Thu, Jun 26th - 2:36PM
Ready For The Kingdom
us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him--for the marriage of the Lamb has
come, and his wife has made herself ready." –Revelation 19:7
who make Heaven their home are going to be fitted by the Blood of Jesus. Daily our lives are being shaped and contoured into His form and image.
We know that nothing unclean or defiled shall enter there, so we are now making
our-self ready. Once there we are going to have a glorious time giving thanks
unto the Father, who has made us fit, to be partakers of the inheritance of the
here below, with our lives being fitted, we
learn to sing some notes of that joyous anthem which will come forth in full,
uninterrupted harmony from the hearts and lips of the redeemed in the realms
above, when that glorious company will forever cry, "Alleluia! Salvation,
and glory, and honor, and power unto the Lord our God."
What a
blessed day awaits us when we will live among those blessed ones who are called
unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. Get fit and transformed today by washing
your garments in the Blood of Jesus. Be filled today with peace and joy in the
Holy Spirit!
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Thu, Jun 19th - 4:08PM
At Rest
My soul, wait thou only upon God;
for my expectation is from him. -Psalms - 62:5 Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5, 17 Living Close to God can solve many of our everyday
problems and tensions in life. Just take all our needs to Jesus, for He is so
willing and able to help us. Why worry when we can pray. God is always there
beside us ushering us into prayer time. He longs to hear from us everyday,
without ceasing. When we pray and trust, our soul is at rest. If
God be for us, we need not fear what anyone can do against us. We need not be
concerned about the schemes of the evil one for we rest and wait patiently for
Him. We have learned the answer for we know how to pray. Like Daniel, we may
need to pray three times a day and give thanks to God, as our soul waits upon
only knows what tomorrow will bring, and we waste our time and energy thinking
so much of the future. Let the world do as they may, but my trust is in God,
and my hope is from Him.. I am convinced that God will take care of everything
that concerns us, so it's better to live only one day at a time, trusting God.
The Christian life can be at rest, when we wait upon God and expect Him to take
care of all our needs and worries, even today.
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Tue, Jun 17th - 9:21PM
Token of Love
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of
the covenant between me and the earth. -Genesis 9:13 All
creation can rest on this great promise. It was made for every living creature
for all generations. Everyone loves to view the beautiful rainbow after the
storm passes by. It is so refreshing and lets one know that there is sunshine
after the rain.
Rest assured that our Friend Jesus never
slumbers or sleeps. His bow of love spans the sky and reaches down to give us
peace after our storms of life. Then one day at home with our Lord, we shall be
fully satisfied. So remember when you see the beautiful rainbow in the sky, it
is a sign of the covenant and a token of God's beautiful love.
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Sat, Jun 14th - 6:04PM
Heavenly Comfort
God's Word says... A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation. -Psalm 68:5  Time to celebrate our Fathers again. Some, like mine have gone on to their rewards. Others are living, while some just feel forsaken by their families. There is the Heavenly Father on whom we all can depend. What comfort the fatherless can have from God, for He is our Heavenly Father. He hears the cries as He looks down from Heaven and blesses those. God made the world with all its inhabitants, and He certainly cares for those he made. God is good, kind and merciful ruling over all His works. It is His privilege to give the fatherless special care. God will protect and be with the fatherless who remain among us and our widows, too. They can depend on God for help. In God the fatherless find compassion. -Hosea 14:3 The LORD watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless. -Psalm 146:9 Note: This picture is with my dad about 2 months before he died. HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL FATHERS OUT THERE
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Tue, Jun 10th - 5:38PM
Our Comforter
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Acts 2: 1-2 Thank God for the Comforter! He lives in the hearts and lives of Believers. This Comforter is our Helper that came when the Saints were assembled in the upper chamber. The Holy Ghost descended just as the Lord promised. Jesus prayed that He will abide with us forever. This great power came like a mighty rushing wind on that day in the assembly of prayer warrior's. The power ascended and tongues of fire came down upon our fathers of old. How our world needs this power today! It sanctifies and keeps us from the worldly things of the world. This baptizing power comes only from the Father above and satisfies completely.
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Sat, Jun 7th - 9:54AM
A Call To Repentance For...
Pentecost Sunday
"And with many other words he bore witness and continued to exhort them,
saying, 'Save yourselves from this crooked generation.' So those who received
his word were immersed, and there were added that day about three thousand
souls." (Acts 2:40–41)
On the day of first-fruits, you are to hold a sacred assembly when you present
an offering of new grain to the LORD at your Festival of Weeks; you are not to
do any daily work. -Numbers 28:26
We are reminded of the sacrifice of Christ and the continued power of the
Cross. God wants us to know His Ways and be empowered by His ways to live holy
lives, bearing much fruit in Him. Has He not promised to pour His Spirit out on
our sons and our daughters. (See Acts 2:28) Christ is our example and presents
the Resurrection Power to all believers. When Peter preached on Pentecost in
Jerusalem about 3,000 devout Jews came to faith in God!
God's face can shine upon us until we are full of joy and His countenance shows
on our face. We will bring the first-fruits unto the Lord, as we let nothing
cause slackness in our religious exercises. Have faith in God, love Him and
bring Him your very best, then He will supply all our needs. May the blessings
of this life and the life to come be yours.
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Tue, Jun 3rd - 5:55PM
Waiting Patiently
I waited
patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. -Psalm 40:1 We have all learned by now
that part of life is waiting. When one goes to the dentist or doctor, they
usually wait. Same way when a garden is planted, we must wait until the right
time to gather fruit and vegetables. That delicious pound cake takes some
waiting until it is done. And in a restaurant, we wait some more for our food,
and many more things in life. Well
in the Lord we must wait too, for He has told us too. He may not always answer
immediately, however, He hears our prayer and encourages us to wait. Meanwhile our faith is strengthened while we
wait for deliverance. One thing for sure, is that one who waits on God will never
be put to shame. We must stay strong and take heart for our hope lies only in
Him. God will come to our rescue for He hears our cries, and His eyes are over
the righteous at all times. Take courage and faint not, but wait. You want be
disappointed for He will soon come to your rescue and deliver you from whatever
your need is.
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