Wed, Jun 30th - 9:35AM
Constitutional Apostates of America - Elena Kagan and the American Left
As our country dangles over the precipice of judicial tyranny and lawlessness, President Obama’s appointee to the Supreme Court – Elena Kagan - is in the midst of her hearings this week. This is coming in the wake of a slim victory for the Second Amendment and Constitutional adhering Americans. It is no secret that Elena Kagan – a pure progressive and lawless secularist - is a staunch opponent of our Founding Fathers’ vision for America and its posterity that was founded on the solid bedrock of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. In light of their godless ideology (Romans 1:18-32), the Left generally rejects and despises these natural laws and sees them as fascist, tyrannical and oppressive. "The Left generally rejects and despises these natural laws and sees them as fascist, tyrannical and oppressive" These Natural Laws and moral absolutes were instilled at creation’s founding by the Creator, Almighty God. This indisputable truth for the genesis of earth, time and humankind gives the indispensable blueprint for Adam’s fallen race to live in harmony with his fellow man and environment (Deut. 4:6, 28:1-6, Prob 14:34, Psalm 1). These Natural Laws and moral absolutes transcend all human cultures, creeds, philosophies and national boundaries of the world’s nations and earth’s inhabitants. When these absolutes are embraced and followed by a nation and its citizens, there is to be found harmony, blessing and prosperity (Proverbs 14:34). . Our Founding Fathers uniquely comprehended this reality, and that is why there has NEVER been a nation on the face of this earth as the United Sates of America. The foundational seeds of America were planted in the Philadelphian Church Age of the Open Door (Rev. 3:7-8). In just a few hundred years no nation has sent out the gospel (1 Cor. 15:2-4), transformed the world, been such a beacon of hope for all the oppressed and a liberator of the inhabitants of tyrannical nations than the United States of America! . "The foundational seeds of America were planted in the Philadelphian Church Age of the Open Door (Rev. 3:7-8)" . We have spread liberty, human freedom and prosperity into all the earth by which many have been blessed. Have we been an absolutely perfect nation? Truly not, as a lot of America-haters and apostates love to point out. But our Founders’ ideals were perfect, and because we have followed these absolutes and ideals - to say even 50% to 70% at our best - we have been greatly blessed and have prospered as no gentile nation ever has. Even our so called “poor” are well taken care of, despite what the leftist, “victicrat” mantra repeats. These are fed and clothed; possess running water, toilets, electricity, shelter, TV’s, cell phones, cars and medical coverage. Where has that ever been the case in world history? Absolutely nowhere! The American Apostate Mindset
The apostate American Left of today holds the position that the Founding Fathers original intent for the Constitution was to be an “evolving” and “living” document to fit and conform to the hour and day which Americans are living in. As America has evolved into a lawless, narcissistic, decadent, immoral nation because of the ABANDONMENT of the ideals of our Founding Fathers (i.e., adhering to natural laws and moral absolutes), so the Left believes that the Constitution must also change due to the lawlessness practices of godlessness by many, and that the immoral decadence which exists be accommodated by its being called constitutional and normal. No matter how many people you can make agree that 2 + 2 = 5, it is still wrong, no matter how many math scholars and college professors you can win to your side. Absolutes are absolutes. Truth is truth. Morality transcends the vain imaginations of godless man, and natural laws must always prevail as they are relevant and absolute. This is always the reality, like it or not. . "the Left believes that the Constitution must also change due to the lawlessness practices of godlessness by many, and that the immoral decadence which exists be accommodated by its being called constitutional and normal" . My friends, nothing could be further from the truth and more damnable for a healthy society then this pluralistic and relative position. It is a damnable lie, and those who adhere to it will only reap the consequences of its poisonous fruit. Have we not as a nation reaped the whirlwind (tornado) of the abandonment of our Founding Fathers’ timeless wisdom and accurate insights? The rhetorical answer is yes, we absolutely have. These Constitutional apostates interpret the Constitution from a subjective, secular and lawless viewpoint based on their unbridled passions and emotionally dominant reasoning, which is contrary to the aforementioned Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. These subjective practitioners of lawlessness are quite easily offended when they are called into question about their anti-Natural Law positions to which they are completely enslaved. Have you ever noticed how liberals and progressives get offended quite easily when challenged on their anti-Constitutional perspective and lawless positions? They become enraged, spiteful and vindictive to any who try to point out to them the error of their way. What is at the root of their liberal, progressive ideology and secular adherence to the anti-Natural Law position is their subjective rejection of Almighty God and His moral absolutes instilled at the dawn of creation (Gen. 1:1-31). The height of this abandonment is founded in their practice of sexual deviance and the promotion of licentious behavior as normal and natural (Jude 1:10). Notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishing of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior? These seek to make such vices legal and normal by the marketing of them, and demonize any who voice a sound, moral stance against them. From sodomy to pedophilia, from infidelity to abortion, from the redefining of marriage and family to the war against abstinence and sound moral teachings, to the removal of personal accountability and responsibilities of the father, and to the elimination of fathers, these are the advocates of deviancy and the destroyers of historic American culture and society. . "Absolutes are absolutes. Truth is truth. Morality transcends the vain imaginations of godless man, and natural laws must always prevail as they are relevant and absolute" . Kagan fits this lawless secular mold to a tee and is in total lock-step with her President’s totalitarian demands and ambitions. She is the perfect candidate for any who adhere to the lawless practices of the secular progressive American Left. Like Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor, Kagan is the perfect constitutional apostate to promote the secularization of America and the removal of the fundamental mechanisms for maintaining the prosperity of American freedoms and liberties. It Will Be
No matter how much is revealed about Kagan’s anti-constitutional positions, in the end she will be accepted and approved to the Supreme Court. Many Republicans - who themselves are just fiscal conservatives and moderates - will vote for her approval. They are too afraid of losing their seat and would rather not offend anyone than to stand for our Founding Fathers’ ideals and the United States of America’s sacred document, the Constitution. As lawlessness abounds everywhere today in America and is accelerating at exponential speeds along with its horrific social consequences, may you be sure that your trust is in the Creator of all and the True Author of Liberty, the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Savior for all mankind! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! DJP I.F. Edit by BEL I.F.
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Thu, Jun 24th - 10:37PM
The Abandonment of Social Conservatism for Fiscal Conservatism
We citizens of America are in a fight for our life as a nation. Over the last 75 years we have witnessed a subtle and dramatic takeover of our Republic, which was founded on bedrock principles rooted in the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. Social conservatism is also based on natural laws and moral absolutes instilled at the dawn of creation. Alarmingly, we are seeing conservatism being thrown violently overboard and subtly replaced with a progression of immoral laws rooted in secular humanism. This godless ideology is based on an adherence to unnatural laws of error that produces only decadence and anarchy. Our nation has fallen dramatically and exponentially in the past 50 years. It does not take an MSNBC anchor to comprehend that reality to its fullest extent. These “fifth column secularists” are fully aware of this progression and are moving as fast as they can to transform our nation into their delusional, secular-socialist- utopian state. "Alarmingly, we are seeing conservatism being thrown violently overboard and subtly replaced with a progression of immoral laws rooted in secular humanism" What is even more troubling is the trend that exists in the Conservative movement of today. Many who identify themselves as “genuine Conservatives” are in fact nothing more than mere “fiscal Conservatives.” What is most disturbing is that on the current and important issues, it is readily apparent that most of these hold liberal views and base their values on a “morally relative” position. When “push comes to shove,” they are quite willing to abandon in a heartbeat core moral absolutes in favor of sound fiscal policies. The Two-Edged Sword of Conservatism
As a sword has two edges, so does the Conservative ideology. One edge of the blade is the fiscal (monetary) side, while the other edge is the social side, i.e., the part which deals with moral absolutes. The TRUE CONSERVATIVE adheres to and uses both sides of this blade. Sadly though, many so-called Conservatives actually just use the fiscal edge of the blade and keep a dull, liberal (immoral) social ideology on the other edge. The majority of Independents fit this position to a tee. Many ill-informed and shallow-rooted Conservatives also practice this Independent/ Moderate philosophy and are quite deceived when it comes to who they are truly voting for. These individuals have an intellectual rationale based on their emotions and feelings without any firm adherence to concrete facts and foundational moral absolutes and truth. These moral absolutes were instilled into Almighty God’s creation when God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1-31). "These moral absolutes were instilled into Almighty God’s creation when God created the heavens and the earth. These Divine Natural Laws transcend cultural barriers and social boundaries erected by fallen man" These Divine Natural Laws transcend cultural barriers and social boundaries erected by fallen man (Rom. 5:12-19). These instilled Natural Laws are absolute and crucial for a healthy society and social harmony in a lost and fallen world dominated by the unbridled passions of men (Eph. 2:1-2). Our Founding Fathers knew this all too well and sought to establish this nation on the bedrock of the Bible, its Judeo/ Christian values, a strict adherence to natural moral laws, and a firm reliance on Divine Providence, i.e., Almighty God. The book “The 5000 Year Leap” goes into great detail of the vision of our Founders and the brilliance and clarity they possessed in building and founding this nation. It is a “must read” for every American. The Scott Brown Conservative Delusion
How many people who voted for Scott Brown in 2009 were deceived into thinking that Brown was a tried and true - through and through - Conservative? I can tell you how many individuals who were putting all their eggs in this “Scott Brown basket” for the hope and future of America. These individuals just heard of Brown’s conservative fiscal position and assumed that he was a real Conservative. It did not matter if one tried to explain and show Brown’s social liberal position. They did not want to hear it. It didn’t take long after the fact to see that on the position of social conservatism he was a reprobate on key and crucial moral issues. "These Kool-Aid drinking Conservatives were so overwhelmed and awestruck by the change in direction our country was drastically taking towards secularism and socialism that they placed their hopes in a fiscal conservative and social liberal like Brown" These Kool-Aid drinking Conservatives were so overwhelmed and awestruck by the change in direction our country was drastically taking towards secularism and socialism that they placed their hopes in a fiscal conservative and social liberal like Brown. These Conservatives certainly let their good intentions and naïve expectations lead them to want to consider Brown a Conservative. It should be noted that Scott Brown was the best choice for the Massachusetts voter - there is no debate there - but what needs to be taken into question is how these Kool-Aid drinkers placed all their hopes, expectations and dreams for America in this social liberal candidate. That fact alone is alarming and quite telling. The Crucial Need for Social-Moral Conservatism
In comparison, social conservatism is far more crucial and needful for a healthy society than fiscal conservatism. If only one position is to be taken and a single edge of the sword of conservatism to be used, it must be the social-moral edge. All else will fall into place when this principle is honored. It has been the abandonment of the Conservative social-moral position that has destroyed our U.S. culture and society and changed - or deranged - it like unto a decadent and immoral, godless whore. Because of this violation of Almighty God’s truth and moral absolutes, our nation is oppressed by a multitude of transgressions which have put us in the crosshairs of His terrible judgment. "It has been the abandonment of the Conservative social-moral position that has destroyed our U.S. culture and society and changed - or deranged - it like unto a decadent and immoral, godless whore" How can any society survive when moral conservatism is scoffed at and demonized by both political parties? The answer is, “It will not!” Thus, we now see the sad state and coming downfall of our once great and highly respected nation. Many Conservatives these days are aligning themselves with the fiscal conservative positions of Scott Brown, Linda McMahon, Peter Schiff, Steve Poizner, Meg Whitman, etc., and ignoring their social moral position. These dreamers are being deceived and are by no means stopping the bleeding of our nation’s anti-social-moral Conservative absolutes. They are placing their trust in the wrong ideal and are feeding the fire for the demise of our nation, as prophetically predicted by our Founding Fathers. The Fatal Bleeding Wound of America
The fatal bleeding wound of America today is the outright REJECTION of natural moral laws. This rejection has led gradually to our decline and will lead to a soon coming sudden demise (Romans 1:18-32). The chief casualty at the heart of this rejection is the decimation of the family unit. When the family structure in any society is destroyed, expect only decadence and anarchy to follow. Haven’t the 60’s, when morality was discarded and family values scoffed at, proven this? The reason America and its states are so “in the red” (i.e., bankrupt) is precisely because of the outright rejection of natural and moral laws. "Our founding Fathers were adamant in their warning to America’s posterity NOT to deviate from the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. In so doing we have reaped the whirlwind, and the vision of a great many is sadly cloudy, including many Conservatives" Fiscal ideals based on natural laws and sound economic values are not enough today to save America from economic implosion. More than any other political remedy, what is crucially needed to slow down the rot is sound adherence to moral ideals that are derived from Judeo/ Christian values and absolutes. Our founding Fathers were adamant in their warning to America’s posterity NOT to deviate from the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. In so doing we have reaped the whirlwind, and the vision of a great many is sadly cloudy, including many Conservatives. So, who has all the solutions and answers that we need today and where are they to be found? Are we to get them from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage or Glenn Beck? Are we going to get them from social liberals running for congress who mask themselves as true Conservatives because of their fiscal Conservative stance? The answer is a resounding, “NO!” We are past the point of no return here in America. The nose of the ship is straight up and there is not much time left till it sinks to the bottom of the ocean miles below. In these last days, as optimistic though fictional solutions abound while all seems drear, may we not be deceived in following those who seem to have all of the answers. .Reality From Almighty God's Word
The Bible teaches, Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD ( Jer. 17:5). Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? (Isa. 2:22) .Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever (Psalm 146:3-6). Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought (1 Cor. 2:6). The solutions and expectations for our nation and world are not to be found in fallen man and his godless solutions (Romans 5:12-19). One’s hope is to ONLY be found in Almighty God and His perfect remedies for man and his eternal future. There are many false saviors and voices speaking today that offer fractured solutions and unrealistic expectations. These voices are all rooted in delusion promises that lead down the road to destruction in the coming Day of the Lord. As we are in these trying and last days - not just here in America but in the world - there is only one place to place our expectations. This place is in no other than the Savior of the World, the Lord Jesus Christ! He ALONE possesses all the remedies for man. He alone possesses all the hope for man in this dying and rotting world. May it be your sole desire to place your trust surely and securely in Him (Christ) for life’s answers and eternity’s righteous demands. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! DJP I.F. Edited by BEL I.F. Christian Quotes from John Adams
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Thu, Jun 17th - 8:42PM
The Media’s Environmental Movement vs. Obama’s Totalitarian Agenda
In today's progressive ideology of secular liberalism there are two different sects which exist. In this post we will seek to take an in depth look at them.
The first sect is the Green or Radical Environmental Movement. This radical environmentalism is the foundation on which many progressive liberals build their secular ideology on. This green ideology dominates all manner of their living and many of the progressive liberals of today adhere to this green position. The Machiavellian agenda and game plan of these is to control and convert as many as they can to this green life style. These will fight tooth and nail to persevere and to promote this agenda at any cost. The ends in this radical green agenda ALWAYS trumps and justifies the means there of. "This green ideology dominates all manner of their living and many of the progressive liberals of today adhere to this green position" The majority of these individuals practice the godless ideology of Pantheism. These have also submitted themselves to the pessimistic ideology of evolution, the mature evolving of fallen man and to the delusional mechanics of time and chance. It is on this position and adherence of anti - natural laws that these seek to create their global utopia. It is their delusional firm belief that by these means - with time and chance on their side - that they can achieve this global harmony with man and the environment. To these individuals, the environment is all crucial and must be preserved at all costs. It is their great commission to preserve the world's environment so that they will possess a place to abide when these finally reach their “state” of utopia. The second sect - which is quite smaller and a lot more powerful - is the Totalitarian Movement. The progressives and secularists, who fall into this Totalitarian class, have been the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Castro. This sect firmly believes in the full acquisition of ABSOLUTE power at any cost. These disciples of Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-15, John 8:44) are totally consumed by the despotic addiction and spirit of totalitarianism. At heart of this ideology is the subjective worship and radical narcissism which seeks the worship and exaltation of ones self among the masses. "This sect firmly believes in the full acquisition of ABSOLUTE power at any cost" Unlike the Green or Radical Environmental Movement which seeks to worship the creation (Romans 1:18-32), the Totalitarian Fascist seeks to BE worshiped and to BE exalted to the heights of the social pyramid (2 Thess. 2:4). It is in this fascist movement, that ALL is Machiavellian. Even the green and radical environmental movement and agenda of today takes a back seat to this quest for the total acquisition of absolute power. Why the Drive Bys Took Comrade Obama to the Wood Shed
In President Obama’s BP speech from the oval office, the President came across to the majority of liberals in the Green Movement as weak and lacking the authoritarian prominence for solving this current BP crisis. These individuals - at present - are extremely alarmed and anxious about what the final out come of this crisis will be. These have observed Obama's careless attitude of addressing this situation with zero zeal and vigor. To the main stream media, this oil spill along with Obama’s weak response is a threat to their foundational core beliefs of environmentalism and their precious Utopian green ideals. Why else would these progressives in the liberal media go after Obama as they just have? These in the liberal media have finally left the Obama rally post for the Obama criticism post. "To the main stream media, this oil spill along with Obama’s weak response threatens their foundational beliefs of environmentalism" In all honesty, it is this writer’s opinion and a few others that Obama is using this crisis to further his totalitarian agenda. Obama fits perfectly into the totalitarian camp of secularist, and even though he is a weak totalitarian, this crisis is the perfect storm for the further acquisition of more power. Obama and his cronies are well aware of this, and in the end, they can care less about the environment when absolute power is to be seized. All other causes and issues become secondary when the totalitarian agenda is seeking furtherance. In the end this crisis will further their totalitarian agenda perfectly. It is all Machiavellian my friend, it is all Machiavellian. What’s in the Future?
Coming up in the not so distant future, the Green ideology will be consumed and absorbed into the Totalitarian ideology of one man. While the Green ideology will not compromise on its core environmental issues for absolute power, the Totalitarians will. The Totalitarians are more than willing to throw all under the bus for the total acquisition of absolute power. These possess NO sentimental values or allegiance to anything or anyone. Their sole allegiance is only to the acquisition of total authority and power. That is what makes them so powerful. They possess absolutely no conscience at all. This rivalry found in the secular progressive ideology between the greeners and totalitarians will reach its final destination when Lucifer’s human Despot of despots and Totalitarian of totalitarians consumes all that stands before him including the green Utopian aspirations of the green progressive (i.e., the Anti Christ). Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2 3-12, Rev 13"The center piece and fulfillment of this totalitarian state will be the unconditional global WORSHIP of this Man of Lawlessness as Almighty God" The final acquisition of absolute power will come to a head when this man will seek the global dominance of the world and will establish his global totalitarian state, in which he will eradicate any that seek to contradict his "Mark of the Beast" global agenda (Rev 12: 16-18). The center piece and fulfillment of this global totalitarian state will be the unconditional global WORSHIP of this Man of Lawlessness as Almighty God (Dan 11:36-39, 2 Thess. 2:4, Rev 13:4, 8, 12, 14:9). A Blind Man Should Be Able To See It!
As we see the prophetic truths of Almighty God’s unchangeable Word - which have been promised and preached since the fall of Adam - coming to light right before our very eyes, one has to be astounded by the spirit of unbelief that is prevalent through out humanity today (Romans. 5:12-19, 2 Peter 3:3). May it be that YOU do not find yourselves with in this camp of unbelief. The promises and prophetic truths of Almighty God are to be fully received and fully believed by all (2 Cor. 1:20, Heb 13:8). In the end, all these promises will be fulfilled and everyone will give an account to the RIGHTEOUS Judge of the earth (Isa. 45:23, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 4:10, Rev 20:10-15). "The promises and prophetic truths of Almighty God are to be fully received and fully believed by all" May it be your sole desire to personally know what Almighty God’s infallible Word teaches and may it be that you truly know the Savior of this fallen world, the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? In a day which offers many false saviors and vain solutions for this fallen and doomed world, may you remember what God’s Holy Word has stated, that all is headed towards a fascist totalitarian global state and absolute ruin (Rev. 13, 14: 9-11, 20:11-15). May the Christ of Holy Scriptures be your ONLY Savior and His solutions and remedies your ONLY hope. The Kingdom of Heaven is indeed at hand!DJP I.F. Secular Fundamentalism, Profane Prophecy and Its Godless Social Engineering
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Mon, Jun 14th - 8:01PM
Commentary on The Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton
A a schoolboy, one of Red Skelton’s teachers explained the words and meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to his class. Skelton later wrote down, and eventually recorded, his recollection of this lecture. The last sentence was a prophecy of what would happen decades later. From the Red Skelton Hour January 14, 1969 You Tube link of Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance I: Me, an individual, a committee of one. Pledge: Dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self-pity. Allegiance: My love and my devotion. To the Flag: Our standard; Old Glory ; a symbol of Freedom; wherever she waves there is respect, because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts, Freedom is everybody's job. United: That means that we have all come together. States: Individual communities that have united into forty-eight great states. Forty-eight individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose. All divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose, and that is love for country. And to the Republic: Republic - a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people; and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people. For which it stands One Nation: One Nation - meaning, so blessed by God. Indivisible: Incapable of being divided. With Liberty: Which is Freedom; the right of power to live one's own life, without threats, fear, or some sort of retaliation. And Justice: The principle, or qualities, of dealing fairly with others. For All: For All - which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine. And now, boys and girls, let me hear you recite the Pledge of Allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country, and two words have been added to the Pledge of Allegiance: Under God. Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that it's a prayer, and it would be eliminated from schools, too? --Red Skelton
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Fri, Jun 11th - 5:34PM
Secular Fundamentalism, Profane Prophecy and Secular Social Engineering
While many secular scholars mock the prophetic writings of the Old and New Testaments as being irrational and fundamentalist, and too many Christians seemingly chime in by eschewing the idea of a literal fulfillment of such apocalyptic predictions, especially when it comes to great events like the Rapture of the Church (1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Thess. 4:13-18), the Great Tribulation (Jer. 30:1-7; Rev 6-19), the Second Coming of Christ (Matt 24:30-31; Rev 19:11-16), the glorious Millennial Messianic Kingdom of the future when the people of Israel will finally receive the full benefits of all of their covenants promised to them which will also bless the entire world beyond human imagination (Isa 2:1-4; Mic. 4:1-4; Rev 20:1-6), and the ultimate Eternal State in which there will be a new heavens and a new earth (Isa 66:22; Rev 21-22), perhaps it is time to look at this another way to illustrate why such notions are far more relevant than many might presume. Contrary to popular academic thinking, modernity would not exist without such an apocalyptic worldview. Modern man, and this is especially true of the academics, has imbibed deeply from such apocalyptic wells without the slightest consideration as to where this has all come from. He has placed his future hope in a man made eschaton where science and politics has been hotwired with eschatology by secularizing and profaning the Christian faith. In the process of so doing, he has converted himself into a secular fundamentalist that has been far more apocalyptic and barbaric than most Jihadists could ever imagine. The fact of the matter is that progressivism, various brands of western socialism, fascism and even communism itself, are all steeped in a modern philosophy of history that is deeply rooted in this apocalyptic Judeo-Christian tradition. While some may emphasize the gradual perfectibility of man over time, others, like the Marxists for example, emphasize a more drastic, apocalyptic millenarian view of history, both of which stand in sharp contrast to the Greco-Roman mythology of Eternal Return, i.e., that history was a vicious circle which mirrors Nature’s life and death annual cycles. As such, under the Greeks and Romans, history was never seen to be the basis of a future redemptive hope, but viewed as something to escape from. What the Greeks and Romans were looking for was not a future redemption within the confines of the historical process, but an a-physical, timeless beyond where suffering and death no longer held sway over the material body. In other words, the progressive, linear concept of time and the hopeful modern orientation toward a goal directed historical future are all based on countless biblical prophecies which predict such an end time scenario going all the way back to the prophet Isaiah who prophesied that the nations will finally one day “hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks (Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3).” This prophecy has become the very symbol of the United Nations. Indeed, the whole point of the Old and New Testaments strongly teaches a progressive revelation of God within the confines of history. It is this particular view of history that modernity has wholeheartedly adopted into its own way of thinking, yet has abandoned the religious milieu in which such ideas were originally born. ,"The problem is that progressives, socialists, fascists and communists are all attempting to bring about this radical transformation of the world through mere politics, racism, environmentalism, political correctness, multiculturalism and the redistribution of wealth" ,
The problem is that progressives, socialists, fascists and communists are all attempting to bring about this radical transformation of the world through mere politics, racism, environmentalism, political correctness, multiculturalism and the redistribution of wealth. All the while they make fun of the miraculous that is often found on the pages of the Scriptures, incredibly, they naively believe that they can bring about a collectivist utopia upon the earth through sleight of hand processes known as secularization and profanization. Through secularization they have taken apocalyptic notions from the Bible and transposed them into worldly political affairs by gutting the religious element. Through profanization they have taken such sacred ideas and have reduced them to the merely profane or mundane by shucking the religious reverence associated with them. Faith, hope, change, transformation and a “yes we can” attitude are thus removed from their religious foundations, and transposed into empty political rhetoric that captivates the unsuspecting and takes everyone involved down the proverbial garden path.
Thus, surprisingly enough, at the end of the day, modern man has become a secular fundamentalist. Furthermore, the 20th century has proven beyond reasonable doubt that this is the worst of kind of fundamentalism there is wherein state sponsored cults have been responsible for the biggest genocides that history has yet to witness, all of which uncannily foreshadow the Great Tribulation of the prophetic future, and the rule of the coming Antichrist (1 Thess. 2:1-13; Rev 13). In their modern unbelief, progressives, fascists, socialists and communists have taken the apocalyptic burdens of Bible prophecies upon their own secular shoulders. This in turn unwittingly opened them up to the practice of horrific social engineering schemes that made the 20th century one gigantic collectivist secular slaughterhouse which affected the lives of hundreds of millions of people, many far worse than others. They took salvation into their own hands, and tried to convert history itself into an evolutionary forum in which collectivist man will develop himself into an entirely new man not beset by limiting or unfavorable circumstances. Because of secularization and profanization however, such physical limitations and unfavorable circumstances are completely disassociated from the biblical concept of a fallen world. The problems therefore that trouble man have nothing to do with sin against an infinite holy God, but rather is seen as the haphazard result of chaotic evolutionary processes which can optimistically be overcome by rearranging the ‘literal’ materialistic causes of such defects – whether they be economic, biological or environmental, etc. .
"Socialistic engineers have often left behind a staggering body count – quotas which even radical Jihadists have fallen far short of"
.The upshot of all this is that in the process of rearranging and correcting the materialistic causes of the so-called human condition, socialistic engineers have often left behind a staggering body count – quotas which even radical Jihadists have fallen far short of. Worse is that since such social engineering schemes have all been done in the name of progress, science and collectivist politics that has everyone’s ultimate good in mind, such shocking numbers have largely been cleansed of all its blood. It was Stalin who famously pointed out that the murder of a handful of people is a tragedy, but the killing of millions is a mere statistic. Thus modern man’s apocalyptic philosophy of history is in fact built on the blood of a lot of a common folks who just got in the way. Redemptive power over history is therefore a modern illusory fantasy far more radical than the so-called rational science and secular politics that its proponents often proclaim. Building up the eschaton with the blood of hundreds of millions of people is not much of a future to look forward to. This outstanding modern problem, which most people are even unaware of thanks to more than 150 years of socialistic-communistic-fascist propaganda, is summarized best of all by British scholar Rolf Gruner, “modern man’s understanding of history has a religious ancestry without itself being religious. That is to say, it has retained the features such as the linear conception of time and the notion of history as a goal-directed process, but has jettisoned the sacred and supernatural context in which alone they had once made sense.” In other words, without an all-powerful transcendent Creator who is sovereign over all of history, and who can even bring about the resurrection of the dead, not to mention the future apocalypse, a linear concept of time that views history as a goal-directed redemptive process makes no sense whatsoever. Even worse is that such secular ideas loosed from their religious moorings also degrades all previous generations to the status of a mere means to a future end that none of its peoples will ever be able to share in for the simple reason that they were born at the wrong time. It even justifies the sacrificing of past generations, which more than a few modern social engineers have been all too willing to be engaged in. As is usually the case with them, the end justifies the means.
This in fact is the ultimate vanity of all vanities. As such Rolf Gruner stresses further that “the very secularity of their thought creates at least one great obstacle to their undertaking. It prevents them from justifying evil in the eyes of those who are affected by it. A man who suffers here and now cannot be consoled by being told that his misery serves a purpose in that it plays its necessary part in ensuring a glorious future for generations still to come. What matters to him is his life, and perhaps that of some of his contemporaries and immediate successors, not the life of people who will be born when he has been long dead; why should he have any interest in being a means to their happiness or perfection? In this respect traditional Christianity is on much stronger ground … for according to its teaching each individual has access to a state of bliss in a future life to which his suffering in this life is essentially related.” Indeed - so much for the modern push on social justice and community agitation. , "The Christian has not been called to be a social engineer or a community organizer, but to be a missionary of God’s glorious grace to a dying and sinful world" ,
Perhaps just as important in all this is that neither is it the Christian’s responsibility to bring about the apocalypse. That will all come in due time according to divine determination, “it is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority (Acts 1:7).” In other words, the Christian has NOT been called to be a social engineer or a community organizer, but to be a missionary of God’s glorious grace to a dying and sinful world. In fact, most social engineering of the Christian is to be accomplished through prayer (1 Tim 2:1-7), which is far more effective in changing people than politics will ever be. Neither does such prayerful social concerns violate the image of God inherent in all people, something which most moderns are not restricted by since they believe in evolution. In conclusion, Jesus had a parable to perfectly summarize this particular conundrum,
"Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn." (Matt 13:24-30).”
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Lucifer - The Original Fascist
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Sat, Jun 5th - 9:44PM
D-DAY - A Spiritual Analogy
On June 6, 1944, 150,000 Allied soldiers clambered aboard heaving landing craft and braved six-foot swells, waves of machine gun fire, and more than 6 million mines to claim a stretch of sand at a place called Normandy. Their mission was to carve out an Allied foothold on the edge of Nazi-occupied Europe for the army of more than one million that would follow them in the summer of 1944. This army would burst forth from the beachhead, rolling across Europe into the heart of Germany, liberating millions, toppling a genocidal regime and ending a nightmare along the way. But it all began on this beach in France, with an army of teenagers on a day called D-Day. (link)Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13) As we remember the 66th anniversary of this monumental historical event and the valor of those brave men who made up those liberating forces - the spearhead to liberate millions from Nazi oppression and tyranny - I cannot help but think of another highly significant day in the history of mankind. On this day all was laid on the line for the rescue and liberation of all humanity from the tyranny and oppression of Lucifer (Satan), who is the god and oppressor of this world (Luke 4:5-6; Ephesians 2:1-3; Hebrews 2:14-15). Fallen humanity had been taken captivity in its sin, the horrible effects and consequences of which were deadly and devastating (Romans 6:23a, 7:24). Oh, on this day - The Day of all days - the Lord of Glory, the Son of Almighty God debarked of all His deity and His eternal glory to bear the Cross of sin and shame for ALL of Adam’s fallen race (Rom. 5:12-19). He counted not His life precious unto death. He gave His last full measure (John 10:11, 19:30; Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 12:2). He paid the price for you and me so that through Him we might be LIBERATED from the oppression and tyranny of the devil (John 8:36; Acts 10:38; Heb. 2:14-15), and DELIVERED from this present evil world (Isaiah 53, Galatians 1:4; Eph. 2:2-3) and from sin and death (Psalm 103:12; 1 Cor. 15:53-57). HIS infinite love, HIS selflessness, HIS steadfastness, HIS faithfulness, HIS righteousness, HIS commitment and passion made possible our redemption and justification (1 Cor. 1:30; Phil. 2:5-8; Heb. 2:9-10, 12:2). HE opened wide the doors of Heaven that ALL might enter in who put their ABSOLUTE TRUST in Him (John 1:12; Acts 16:31; Heb 10:19). AMEN! The Victory of all victories!
He rose victorious from the grave and He defeated our arch foes - Lucifer, the evil world system, and sin and death (Gen 3:15, 1 John 4:4, 5:4-5; 1Cor. 15:54-57)! He now sits at the right hand of Almighty God to testify and to make intercession for ALL who put their trust in Him (Psalm 110:1; Heb. 1:3, 7:25, 10:12)! Oh, Glory! Oh, Praise and Laud to the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29, 1 Peter 1:18-21, Revelation 5)! Do you know the Great Liberator and Savior of the world as your personal Lord and Savior? HE ALONE has fought and worked to liberate you from your transgressions, sins and bondage! HE ALONE can liberate you from the tyranny and oppression of sin and Satan! LOOK UNTO Him today (Isaiah 45:22)! He will NEVER turn anyone away. “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound!” (Rom. 5:20) CALL UPON Him today for deliverance (Psalms 18:3, 55:16, 116:13). You will never be the same! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! DJP I.F.
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Fri, Jun 4th - 8:23AM
Paul McCartney - A Reprobate Visits the White House
Yesterday at the White House, Paul McCartney received the Library of Congress Gershwin Award for Popular Music and performed in the East Room. During his acceptance speech, Mr. McCartney managed to throw in a dig and slander former president George W. Bush. McCartney stated, "After the last eight years, it's great to have a president who knows what a library is." Who is this foreign reprobate to come to our country and slander one of our ex-presidents! This act is the height of arrogance and disrespect. It is quite remarkable that Mr. McCartney was surrounded by the Music Industry’s finest secular elites, Leftist Hollywood elites and Washington’s progressive elites when he made his tactless comment. It was one reprobate addressing many fellow reprobates. Of course, Mr. McCartney’s tasteless dig was well received by the secular audience in attendance at the White House. "It is quite remarkable that Mr. McCartney was surrounded by the Music Industry’s finest secular elites, Leftist Hollywood elites and Washington’s progressive elites when he made his tactless comment." The Left constantly condemns those who adhere - even slightly - to the conservative ideal, Natural Laws and faith in Almighty God as buffoons, idiots and fools. In their reprobate mind, anyone who doesn't follow the base, unbridled passions of their fleshly appetites must be an idiot (Psa. 14:1-5; Phil. 3:19; 2 Peter 2:12; Jude 1:10 ). They did it to Ronald Reagan and Dan Quail, and they are now doing it to Sarah Palin. These reprobates (Psalm 14:1; Romans 1:24, 28; Titus 1:16; Heb. 6:8) always love to slander any who are a threat to their delusional world (John 3:18-21; Jude 1:10). The narcissistic law that these reprobates follow whole- heartedly is the godless law of Lucifer, i.e., “Do as Thou wilt”. There is no doubt among many that Paul McCartney was by far the most talented and influential Beatle when it came to writing, composing and orchestrating the Beatles’ music. The dramatic influence of the Beatles single-handedly changed the course of this world and introduced a new secular age which, at its heart, was anti-Judean/ Christian to the core. This lawless revolution has dramatically changed the course of this world in the last 50 years. We have not recovered, nor will we ever recover socially, culturally and morally from this Luciferian ploy. We have fully reaped this godless ideal which was spearheaded by Paul McCartney and the Beatles to the near destruction of our nation. To award this reprobate destroyer anything is a spit in the face to our Founding Fathers, who despised all manner of godlessness and knew with great perception what these types of individuals would do to our beloved nation and its people. Do you think I’m being too square? Look at some significant social statistics (both positive and negative) since 1962 when prayer was removed from the U.S. classroom and observe the results. It has been exponential! It will blow you away!
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