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    Bob's Devotionals
          These devotionals are written to encourage and enable the body of Christ in our daily walk with the Lord.
          The World needs to see what God can do in us and with us and through us and not what we can do on our own!

          On January 1, I will begin writing on the subject, The Privilege, Power and Provisions of Prayer. You can subscribe at www.sbgm.org/subscribe01.htm

          To hear my CD as well as a sermon that I preached recently, go to www.myspace.com/savedbygraceministries.

          My prayer is that this will bless a lot of people all over the world!!!

          May God bless you today as you seek to walk with Him!


    Fri, Mar 31st - 5:54AM

    Don’t Be A Scrooge            Proverbs 3:31           March 31

    Envy not the oppressor and do not choose any of his ways.

    The Book of Proverbs is a book of wise sayings. Solomon tells us the
    purpose of the book and the benefits that are ours in the fisrt couple of
    verses in the book. Solomon writes that we are to “know wisdom and
    instruction to perceive the words of understanding; to receive the
    instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment and equity.”  Solomon goes on to
    say that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and fools
    despise wisdom and instruction.”

    In our test today, Solomon tells us to “envy not the oppressor and do
    not choose any of his ways.” How you and I live our lives is so
    important. We all look up to people and we want to be like them in varying
    degrees. Perhaps we look to our parents and want to be like them. Some of
    us look to key people in our lives and want to be more like them. This
    is not bad. God has no doubt placed people in our lives so that we could
    benefit from the relationships that He has give to us in them.

    However, there are those that we are not to pattern our lives after and
    it really does not take a rocket scientist to know who those people
    are. Solomon tells us not to envy the oppressor. Who would fall into that
    category? Lets look at the context from which we take this verse.
    Solomon tells us in verse 27, “do not withhold good from those to whom it is
    due when it is in your power to do it.” He then gives us a couple
    examples of what he is talking about.

    An oppressor could certainly be someone who holds back the good things
    from those that they are due. It is easy to look at life from our own
    selfish point of view; however, life as God designed it has more to do
    with what we give away as opposed to what we get. The more that we learn
    to give of ourselves the richer and fuller our lives actually become!

    Consider the following statements. When we stand before God on that
    great day, He won’t ask what kind of car we drove, but He might ask how
    many people we drove that did not have a car.

    God is not likely to ask how big our house was but He might ask how
    many people we welcomed into our home.

    God is not likely to ask us how many clothes we had in our closets but
    rather how many people we helped cloth.

    God will not ask how many friends we had but rather how many people we
    were friends to.

    God will not ask you what neighborhood you lived is but He may well ask
    how you treated your neighbors.

    God is not likely to ask you about that check you wrote to help someone
    in need but rather he might ask you about the balance in your checking
    account after you wrote that check.

    God has give His all for you and me and He has so much more that He
    wants to give us. How we live our lives and how we make decisions has so
    much to do with how God is able to do what He wants to do for us and
    with us. Listen to the wisdom and instruction of Solomon’s words as he
    says, “envy not the oppressor and choose not any of his ways. Do not be a
    scrooge with your life!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (1)

    Thu, Mar 30th - 9:31AM

    I Must Decrease               John 3:30            March 30

    He must increase and I must decrease.

    John has been baptizing people, calling for them to repent for the
    kingdom of God was at hand. John knew that the Messiah had been born and
    that things were about to change. The religious leaders got with some of
    John’s disciples and questioned Jesus’ actions. John had already
    baptized Jesus and identified Him as the Lamb of God.

    John responds to the questions of his disciples. John reminded his
    disciples that he was not the Messiah or the Christ. His joy and purpose
    was to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. John’s comment was
    that “He must increase and I must decrease.”

    John understood something that we need to understand today. John went
    on to tell his disciples, “He that comes from above is above all; He who
    comes from heaven is above all. The Father loves the Son and has given
    all things unto the Son. He who believes on the Son has everlasting
    life and he who does not believe the Son, does not have life but the wrath
    of God abides on him.”

    You and I must remember that in our lives, He must increase and we must
    decrease. We must place our faith in Him. We must begin to crucify that
    old nature that is in us that wants to rule our lives. for God has
    given the Words of Life to His Son and the words that He has given to Him
    are what give us life as we surrender our lives to them.

    As you and I decrease and allow Him to increase in our lives, He is
    able to give us life. Jesus told His disciples, “I am come that you might
    have life and that you might have it more abundantly.” He is able to
    give us that life as we allow Him to increase in our hearts and our
    control of our lives decreases. As we begin to make decisions that reflect
    His grace and mercy in our lives in the decisions that we make, He is
    able to do for us as He so much wants to do.

    It does not matter what we think or what we do; the thing that the Lord
    is looking for in your life and mine is the desire and the
    determination to decrease allowing Him to increase in our lives one decision at a
    time. When He is able to increase and we decrease, He becomes
    responsible for our lives and that my friend is the best possible place that you
    can I can be in period!

    As you make decisions today, remember John the Baptist’s words, “He
    must increase and I must decrease.”

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (1)

    Wed, Mar 29th - 9:25AM

    No Other God Can Do This!         Daniel 3:29          March 29

    Therefore I make a decree that every people, every nation and every
    language which speaks anything amiss against the God of Shardach, Meeshach
    and Abednego shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a
    dunghill because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort.

    This is one of my favorite stories in the Bible. Three Hebrew children
    were set up if you will because of their faith in God. A decree was
    issued that at the sound of instruments, everyone was to bow down and
    worship an image of the king that had been erected in a courtyard. The
    whole purpose of this decree was to get the three Hebrew children.

    When the three were in the courtyard, the instruments sounded and
    everyone fell to their knees except the three and immediately runners went
    to the king to tell him of their refusal to worship his image. The three
    Hebrew children were brought before Nebuchadnezzar and he offered to
    let them bow down before him in private. They refused and as result, they
    were cast into the fiery furnace. However, that was not the end of the

    The three men were cast into the fire but they were not alone there.
    The king looked in to the midst of the fire and saw not three men but
    four men walking in the midst of the flames and the fourth man looked like
    the Son of God! When the three men came out of the furnace, their
    clothes were not burned nor was there a singed hair on their heads and there
    was not even a hint of smoke on their clothes.

    Nebuchadnezzar took Shadrach, Meeshach and Abednego and blessed them
    for their faith in their God. He then issued another decree that made it
    a crime punishable by death to speak against the God of these three men
    for “there is no other God that can deliver after this sort!”

    This is the kind of testimony that the world needs to see today. The
    reason that the world is not seeing this kind of testimony is simple; we
    are not demonstrating the kind of faith that these three men
    demonstrated with their lives. The men declared to the king in the face of
    impending death; “We will not bow down for our God will deliver us. But… if
    even if He doesn’t, we will not bow down and worship the image that you
    have set up.”

    These men decided that they would rather burn than bow. They were not
    willing to worship any other God than their God no matter what the
    consequences. Today we live in a world of convenience and ease at any cost.
    We do not want to offend anyone with our convictions. In fact, our
    convictions are becoming less and less. I always heard that a person who
    will not stand for something will fall for anything. Our churches are
    faltering and our families are failing because we are not standing for the
    Lord and His Word for our lives.

    It is time that we started standing up and stepping out in front of a
    world that is becoming more and more hostile to the gospel of the Lord
    Jesus Christ so that God can continue doing in our lives what HE did for
    these three so that the rest of the world can see that there is no
    other God that can do this sort!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Tue, Mar 28th - 8:08AM

    Union or Unity

    Union or Unity                Galatians 3:28           March 28

    For as many of you as were baptized in to Christ have put on Christ.
    There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, neither is there make or
    female for all are one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then
    you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.

    “Heirs according to the promise” what a wonderful promise! This ought
    to be the primary goal of our lives for this is God’s primary goal. The
    desire of God’s heart is that you and I become heirs according to His
    promises. This meets our need to day as well as for all of eternity.

    This promise removes all barriers that we have in our world today. The
    ethnic barriers come down for in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek.
    God does not look at the color of our skin or the country where we were
    born for in Christ Jesus we are all one.

    Not only are the ethnic barriers brought down, but there are no
    socio-economic barriers for there is neither “slave nor free” in Christ Jesus.
    Rich and poor alike are all one in the Lord. God does not look at the
    balance in our savings account when He looks to save us. God does not
    really care about the amount on the check that we write on Sunday; if He
    looks at all, He looks to see what the balance is in the account after
    the check is written, for the Bible tells us that God loves a cheerful
    giver! We are all mere paupers before God and all that we have belongs
    to Him anyway!

    Not only are there no ethnic or socio-economic barriers, there are no
    gender barriers either for there is neither male nor female in Christ
    Jesus. God does not look at our gender when it comes to our salvation and
    our worth in His eyes. We are all His children and we are all
    infinitely valuable to Him no matter who we are or what we have accomplished,
    good or bad! There is no one who is so good that he does not need the
    Lord’s mercy and His grace not is there anyone who is so bad that God
    cannot save him.

    We are all “one in Christ Jesus.” Unity is a wonderful thing. Unity
    brings us together and it draws others to us. Unity gives us a sense of
    family. Unity is the product of love for one another. When we have unity
    and there are no barriers between us, we will have union. However there
    is a difference between unity and union. Union can exist without unity
    but unity cannot exist without union. Let me explain.

    Union exists when two cats are tied together at the tail but it would
    be fair to say there would be little unity! We need to understand that
    the real goal of the Lord in our lives is not that we come together, but
    that we come together in love for one another because God has first
    loved us and He has forgiven us and because of what He has done for us, we
    can love and accept others as He sees them not as we see them. Let’s
    strive to practice unity as opposed to union. There is a world out there
    that is dying and headed for an eternity in Hell because we who are in
    Christ Jesus are not willing to see others as Christ sees them. We need
    to change that and we need to do it today.

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (1)

    Mon, Mar 27th - 7:22AM

    Look or Cross Over

    Look Or Cross Over?          Deuteronomy 3:27         March 27

    Get you up onto the top of Pisgah, and lift up your eyes westward, and
    northward, and southward, and eastward, and behold it with your eyes,
    and you shall not go over this Jordan.

    Moses has led the children of Israel for forty years. He calls the
    people together to recount to them the things that have taken place in that
    period of time. Moses reminds them of God’s promises to bring them into
    the land that He promised them. He then reminds them of their sin as
    they refused to follow Him because they did not trust Him to give them
    what He had said that He would.

    Joshua has gone in to the Promised Land and he has seen the land that
    is was indeed “flowing with milk and honey” just as God had promised it
    would be. Moses reminds Joshua that he has seen the land with his own
    eyes. He tells Joshua that he must not fear the people who live there
    and have built strong armies and reinforced cities. Moses tells him that
    God will fight Israel’s battles and He will defeat their enemies.

    Moses then tells the people how he had asked God to let him go into the
    land to see it with his own eyes as well. He tells the people that God
    was angered at him “for the people’s sakes” and because of that He
    would allow Moses to see the land but not go in and that He did not want to
    hear any more about the matter.

    So, God told Moses to go up on top of Mount Pisgah and from there he
    was to look all around, to the north, the south, the east and the west
    and all that he saw, God would give to the children of Israel. However,
    he was not to go into the land. God told Moses to charge Joshua and
    encourage him because Joshua would lead the people to possess the land that
    he saw.

    God keeps His promises to us. However, our actions do play a part in
    how God keeps those promises. God told Moses in Exodus 3, that He had
    seen the affliction of His people and that He was going to do two things.
    He said, I am going to deliver them from the afflictions of Pharaoh and
    that He was going to bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey.
    Moses part in that plan depended on his obedience and his determination
    to walk with God.

    Moses grew tired of the people’s grumbling and their complaining, which
    is certainly understandable. Where Moses made his mistake was going to
    God and basically saying, “God, how long do ‘we’ have to put up with
    all this complaining?” Moses mad the mistake of thinking that he was
    jointly responsible along with God for the well-being of the people. Moses
    took credit for what God had been doing.

    God used Moses to bring the people out of Egypt but He then used Joshua
    to bring the people into the Promised Land. God allowed Moses to see
    the land but He did not allow him to stand on it.

    What will you and I allow God to do in our lives? Will we allow Him to
    use us to bring people out or to bring them into the land of His
    promises and provisions? Will we allow God to give us a full blessing or will
    we allow Him to give us a glimpse of the blessings that He has in store
    for us? God’s provisions and His plans are set; however it is up to us
    as to how He will be able to share them with us. Will you hear God say,
    “Look…” or “Cross Over...”?


    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (5)

    Sun, Mar 26th - 8:12AM

    God's Blessings For Us

    God’s Blessings for Us         Acts 3:26           March 26

    Unto you first, having raised up His Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you
    in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.

    Pentecost has just take place. Peter and John went up to the temple to
    pray as they were accustomed to doing. When they got there they met a
    man begging for money and Peter told him to rise up and walk and he did.
    Peter used this occasion to preach to the crowd about Jesus, whom the
    Jews had crucified only a few short weeks earlier.

    He concludes his message with our scripture text for today. God raised
    up His Son Jesus to bless us. The whole purpose of His coming is to
    bless us. How are we to be blessed? Peter tells us in verse 19; we are to
    repent and be converted that our sins may be blotted out. Jesus gave
    His life on the cross to pay the penalty for your sin and mine. He died
    in our place. Jesus died in our place so that you and I might be able to
    live with Him in heaven but He also died in our place so that you and I
    might be able to live with Him on this earth. Jesus does not want us to
    die for Him; He wants us to live for Him and that is why He came. That
    is why God raise Him from the dead so that He might bless us and that
    blessing us, we might be a blessing to others.

    Repentance is where God’s blessings begin but that is not where they
    end. Look closely at our text. Peter tells us that God raised Jesus from
    the dead to bless us “in turning us away from our sin.” Here is the key
    to God’s blessings. God’s blessings come when you and I are willing to
    turn from our sinful ways and turn to him and His ways for our lives.
    This is the founding principle of the Bible. Faith is seen in obedience
    to God’s Word. Faith is taking God at His Word in every aspect of our
    lives. Faith is no compromise and no excuse; faith is believing that God
    is everything that He says He is and that He will do everything that He
    says He will do. Period. Faith is living our lives one decision at a
    time knowing that God’s Word and His Way is the way for us to go.

    When you and I are willing to turn from our iniquities and turn to the
    Lord, we will be blessed. God will bless us. He will fight our battles
    and He will bless us exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or
    hope for. Peter tells us that this is why God raised Jesus from the dead.

    Jesus is risen and we need to remind ourselves that because He lives we
    too can live today and forever. When temptation rears its ugly head,
    just remember that God has raised Jesus up to bless you and the only way
    He can do that is for you to remain faithful to Him and to remain
    faithful to His Word and not let sin have an occasion to rob you of God’s
    blessing for your life!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Sat, Mar 25th - 7:14AM

    Our God

    Our God                Jeremiah 3:25                   March 25

    We lie down in our shame and our confusion covers us for we have sinned
    against the Lord our God. We and our fathers from our youth until this
    day have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God.

    Israel had sinned against God. They had turned their backs against Him
    and looked everywhere but to Him for salvation. Jeremiah wrote, “Truly
    in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude
    of mountains.” Isn’t it amazing how far we are willing to look for
    salvation when our focus is not in Christ and then how narrow our focus is
    when we look to Him?

    We need to be willing to look at our lives as we are. We need to know
    that “We lie down in our shame and our confusion covers us for we have
    sinned against the Lord our God. We and our fathers from our youth until
    this day have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God.” We need to be
    reminded again and again that “truly in the Lord our God is our

    I like the wording of this verse, that “we have not obeyed the voice of
    the Lord ‘our God’.” Even though we lie down in our own shame as
    sinners against the Lord ‘our God’, He is still our God. This is so amazing
    that God could love me in spite of my sin and my continual condition of
    shame because of that sin. God is the Lord “my God”. Paul tells us that
    “even while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

    God is there for us. The fact is, He is the Lord “our God” because we
    were created so that He could be our God. Our existence itself is so
    that He could be our God even though we are sinners. God wants us to know
    that He is our salvation. He is more than capable of saving us and that
    there is no other name in heaven or on the earth whereby men may be

    I am and will be eternally grateful to the Lord for all that He has
    done for me as He has been and continues to be the Lord “my God”. It does
    not matter what you may have or may not have done, God loves you and He
    is the Lord “our God” There is not a need that you have that He is not
    aware of nor is there a situation that you or I will ever face that He
    does not have the solution for. We need to learn to look to Him instead
    of everywhere else and begin to walk in His statutes and His way so
    that He can do for us what He so much wants to do.

    God was trying to tell Israel in Jeremiah’s day that He wanted them to
    look to Him because He was the Lord “their God”. He wants you and me to
    look to Him because He is still the Lord “our God” and there is no
    better relationship that we could find ourselves in that being called His!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (2)

    Fri, Mar 24th - 7:58AM

    Sweet Sleep

    Sweet Sleep          Proverbs 3:24            March 24

    When you lie down you shall not be afraid. Yes, you shall lie down and
    your sleep shall be sweet.

    The only thing that will defeat fear is faith. When we place our faith
    in the Lord Jesus, we will be able to lie down and not be afraid and
    God promises that our sleep will be sweet. There is no security that is
    any sweeter than the security that is ours in the Lord Jesus. The
    problem that a lot of us have is we go to bed trying to find the solution to
    our problems on our own. We want to be masters of our own destiny. We
    want to be in charge and we want to know exactly what is going to
    happen, how it is going to happen and when. We do not like surprises and we
    do not like not knowing how things are going to work themselves out.

    When we go to bed trying to work out our own situations, we may find
    rest difficult. It is difficult to try to go to sleep when our lives are
    in disarray. However, when we leave our lives to the Lord, He is able
    to give us rest and take care of the circumstances that surround our
    lives. God is able to still the storms and calm the waves that can come up
    around us.

    There is no peace that is any better than the peace that is ours in the
    Lord Jesus. When we leave our lives to His leadership and we learn to
    walk with Him, we will find that our fears will begin to disappear and
    our sleep will be sweeter.

    I remember when I got saved, I realized that is was lost and that was
    the worst feeling that I have ever known. I remember as a 10 year old
    boy crying myself to sleep at night because I knew I was lost and I
    wanted to be saved. This took place for several nights and then on Thursday
    night, I remember laying down and I asked the Lord to forgive me of my
    sin and to come into my heart and it was as if God reached down and
    picked me up and pulled me close to his bosom and all I remember was going
    to sleep in His arms. I have never gone to sleep since then not knowing
    that He is mine and that I am His!

    There is no sleep any sweeter than the sleep that is ours because we
    have surrendered our lives to Jesus and we have made Him Lord and Master
    of our lives!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (1)

    Thu, Mar 23rd - 7:17AM

    Great Faithfulness

    Great Faithfulness      Lamentations 3:23             March 23

    “Great is Thy faithfulness.”

    No discussion of God’s promises can be made without talking about His
    faithfulness to His own Words. Promises are of no consequence if the one
    giving those promises has no intention of following through with those
    promises. In addition, one can have all of the good intentions in the
    world and fail to have the recourses to carry out the promises and they
    are of no consequence as well. God has both the intent and the ability
    to keep His promises and more. “Great is His faithfulness!”

    The truth is we can take God at His Word. We can take His Word and we
    can build our lives upon His Word and His promises and know that what
    God has said He will do, He will do! God is everything that He says He
    is. He is a God of love. He loved so much that He sent His only begotten
    Son that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish but have
    everlasting life.

    He is a God of mercy. Moment by moment God continues to show His mercy
    as our world turns its back to Him yet He continues to let life go one
    as in Him all life consists. His grace abounds as He continues to bless
    us even though we do not deserve His blessings. He is a God who is
    all-powerful. He holds the world in His balance and the sun and moon and
    the stars and their very existence is controlled by Him and their orbits.
    Each and every body relates to one another with gravitational forces
    that keep the universe in tact. A single moon around Mars or Jupiter
    could get out of orbit and cause complete and utter destruction for the
    entire universe, as we know it.

    Closer to home, God knows the number of hairs that are on our heads;
    obviously some of us give Him less cause for alarm than others! He knows
    when a sparrow falls to the ground. He knows each and every one of our
    thoughts before we do! We can trust Him with our lives! God is
    completely faithful to His Word because He is faithful to Himself as well as
    His purpose for creating us in the first place!

    God desires faith from us because He is faithful Himself. Here is how
    the two complete each other. Faith is believing that God is everything
    that He says He is. As God is faithful, He proves over and over again
    that He is everything that He says He is. Faith not only believes that
    God is everything that He says He is, but it believes that He will do
    everything that He says He will do. God is faithful as He proves that He
    is everything that He says He is and as He does everything that HE says
    He will do. Here is where you and I come in and why our faith is so

    When does God proves His faithfulness? He is able to prove His
    faithfulness to Who He and all that He has promised when we are faithful to Him
    and we allow Him to do so! Our faith in Him gives opportunity to His
    faithfulness to us! So when Paul wrote, “Without faith it is impossible
    to please God” he was in effect saying our faithlessness affects God’s
    faithfulness to Himself and to us, which He odes not like at all!
    Fortunately for us, God is faithful to Himself and His Word even when we are
    not, but His faithfulness is tied to our faith in Him and our
    determination to be His children as we allow Him to be our God!

    Great is Thy faithfulness! Thank You Father for Your great faithfulness
    to each of us today and forever!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Wed, Mar 22nd - 7:44AM

    Recieving God's Blessings

    Receiving God’s Blessings         I John 3:22          March 22

    “Whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments
    and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.”

    What do you expect from God? Do you expect Him to hear your prayers and
    answer your requests? Do you know that God hears your prayers and He
    knows your situation and your needs? Do you know that God cares about
    your need and as John as laid out for us in the scripture, “Whatsoever we
    ask, we receive of Him”? Have you asked God for things that He has not
    given to you?

    We all have. There are two comments that I will make concerning this
    passage. First of all, God will never give us everything that we ask for.
    I am personally convinced that when we pray and ask for things the Holy
    Spirit steps in and on our behalf goes to the throne with requests on
    our behalf. Listen to Paul in Romans chapter 8, “26 Likewise the Spirit
    also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for
    as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with
    groanings which cannot be uttered. 27And he that searcheth the hearts
    knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for
    the saints according to the will of God.  28And we know that all things
    work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called
    according to his purpose.”

    God blesses us according to His Will and good pleasure and according to
    His promises. He is committed to our best interest and sometimes that
    means that we have to endure difficulty so that He can bless us in His
    due time. This is difficult for us to understand but not difficult for
    us to live with. The key to life is found not in receiving our requests
    as we might think, but rather in the second part of this instructional
    verse. John writes, “because we keep His commandments and do those
    things that are pleasing in His sight.”

    Here is the key to understanding life from God’s perspective. We are to
    come to God with our needs and our requests and know that we will
    receive from God with respect to that request. The key however, is in our
    obedience to God’s Word without respect to the status of our requests!
    God wants us to trust Him first and He wants us to trust Him in our
    requests. He wants us to trust Him to the point that whatever He decides to
    do is right and just and is His best. We have to remember that God has
    eternity in mind in all that He does and He also has others in mind as

    Right now, there are sisters and brothers who are part of our
    devotional family who are struggling with a number of issues in their lives.
    Some are dealing with the loss of loved ones and even some are facing that
    issue at this very moment. Others are dealing with difficulties in
    relationships with spouses and with rebellious children. Some are facing
    serious financial difficulties. Where is God in all of these difficult
    situations? Does God really care? Is He really there? Does He really hear
    our prayers?

    Yes He does. He knows what is going on in your life and He is working
    in those situations and He wants us to hold onto His hand and keep on
    trusting Him and keep on serving Him and loving Him and He will prove His
    love and His provisions in HIS power in your life.

    God will keep His promises. We need to do our part, no matter how tough
    the stand, we need to remember that He loves us and His grace is
    sufficient in all things and in all circumstances all of the time.

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Tue, Mar 21st - 10:52AM

    Perfect Salvation

    Perfect Salvation         Philippians 3:21         March 21

    The Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body, that it may be
    fashioned unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is
    able to subdue all things unto Himself.

    For the child of God, the day will come when Jesus will come again and
    we shall see Him and we shall be like Him, as perfectly holy as He is
    Holy. When we leave this life, our corruption shall take on incorruption
    and we shall be like He is forever.

    We need to know that it is Jesus who shall change us. He will take our
    sin sick, vile body and fashion it into His glorious body. It is the
    finished work at Calvary that touches our hearts and changes our lives
    and finally transforms us. As we learn to walk with Him here in this
    life, that walk leads us to Him and His presence and His power are able to
    subdue us unto Himself. We cannot make those changes for ourselves. It
    is Jesus who will do that for us.

    Jesus died for us so that we could live for Him. He died in our place
    so that we could live with Him. In order to live with Him, we have to
    learn to live for Him. This is the process of sanctification, being
    transformed into the express image of the Lord Jesus, one decision at a
    time. As we surrender our lives to Him, we find His presence available to
    us and His power available for us. The desire of God’s heart is that we
    be just like Jesus. To accomplish that in our hearts and in our lives,
    God has sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts to guide our lives.

    As we read the Word and listen to the Spirit, we receive direction that
    will lead us and guide us to be more like Jesus. As we surrender to
    that Word, our decisions move us in the direction that the Lord would have
    us go and then the day comes when we leave this world and we move into
    that world that is to come and we take on this new “Holiness” that is
    ours in Christ Jesus. He is the culmination of all that takes place in
    this life. All of the heartache will be turned into victory. All of the
    sickness and the pain will be turned into joy. All of the sorrow will
    be replaced by rejoicing.

    When we see Jesus, we will be delivered from the defeating influence of
    the world and the influence of the prince of this world. We will be
    changed forever as well as forever changed. Our position guarantees our
    perfection! Our practice is progressive as we seek to be what we are
    supposed to be and one day will be! Somehow, the process that we take to
    the final stage is a process worth investing in because the path that we
    take has a lot to do with how we finish! We should want to be like Paul
    as he said, “I have fought a good fight and I have finished the
    course.” May we too hear the words, “Well done my good and faithful servant,
    enter into the joy of the Lord which has been prepared for you from the
    foundation of the world.”

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Mon, Mar 20th - 7:46AM

    More Than I Could Hope For

    More Than I Could Hope For        Ephesians 3:20       March 20

    Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we
    could ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

    Here is one of my favorite promises in the Bible. Paul is praising God
    who is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or (hope
    for) think. I like the phrase “hope for” because that is what we think.
    When we surrender our lives to the Lord by following His Word in each
    and every decision that we make, God is then able to do for us as only
    He can do. When we come into His presence, we are going to experience
    His power. When God works in our lives, our lives are going to reflect
    His glory!

    You and I live our lives doing a lot of things to satisfy the desire
    that lies deep within our being. The truth is, God created us with this
    innate desire to “live our lives to their fullest.” If this is our
    desire and that desire was given to us by God, then why does it cause us so
    much difficulty?

    God gave us this desire so that He could be the One to fill it. God is
    the One who is able to do for us exceedingly abundantly more than we
    can ask or hope for. He is the giver and sustainer of life. God created
    you and me for one reason and that reason is so that we could be outlets
    for His love. God’s ;pve is a giving love and in order for God to give,
    He needs an outlet for that giving.

    When God created us, He gave us this nature to thirst for life. In
    order for us to experience His giving love as He wants us to experience it,
    He had to give us the choice as to where we find the source of life to
    satisfy that longing that is deep with in us. When we look to the world
    and the things of the world, we will not find the life that He has
    planned for us. We experience the life that He desires for us as we
    surrender our hearts to Him and we surrender our wills to His will and we
    follow Him in the decisions that we make. Notice Paul tells us that it is
    God’s power that works in us that gives us the life that He so much
    wants us to have.

    When God is present in our lives, so is His power! And when His power
    is present, so are His provisions and those provisions are what blesses
    us exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or hope for. God wants
    us to let the desires of His heart fill the desires of our heart. When
    we surrender our lives to Him and we allow His Word and His Spirit to
    direct our lives one decision at a time, He is able to do for us what we
    cannot do for ourselves and there is nothing that can begin to compare
    with the life that He wants to give to us.

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Sun, Mar 19th - 9:05AM


    Chastisement            Revelation 3:19            March 19

    As many as I love I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore and

    When we think about God’s promises, we do not really relish promises
    like the one in today’s devotional. There are those who seem to think of
    God’s love for us and they have a hard time accepting God’s
    chastisement. Jesus Himself says He will chastise those that He loves. This is not
    one of the apostles or Paul simply making a statement, although that
    would be enough.  Jesus is speaking here and we need to accept this
    passage and we need to take His words to heart.

    If we are not experiencing God’s chastening hand, then we had better
    take a good look at our relationship with the Lord. Jesus does not say, I
    will chasten those I love when they need it…. He knows we will all need
    it, some of us more than others. God does not punish us to satisfy
    Himself. There is a purpose for His chastisement and that purpose is so
    that He can open the windows of heaven and pour out His blessings on us.

    He tells us that our response to His chastisement is simple; repent and
    do it immediately! When we repent, we look to Him and that is all that
    God wants from us. When we sin, we take our eyes off of the Lord and
    put them on the world or we focus on our own desires. When we sin, we
    begin to do what seems right in our own eyes and we fail to take God’s
    Word and the direction that it gives to heart.

    Sin is turning away from God and His perfect will and way for our
    lives. Sin keeps God from blessing us as He wants to do because we have
    chosen no ignore His power and His provisions for our lives. When we
    repent, we are saying, “ God I was wrong and I want Your forgiveness and Your
    way in my life.” Then God can begin to be God in our lives and He can
    make the difference that He wants to make in our lives.

    Rejoice today that Jesus assures us, “ as many as I love I rebuke and
    chasten; be zealous therefore and repent.”

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (2)

    Sat, Mar 18th - 7:43AM

    Look at the Mirror

    Look at the Mirror             II Corinthians 3:18             March 18

    The Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
    liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of
    the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as
    by the Spirit of the Lord.

    Paul tells the Christians at Corinth, “As we have borne the image of
    the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” (I
    Corinthians 15:49) We as Christians ought to be able to look at our lives and the
    decisions that we make and the things that we do and see evidence of
    the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Jesus left the throne of Heaven to
    take on the likeness of man so that we would be able to take on His

    You and I are to reflect the image of the Lord in our lives. However,
    we are not to do it on our own. We are changed by the work of the Holy
    Spirit in our lives as we surrender our wills to His will. God has given
    us every opportunity to walk in His ways and as we do, we take on more
    and more of His glory.

    What does this glory look like? What is that we are supposed to see
    when we look into this mirror that Paul is talking about here? Understand
    something. When we look into a mirror, we see ourselves as we are. A
    lot of people work on being something in front of others. We work hard at
    trying to fix ourselves up before the world but here Paul is saying
    that our own self-examination is what we need to see.

    We need to begin to see ourselves in our decisions. This is the most
    important aspect of our lives. Our lives are the result of the decisions
    that we make. We are in the place that we are in today because of the
    decisions that we have already made. So, as we look at ourselves, we see
    the result of the decisions that we have made. The key to life is not
    looking a the results but rather looking at the process that brings us
    to the place that we are at.

    For example, a bathroom scale tells us how good the decisions that we
    have made have been where our weight is concerned. We can continue to
    step on that scale and we will no doubt see change. If we want to have
    something to do with which direction that change goes, we have to make a
    change in the decisions that we make. Christ came to help us make a
    difference in those decisions.

    We cannot make the decisions that we need to make on our own either.
    There are a lot of people who make the very dangerous mistake of trying
    to do things on their own. Some of the books on “Self-Help” that tell us
    that we can do anything that we want to do are as damaging as they can
    possibly be. We are masters of our own destiny in some ways but the
    question that we need to consider is which direction are we headed? We
    need the input of the Holy Spirit that is a gift from God Himself to help
    us reflect His glory as we allow Him to make a difference in who we are
    and the things that we do.

    Take a good look at that mirror and ask yourself if the decisions that
    you have made today have allowed you to reflect God’s glory or your
    own. God will assist you in that look if you will just allow Him to do so!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (1)

    Fri, Mar 17th - 7:29AM

    God Will Deliver Us

    Our God Will Deliver Us      Daniel 3:17       March 17

    If it be so our God who we serve is able to deliver us form the fiery
    furnace and He will deliver us out of your hand, oh king.

    Shadrach, Meshach and Obednego were the three Hebrew children who were
    cast into the fiery furnace because they refused to bow down and
    worship another God. Nebuchadnezzar was king and he was actually manipulated
    into issuing the edict that would put these three men’s lives in
    jeopardy. The Chaldean rulers knew that the Jewish men would not bow down and
    worship the image of the king and when the time came for everyone to
    bow down, they waited for the three Hebrew children to refuse to do so
    and they ran straight to the king to report them to him.

    Nebchadnezzar called the three into his chambers and offered them an
    opportunity to bow down in private but they refused to do so.
    Nebchadnezzar warned them that if they refused to do what he told them to do, they
    would be cast into the fiery furnace. Their reply is one of my favorite
    statements in all of the Bible made by someone other than the Lord.
    They told the king, “If it be so our God who we serve is able to deliver
    us form the fiery furnace and He will deliver us out of your hand, oh
    king. “ They went on in verse 18 to say, but if not, be it known unto
    you, O king, that we will not serve your gods, nor worship the golden
    image that you have set up.”

    Basically, these three men said, “We would rather burn than bow.” The
    three men trusted God and knew that God could deliver them from anything
    that they would face. However, if God chose not to deliver them, they
    would stand with Him and for Him and they would not bow down before
    another god.

    These men were very intelligent individuals. I am sure the thought came
    to them, “We need to do something because our stand will not do us or
    anyone else any good if we are dead.” Compromise is such an easy thing
    to do when it comes to making decisions. However, compromise allows us
    to do what seems right in our own eyes. God does not need compromise
    because He knows what is best in every situation. God wants us to take Him
    at His Word no matter what the circumstances or the situation may be.

    Had these three not taken the determined stand that they took, we would
    not know anything about the dynamic deliverance that they experienced!
    Had they not been cast into the fiery furnace, we would have never been
    able to see the fourth man walking about in the fiery furnace with
    them! We need to determine in our hearts and in our minds to walk with God
    with the same resolve that these three men had and be willing to say
    with them, “If it be so our God who we serve is able to deliver us from
    the fiery furnace that we may have to face and if He does not deliver
    us, we will not bow down and worship any other god.” God cannot deliver
    us if we do not go where His dynamic deliverance can be experienced!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Thu, Mar 16th - 7:29AM

    Thoroughly Furnished

    Thoroughly Furnished              II Timothy 3:16            March 16

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for
    doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness;
    that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

    The Bible not only contains a number of promises from God to us, the
    Word of God itself is a promise from God to us. All scripture is given by
    inspiration of God to us. The Bible is not the work of men but solely
    the work of God to us and for us. The Bible is given to us so that we
    can know who God is and what He wants to do in and with our lives.

    The Bible is profitable to us in a number of ways. First of all, it is
    profitable for doctrine or teaching. When we take the Bible and let it
    direct our paths, then we are going to find life and find it more
    abundantly. It is impossible to get where we need to be when we are headed
    in the wrong direction. The Bible leads us and guides us in the right
    direction and that benefits us in a couple of ways. First of all, when we
    are headed in the right direction, we will find God’s blessings and
    then we will avoid a lot of the pitfalls that the world can throw at us.

    The Bible is profitable for reproof and correction. The Bible helps us
    to examine ourselves and see the error of our ways because it sets a
    standard in front of us in the person of Jesus that is consistent and
    steadfast. He is our rock and our fortress and He will never fail us and
    we can trust in Him and we can aspire to be like Him. The Bible has a
    correcting aspect to it for one reason; God wants to take us from where
    we are to the place that He wants us to be. He wants to turn us around
    and head us in the right direction and it is all for our benefit! The
    benefit that God gets from it all is blessing us.

    The Bible is profitable for instruction in righteousness. God wants us
    to be able to stand before Him justified and to do that He sent His Son
    to pay the penalty for our sin. All we need to do is to accept that
    free pardon for our sin and ask Jesus to forgive our sin and come into our
    heart and be our Savior and Lord. When we have done that, the Word of
    God directs us and teaches us who God is and what He has promised to do
    for us so that our faith might be made perfect in our lives. As we
    exercise that faith in the decisions that we make, our righteousness is
    perfected and God is able to be God in our lives and He is glorified in us
    and others are able to see Him through us.

    The goal that God has set forth for His Word is that the man of God may
    be thoroughly furnished unto all good works. God wants us to prosper
    and to benefit from His blessings. He wants our lives to be filled to
    overflowing, full of His grace and His glory. He wants every moment that
    we live to be its absolute best. When we take His Word and His
    instruction to heart, He takes our heart and makes something wonderful out of it
    and He gives us life and the good works that He promises us are His and
    not ours and that makes life really worth the living!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Wed, Mar 15th - 10:46AM

    The Lord Will Deliver

    The Lord Will Deliver Us         Judges 3:15          March 15

    But when the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised
    them up a deliverer.

    Israel was a rebellious nation for much of its history. In verse 12, we
    read, “And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord
    AGAIN and the Lord strengthened Eglon, the king of Moab against Israel
    because the had done evil in the sight of the Lord.” The Bible goes on to
    say that Israel was under the rule of Moab for another 18 years. But
    when the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, He raised them up a

    A person would think that at some point Israel would have learned that
    trusting God was the best option that they had. Just look at all the
    things that God did for them in their history! Time and time again,
    Israel sinned against God and God heard their cries and He forgave their sin
    and He delivered them from their bondage and affliction and their
    oppression. Unfortunately, the children of Israel never broke that cycle but
    neither did the Lord. In fact, even while we were yet sinners, Christ
    died for us! When man was at his worst, Jesus died for us on the cross
    so that we could live with Him in Heaven!

    There are two thoughts that I want us to leave this devotional with.
    First of all, just as He did for the children of Israel, God has done so
    much for you and me. He has given us life and He continues to sustain
    that life. The purpose of the life that we have been given is to bring
    glory to God as we surrender our wills to His will and we make His way
    our way. God wants to fight our battles and He wants to deliver us from
    our sinful ways so that He can give us life that is rich and full and
    abundant. God’s love is only as good and effective as we allow it to
    make a difference in our lives!

    The second thing that we need to remember is this, no matter how many
    mistakes we have made, God will hear our cry for forgiveness and He will
    deliver us from our sin and our sinful ways as we determine in our
    hearts, with His help to walk in His ways according to the dictates of His
    Word. God does not have to send us a deliverer like He did for the
    children of Israel in our text for today. He took care of that once and for
    all at Calvary. God will forever do all that He can to take us from
    where we are and move us to the place that He would have us be.

    We need to be reminded over and over again of all the things that God
    has done for us so that He can continue to do the things that He so much
    wants to do for us. God wants our lives to be filled with His goodness
    and He wants us to be blessed exceedingly abundantly more than we can
    ask or even hope for. He has the ability as well as the desire to make
    our lives that rich and full if we will just trust Him enough in faith
    through obedience to His Word without compromise. God will hear our
    cries and He will deliver us if we will just let Him do so!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Tue, Mar 14th - 7:20AM

    I Am Who I Am

    I Am Who I Am           Genesis 3:14                March 14

    “And God said to Moses, ‘I am Who I Am.’ Thus you shall say to the
    children of Israel, ‘I Am has sent me to you.’”

    Here we find a very special promise contained in this event in the life
    of Moses and the children of Israel. God has identified Himself to
    Moses in a name that defines Who He is as well as What He is going to do.
    God tells Moses to tell the children of Israel, “I Am has sent me to
    you.” In His name is the guarantee of His promises and all that He is and
    all that He plans to do in and with the children of Israel as well as
    the whole world.

    Faith itself is founded in God! Faith is believing that God is
    everything that He says He is and that He will do everything that He says He
    will do. That entire definition can be summed up in the Name God has
    identified Himself as, “I am Who I am.” God is saying to Moses, “I am
    everything that I say I am and I will do everything that I say I will do.”

    God is often referred to as “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”,
    which is a reference to the God who made the promises to Israel to make
    them a mighty nation and to give them a land flowing with milk and honey.
    Here God tells Moses to tell the children of Israel who are in
    captivity and in bondage in Egypt, that He has seen their afflictions and He
    has heard their cries and He has sent Moses to deliver them from the hand
    of Pharaoh. In verse 18 God tells Moses, “then they will heed your
    voice.” The people will know that it is the God of their forefathers who
    has come to intervene in their lives and is keeping His promise that He
    made to their forefathers.

    God’s nature and purpose is a wrapped up in the name that He identifies
    Himself with. He is everything that He says He is and He certainly will
    do everything that He says He will do. He encouraged Moses to stand
    with Him with this name and He wants us to be encouraged as well and to
    make a stand and live for Him as we make decisions on a day-by-day basis.
    He wants to be God in our hearts and in our lives so that He can fight
    our battles and meet our needs and give us life that is filled to
    overflowing. He wants our lives to be filled with “milk and honey” and His
    desire is that we be abundantly blessed by all that He is and all that
    He wants to do in us and with us and for us and through us! God wants to
    bless us and He wants us to be blessing to Him as well as the rest of
    the world!

    God wants us to know that “I Am Who I Am” is here with us today and He
    wants to be God in our lives and He wants us to be His children!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Mon, Mar 13th - 8:09AM

    Acknowledge Our Sin

    Acknowledge Our Sin               Jeremiah 3:13          March 13

    Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against the
    Lord your God and have scattered your ways to the strangers under every
    green tree and you have not obeyed My voice says the Lord.

    God told Jeremiah that Israel had justified their sinful ways more than
    Judah had done. He told Jeremiah to go to the people of Israel and tell
    them to return or repent so that He would not have to send His judgment
    upon them. God said, “I am a merciful God and I will not keep My anger

    Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against the
    Lord your God and have scattered your ways to the strangers under every
    green tree and you have not obeyed My voice says the Lord.

    God has not changed. The desire of His heart is to “give us pastors who
    shall feed us with knowledge and understanding.” God wants us to know
    Him and the power that comes with our knowing Him and walking with Him.
    There is a difference in knowing who God is and knowing Him on a
    personal, daily walk. I know my wife. I know a lot about her. I can listen to
    what her friends say and how they react to her being around them.
    However, this is not what she wants from our relationship. She wants me to
    “know her” on a personal level and to walk with her and to be there for
    her on a moment by moment basis.

    God wants the same thing from you and me. God does not like it when we
    sin. He has made provisions to help us tp rectify that problem. God
    wants us to come to Him and admit our sin that we have transgressed His
    Law. Acknowledging our sin is the first step to being forgiven!

    Notice what God said about Israel, “They had justified their sinful
    ways.” We have this way of doing much the same thing. We want to justify
    our ways and our actions even when we know that what we are wanting to
    do is not the things that we need to do. When we acknowledge our sin or
    iniquity before the Lord, He is able to forgive us but He is also able
    to help us stand against the temptation that can so easily lead us

    Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against the
    Lord your God and have scattered your ways to the strangers under every
    green tree and you have not obeyed My voice says the Lord. God is a
    merciful God and His desire is that you and I keep His ways in the
    forefront of our minds and our thoughts so that He can do for us all the
    things that we cannot begin to do for ourselves!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (1)

    Sun, Mar 12th - 8:55AM

    Boldness And Confidence

    Boldness and Confidence       Ephesians 3:12          March 12

    In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by our faith in

    Paul’s desire was that the church would come to know the unsearchable
    riches of Christ and the manifold wisdom of God, which God had purposed
    in His heart before the foundation of the world and was the purpose
    that Jesus came in to this world and went to the cross. This knowledge
    would give the church holy boldness to come before the Lord and to seek
    access with confidence that the Lord would hear our prayer and He would
    respond to our prayer. This confidence would not rest in what we could
    do for ourselves but rather would rest in what Jesus could and would do
    for us.

    You see there is a big difference in trusting in what Jesus “can” do
    for us and trusting in what He “will” do for us. I I know a lot of people
    who believe that God can take care of the circumstances and situations
    that they find themselves in but they have a difficult time turning
    loose of those situations and trusting Him to do something for them. Paul
    assures us that we can come to God in boldness and complete confidence
    by our faith in the Lord Jesus.

    The key to the power of the gospel is found in that last phrase, “by
    our faith in Him.” Our faith in the Lord is the key to experiencing real
    victory in our lives. This faith is the result of our coming to
    understanding the wisdom of God that is revealed in the Word of God and
    demonstrated in the life of the Lord Himself. As you and I look to the Word
    of God and we begin to rest on the promises that are contained there, we
    come to know that we can trust God and our faith is then strengthened
    and our resolve should be strengthened to walk even closer to the Lord.

    As you and I trust God and we walk with Him in the light of His Word
    and not according to the desires of our own heart and what seems right in
    our own minds, our boldness increases and our confidence that God is in
    control and He will hear our prayer and He will answer that prayer and
    He will do what is best for us according to His manifold wisdom as He
    leads us from where we are to the place that He so much wants us to be.

    God is a great God and the purpose of His heart is to be our God and
    that means that He will do anything heavenly possible to do for us what
    only He can do. He wants us to learn that we can trust Him and that we
    can come to Him in complete confidence and absolute assurance that He
    will do all that He can do for our benefit and our blessing.

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Sat, Mar 11th - 8:08AM

    God Is At Work            I Samuel 3:11              March 11

    And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold I will do a thing in Israel at
    which both the ears of everyone that heareth it shall tingle.

    Samuel was a young child and he served Eli who was a judge and high
    priest in Israel. Eli was a just man but his sons sinned against God as
    they took advantage of their position as priests in Samuel’s court. God
    was very displeased at Eli because of how his sons acted in that
    position. He had told Eli that He was displeased with how he had raised his
    sons and that the day would come when He would remove Eli and his sons
    from their position.

    Samuel has found favor with the Lord and God spoke to the young child
    and Samuel thought that it was Eli that called out to him and so he
    would go to Eli to find out what it was that he wanted. Eli realized that
    it was God who had called out the young lad’s name. He told Samuel to go
    lie back down and if he heard someone call out his name again, he was
    to say, “Speak for your servant hears.”

    When the Lord called out again, Samuel asked the Lord to speak and
    God’s response to him was, “Behold I will do a thing in Israel at which
    both the ears of everyone that heareth it shall tingle.” God went on to
    tell Samuel that He would remove the house of Eli and everyone would know
    that it was God that had done it. When the morning came, Eli told
    Samuel to tell him what the Lord had told him and he told Samuel, May the
    Lord do the same thing to you if you do not tell me what He said.” Eli
    knew that his time had come.

    The thought that I want us to focus on today is this, “When God moves
    and He does something, the ‘ears of everyone’ shall tingle.” God had
    warned Eli and He gave Eli a number of opportunities to correct the
    problem Notice, God told Samuel that “Eli’s house would not be purged with
    sacrifices and offerings forever.” God’s patience can even be seen in His
    judgment. God was about to act.

    God will act. The choice that you and I have will determine just how
    God acts with respect to our lives. When God convicts us of our sin, we
    need to take His Word serious and we need to make changes in our lives
    that reflect His will and His way in our decisions. Then God is able to
    act in love and mercy and our lives benefit from His goodness and His
    presence and power in our lives. If we do not conform, then He still
    acts; however, His actions come in judgment and in wrath and you and I do
    not want to experience with of those as Eli and the whole world of his
    day was about to witness.

    God is in control and He is going to act and people are going to see
    what the Lord is going to do. the challenge that is before you and me is
    to be in Samuel’s position to see the power of God at work as opposed
    to being in Eli’s position and the recipient of God’s work.

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Fri, Mar 10th - 8:04AM

    That I May Know Him

    That I May Know Him         Philippians 3:10           March 10

    That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the
    fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death.

    Paul tells the church at Philippi, “I count all things but loss for the
    excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord… that I may know
    Him.” More than anything else in the whole world, Paul wanted to know
    Jesus in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His
    suffering. Paul was willing to suffer for one reason; he wanted to be found
    faithful and to finish the course that had been set before him and nothing
    was going to keep him from finishing the race for Jesus’ sake.

    The truth is we cannot know Jesus aside from the power of the
    resurrection. It is the resurrection of Jesus Christ that gives His whole its
    meaning and its significance. It is the news of the resurrection that
    brought the disciples back from their homes that they had gone to when
    Jesus was crucified. When Jesus bowed His head and cried out, “It is
    finished” that is exactly how the disciples all felt. When Jesus died so did
    all of the dreams that the disciples had die with Him. However, when
    the news that Jesus was alive and not dead got to them, they all received
    new life themselves and they came to see Him.

    It was at Pentecost that the Holy Spirit came down and moved into their
    hearts and the world was forever changed by the power of the
    resurrected Christ. This power that they received was a power that would help
    them and even cause them to be able to endure various sufferings for the
    advancement of the gospel. Paul Himself had met the resurrected Lord on
    the road to Damascus and as he surrendered His life to this risen Lord,
    he came to know the fellowship of the Lord’s sufferings. Paul came to
    know what it meant to “take up his cross and follow Jesus.”

    If you and I are to know Jesus, we must be willing to come to Him in
    the power of His resurrection as it is revealed to us in His Word. We
    cannot know Him as we want Him to be. We must come to Know Him as He has
    revealed Himself to us and as we discover Him as we walk with Him in
    obedience to what He has written to us in His Word. This obedience may
    well cost us a great deal. Certainly it will cost us as we surrender our
    own wills to do His will in our every day walk.

    However, as we begin to take a stand for Him in our homes and in our
    workplace, we will find that people around us will want to avoid us and
    they may criticize us and our determination to walk with the Lord may
    even cost us dearly. However, to come to know the Lord in the power of
    His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings will give our lives
    a peace and a quality of joy that we cannot begin to experience any
    other way. Paul knew this fellowship and you and I can know it as well if
    we will just determine in our hearts to “know Him” at all cost!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Thu, Mar 9th - 7:28AM

    God Cannot Lie

    God Cannot Lie II Peter 3:9                    March 9

    “The Lord is not slack concerning His promises.”

    One of the attributes that is ascribed to God is that of truth. In all
    that God is and all that He has promised and assured, we can know that
    He is obligated to Himself as well as us that He will perform all that
    He has said He will do. As His character is revealed in the Bible, one
    thing is absolutely clear and that is that God cannot lie. He is
    trustworthy from beginning to end and His truth will remain.

    You can go to the Bible and you will not find one time where God has
    failed to keep His promises. You can go to history and you will not find
    one time when man has recorded that the promises of God have not been
    fulfilled. Someone has said, “One lie can cloud a thousand truths.” God
    is and has always been true to Himself and he always will be. As He is
    true to Himself, He will be true to each of those who love Him and are
    called by His name. We can rest in His Word. We can find comfort in His
    Word. We can find strength in His Word and we can find direction in His

    One of the things that we have to remind ourselves from time to time is
    the fact that God never had to make the promises that He made in the
    first place if He did not intend for them to be there for us to base our
    lives on. God could have simply said, “I am the Lord, God Almighty and
    I will do what I will do. You need to fear Me and walk in My statues or
    suffer the consequences.” He did not have to send His Son to die on the
    cross. He did not have to promise us abundant life in His Son Jesus. He
    did not have to promise us eternal life with Him in Heaven.

    However, because all of those things were important to Him, He wanted
    to share those promises with us so that we would have His Word to build
    our lives and our eternity on, He gave us so many promises in the
    Bible! When we remember that God created us for His own good pleasure as
    outlets for His great love for us, then we can certainly understand why He
    would make so many promises to us. In the creation, God desired to
    create man and through his freewill, he would allow God to be God in his
    life. The desire of God’s heart is to meet our need, fill our lack and
    give us life that is abundant and full. All of the promises that He gives
    to us in His precious Word are there to assure us that all the things
    that God has promised us, He will fulfill.

    God is not slack concerning His promises. If anything is true, it is
    the fact that God has so much more in store for us than what He has
    promised us if we will but walk with Him and delight in His Law and allow
    Him to do for us all that He so much wants to do to His glory and His
    honor and our benefit!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Wed, Mar 8th - 7:35AM

    An Open Door

    An Open Door         Revelation 3:8          March 8

    8“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no
    one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and
    have not denied My name. 9“Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of
    Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make
    them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved
    you. 10“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep
    you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test
    those who dwell on the earth. 11“Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast
    what you have, that no one may take your crown.

    What a city name, “city of brotherly love” for the gospel to flourish!
    The city had its name long before the good news of Jesus Christ came to
    them but this was a city where people loved one another and treated one
    another as they themselves wants to be treated. It was a natural place
    for the gospel to flourish!

    In all of the other churches so far, Jesus commented on their strengths
    but had words of warning for them. Here, Jesus has no words of
    condemnation or warning. Was this church perfect, No. However, when a church or
    a community practices love, it covers a multitude of faults and

    Jesus tells the church at Philadelphia that He has set before them an
    open door, which no one can shut. He tells them that He knows that they
    have kept His Word and have not denied His name. Jesus promised His
    open door of blessings for their lives! No one can keep God’s joy and
    peace out of our hearts. When we walk with him and keep His commandments
    and we delight in His Word, He opens doors to us that no one can shut! As
    His blessings come upon us, others will know that God is with us and
    that He has loved us! Our testimony will touch men’s hearts when we walk
    with the Lord and God is able to be God in our lives!

    He goes on to tell the church that because they have kept His
    commandments and have persevered, that He would “keep them from the hour of
    trail which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the
    earth. The church here represents the church just before the end of the
    world when Jesus will come to take His church out of this world before
    the Great Tribulation that is coming. Before that hour comes, Jesus
    promises the church, 11“Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you
    have, that no one may take your crown.”

    Jesus is coming again and we who are called by His Name and have kept
    His commandments and have held fast to His promises, will see Him and be
    taken up in the twinkling of an eye to be with Him forever and ever in
    heaven! What a glorious day that will be! We too have an open door of
    opportunity to share this glorious truth with those around us. All we
    have to do is keep His Word and not deny Him so that our testimony will
    be effective and His Spirit will find liberty to touch the lives of
    those around us!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the
    communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    ><> Bob  <><

    Comment (0)

    Tue, Mar 7th - 6:13AM

    Justified By His Grace

    Justified By His Grace     Titus 3:7    March 7

    that being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

    Paul describes our life before coming to Christ, as being an individual that is foolish, disobedient, and deceived. We serve different lusts and pleasures and live in malice and envy and we are hateful and hate one another. “But after that, the kindness and love of God our Savior appears to us.” We come to God because God has reached out to us. We can become one of His because He has loved us with an everlasting love and because of His great love for us, He has reached out to us to bring us into His forever family by the wonder of His grace.

    His love for us is seen in His Son Jesus Christ and what He did for us at Calvary. We are “justified by His grace.” What does it mean to be justified? To be justified is to be declared free from the guilt and exposure to punishment for what we have done wrong. As saved sinners, we have been set free from the penalty of our sin and as such, we have been declared righteous before God because we have been covered by the finished substitutionary work of Christ on the cross.

    Our justification is made available to us the very moment Jesus is made our substitute to pay the penalty for our sin. As we stand before God, we are perfect before the Law because the penalty for our sin has been paid in full and we stand before God as if we had never broken the Law.

    How can we be justified before God? Paul answers that question as well when he says, “God is just and the justifier of him who believes in Christ.” (Romans 3:26) We are condemned by the Law but we have been pardoned by the Giver of the Law because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. God punished His Son for my sin. When Jesus took my sin upon Himself, and He gave His life for me, and when I took His Word to heart, believing that He is everything that He says He is and that He will do everything that He says He will do for me, His righteousness was given to me and His justification became my justification and I became an heir to God and a joint heir with Jesus and my hope is in Him for all eternity!

    May the Lord bless you exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or hope for!

    To receive these devotionals by email absolutely free, go to www.sbgm.org/subscribe.htm

    ><> Bob

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    Mon, Mar 6th - 9:53AM

    Direct Our Paths

    Direct Our Paths      Proverbs 3:6          March 6

    In all of your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

    God is a great and loving God. He wants us to acknowledge Him not because He is God; He wants us to acknowledge Him so that He can direct our paths! God does not need our obedience because He is God; He wants our obedience so that He can bless us as He directs our paths for His glory. My obedience to God is not for His benefit at all; my obedience to God and His Word and His direction is for my benefit.

    God promises us that when we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct our paths. This really is as simple as black words on white paper. You and I have the unique ability to acknowledge God in all of our ways if we will but do it. It is not really that difficult either. The hardest part is simply making the commitment to do it and then sticking to it.

    In all of your ways, Solomon writes, acknowledge Him. This does not mean that we can be obedient to God’s Word when it is convenient for us to do so and God is obligated to direct our paths and bless us. God does not grade on a curve. Our decisions effect God’s ability to lead us and direct our paths. God in His sovereignty has chosen not to be sovereign in the daily administration of our lives. What this means is this; God can direct our lives as He chooses but His choices are related to our choices. As you and I choose God’s way over our own way, He is able to then direct our paths and make a difference in who we are and what we do.

    When we choose to go our own way and not acknowledge God in all of our ways or even in some of our ways, God is then limited by our decisions as to how much He will direct our paths and bless us. Fortunately for us all, God sometimes overlooks our faults and our failures and He direct our paths in spite of our disobedience, but He is not obligated to do so.

    However, when we acknowledge Him in all of our ways, He will direct our paths and He will bless us and He will make our lives worth living and we will be blessed and we will be a blessing to others. This is God’s goal for our lives and it ought to be our goal as well.

    May the Lord bless you exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or hope for!

    To receive these devotionals by email absolutely free, go to www.sbgm.org/subscribe.htm

    ><> Bob

    Comment (2)

    Sun, Mar 5th - 8:15AM

    Born of the Spirit

    Born of the Spirit     John 3:5       March 5

    Jesus answered, “Verily, verily I say to you, unless a man be born of water and of spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

    A man named Nicodemus came to Jesus and asked Him what he had to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus answered him saying, “Unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus questioned the Lord farther, asking, “How can I enter again into my mother’s womb and be born again?”

    Jesus answered, “Verily, verily I say to you, unless a man be born of water and of spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

    It is important for us to make sure that we do whatever it takes to inherit eternal life. Nicodemus came to Jesus for the answers that he needed. You and I need to make sure that we do the same thing. The problem that I see in our world today is there are a lot of people doing a lot of wonderful things to inherit eternal life. However, they are looking to their commitment to do good thing. Too many people are looking at their church membership or their monetary giving to get them into heaven. There are even a few that think their teaching Sunday School and even preaching will get them to heaven.

    Jesus is crystal clear in His answer to Nicodemus. Unless a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. What did Jesus mean when He said, “born of water and of Spirit?” The answer is perhaps found in the next verse. Jesus says, “That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit is Spirit.” This explains what Jesus was saying as He referred to born of water and of spirit.

    We are born of water physically and literally. An infant grows in its mother’s womb in embryonic fluid that surrounds the infant until birth. Not only that, but even as adults we are primarily water in our make up as physical beings. So, being born of water has to do with our physical birth. Being born of Spirit has to do with the second birth, which takes place when we give our hearts to the Lord as our Savior. This spiritual birth comes from the Lord and from Him alone. When He died on the cross, He paid the penalty for our sins and that is the only way that we will be able to see the kingdom of God.

    This is why there is no other name on earth and in heaven that can save us. Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no one can come unto the Father but by Him. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosever would believe in Him would not perish but would have everlasting life.
    He who believe not in Him, is condemned already because He has not believed in the Name of the Only begotten Son of God.

    We need to make sure that we come to Jesus and look to Him and for His instruction to inherit eternal life. We need to make sure that we do not make the mistake of doing what seems right in our own eyes.

    . May the Lord bless you exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or hope for!

    To receive these devotionals by email absolutely free, go to www.sbgm.org/subscribe.htm

    ><> Bob


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    Sat, Mar 4th - 10:09PM

    Here I am Lord

    Here I Am Lord     Exodus 3:4       March 4

    And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him in the midst of the burning bush and said, Moses, Moses and he said Here I am.

    Imagine looking up to see a bush burning and the leaves and the branches were not being consumed. This would no doubt get your attention. This is exactly what Moses saw one day as he was out in the desert with a herd of sheep. As Moses looked at this spectacular event, he decided to take a closer look and when he got closer to the bush, the Lord called out to him from inside the bush.

    There are a couple of things that stand out in my mind as I think about what is taking place here. First of all, God can and does use a variety of things to speak to us through. God is not limited by space or time and He is able to do things that can and will get our attention. God certainly got Moses’ attention and He will do the same for you and me as we turn to see. When we look to find the Lord, He will reveal Himself to us.

    God spoke to Moses in an audible voice. Moses heard his name called out from the midst of the burning bush. God may not use our name as He did with Moses, but when He speaks to us, we will hear Him and we will know that it is God and we will know that He is speaking directly to us as if He did call our name out! All you and I have to do is respond to God’s initiative and look in His direction.

    Moses responded to God’s call as He said, “Here I am.” There is no better response that you and I can make than the one that Moses made. You and I need to remember that God has our best interest at heart and when He calls us to do something, there is a reason and that reason fits in with God’s plan not only for our lives, but as in Moses’ case, for a whole nation. God can use you and He can use me to make a difference in the world where He has placed us.

    The first step is to turn to see what it is that He is trying to do in our lives and then our response needs to be, “Lord, here I am.” As we look to His precious Word, God is able to speak to us and He is able to lead us and guide us through the application of His Word in our lives. As we turn to His Word, the Holy Spirit is able to use that Word to influence our decisions so that He can direct our lives. This is shy our response is so important. Until we say, “Lord, here I am,” then His Word has no effect on our lives and there is really very little that God can do to bless us and provide for us, much less use us for His plan and purpose.

    . May God bless you exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or home for!

    If you would like to receive these devotionals in your email early every morning, go to www.sbgm.org/subscribe.htm

    ><> Bob



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    About Me

    Name: Bob Hadley of Saved By Grace Ministries
    ChristiansUnite ID: sbgm
    Member Since: 2006-03-04
    Location: Ormond Beach, Florida, United States
    Denomination: Southern Baptist
    About Me: I am a bi-vocational preacher and evangelist as well as a singer. I have been writing these daily devotionals now for 4 years. This years devotionals are written where month and day coorespond to a chapter and verse somewhere in the Bible. For exampl... more

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