Somehow, in God's way of making things work out, our troubles advance His Kingdom and purpose (Romans 8:28). Our task is to glorify God, no matter what the circumstances. If we do, our struggle can direct others to the Savior as we make our way to the ultimate reward in Heaven. God allows trials in our lives, not to impair us but to improve us.
Comment (3)
Mon, Jun 19th - 1:12PM
Tears In Heaven
"God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There will be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Rev. 21:4
In 1991 Eric Clapton was stricken with grief when his 4-year-old son Conor died as a result of a fall from an apartment window. Looking for an outlet for his sorrow, Clapton wrote perhaps the most poignant ballad ever written: "Tears In Heaven". It seems that every note weighs heavy with the sense of pain and loss that can be understood only by a parent who has lost a child.
Surprisingly, however, Clapton said in a television interview years later, "In a sense, it wasn't a sad song. It was a song of belief. When it (says that) there will be no more tears in heaven, I think it's a song of optimism~of reunion." (emphasis mine)
The thought of heavenly reunion is powerful. For everyone who has trusted Jesus Christ for salvation, there is the hope that we will be reunited forever in a place where "God will wipe away every tear from our eyes". And, most of all, it's a place where we will "see His face" and forever be with Christ Himself (Rev. 22:4).
In our times of loss and grief, of tears and sorrow, isn't it comforting to know that Christ has purchased for us a heavenly home where there will be no more tears? When God wipes away our tears, sorrow will give way to eternal song.
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Sun, Jun 18th - 6:29PM
Born A Maiden
I'll be restoring my maiden name beginning July, 2006. You'll see me as both Terri "Parker" (the name I'm changing) and as Terri "Medina" which is my Christian name from birth. I hope it doesn't get too confusing. In the interim, I'll remind you by using "Medina-Parker" until it's all legal. Of course,
I'll always be "TalkerCat"
Blessings ~
Terri Medina-Parker
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Sun, Jun 18th - 6:08PM
Brains Are Not Enough
"Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and did not fully follow the Lord" ~ 1 Kings 11:6
Why do smart people do not-so-smart things? Time after time I hear sad stories about people with high IQ's who fall short in the areas of moral discernment, leading to tragic results. Obviously, a good brain isn't enough to keep a person from making bad choices.
This contradicts the belief of some that better education can solve society's ills. The reasoning goes like this: "If we can educate someone about the dangers of (fill in the blank), they won't do 'it' and therefore be spared from unpleasant, unintended consequences." But experience and the Bible tell us something different. In fact, the smartest man who ever lived could serve as a poster boy for bad choices. Ancient Israel's King Solomon, author of much of the Book of Proverbs, wrote, "Keep your heart with all diligence" (4:23) and "Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding" (14:33). Despite knowing the connection between the heart and wisdom, the king disobeyed God by marrying foreign women who "turned his heart after other gods" (1 Kings 11:4). As a result, the Lord said, "I will surely tear the kingdom away from you" (v.11).
The ability to make good decisions demands a heart devoted to God. The smartest people know that God knows best.
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Wed, Jun 14th - 4:04PM
Free At Last
I am thrilled to finally be free from the abusive marriage I was in. For almost four years I was cursed, brow-beaten and called vile names. In some states (though not California where I'm from) I could have based my divorce on "mental and emotional cruelty". But here, I have to settle for a Dissolution of Marriage.
It got ugly folks. My soon-to-be ex-husband refused to let me keep the power lift I need to carry my motorized wheelchair ~ why? ....because, he said, he bought it. He also kept major assets ie: a pick up truck, household appliances and furnishings BUT it's all good! Because I'm free from HIM. I've moved into my mom's home and I'm not missing a thing! My wonderful family renovated their house to accomodate my medical needs and as far as being mobile, I simply us a manual chair whenever I have to go out.
I don't have to miss church functions anymore! I can go to fellowship any time I want! I can speak to and hug my Christian brothers without being accused of sleeping with them. Praise God! He lead me every step of the way . . . my path stayed clear and I'm in a safe place. Thank you all for your prayers and emotional support. I will resume my regular blog activity as soon as tomorrow.
Blessings ~
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