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    A Godly View of the World
          Retiredrev's Personal Viewpoint

    Sun, May 25th - 1:47AM

    Watchmen Sounding The Alarm of Eternal Doom

    There is a burning flare not far from my home. In order to get a view of my home place from the main road leading out to our turnoff, my son and I rode toward town to see if the flare’s glow could be seen against the night sky. Looking out across the trees, in the distance, from the Beaver Creek bridge, that burning flare can be seen dancing against the night’s darkness. Judging its distance from my house, I can tell fairly close to where my home sits in the distance.

    When I got home I sat down to write this article for this week’s devotion. I thought of that red reflection against the night sky and it reminded me of the world’s troublesome horizon. The drumbeat of war looms strong and loud throughout our world. Problems of tremendous magnitude faces the world’s political leaders. Someone has written that 80% of Americans say we are on the wrong track, but there are no answers as to how to get back on track.

    Where are the watchmen who can sound the alarm? Ezekiel, long years ago, in relation to that same thought, cried out to the people of his day: "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand". He spoke of God’s displeasure of the watchman who fell asleep on the watch, or for some other reason failed to blow the trumpet of warning.

    In recent interviews on two different television news networks, a former govern was ridiculing the "negative" effects religion was having on the political scene in America. In his esteemed opinion [folks that’s a tongue-in-cheek joke] he questioned as to who are these people anyway? Then he stated that there was a church-state clause and that these preachers making political statements should have their tax exemptions cut off. On neither of these networks did the newsmen have enough sense or courage to challenge this ex-govern’s misunderstanding of the law.

    Any preacher, in any place, can support and politic for any individual desired, so long as it isn’t in an official capacity of the church of which he is pastor. The laws have been so constructed that a church can’t support an individual nor can the pastor do so from that pulpit. But, as a citizen of this country, outside the official capacity of the church where he is pastor, he has every right that any other citizen has to speak on issues.

    And there are issues confronting us as a governed people, as a nation whose history is based upon the founding father’s belief in and dependency upon Almighty God, issues that are immoral and can only be addressed fully from the context of scripture. Homosexuality and same sex marriages are two prime examples. God has positioned pastors and preachers across America as spiritual watchmen, who must sound the trumpet to alarm the people as to what God’s Word says about these and other immoral issues. Because when they become state supported and placed into law, a violation of God’s Word occurs. The judgement of God won’t be far behind.

    Remember when the prophet Nathan rebuked David for his sin? (2 Sam. 12:1-15). The king had committed a horrible sin. God revealed that sin to the prophet and he bravely stood before the king and said, "You are the man".

    The pastor’s main concern isn’t ultimately the welfare of the nation as much as it is the welfare of the citizen’s relationship with Jesus Christ. Let’s bravely, in the power of God’s Holy Spirit, sound the warning of impending danger — which is eternal separation from God throughout eternity. Let’s tell them about Jesus Who is the only way to Heaven.

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    Sun, May 11th - 10:29PM

    Observing The Life Habits of the Paparazzi

    The paparazzi is a group of freelance photographers who pursues celebrities in order to get photographs of them. The photos are in turn sold for profit through a variety of outlets. The more popular the celebrity, the more money the photos will earn.

    Most of us have seen them in operation by way of the television. They often push the envelope of an individual’s personal freedom as their pursuit endangers the general public. They go to extremes in order to capture that one golden image for which they can be financially rewarded.

    In recent months I’ve watched them in action up close and in person. Whenever one has information the paparazzi feels can aid them in their pursuits of wealth, that person becomes part of the target. They, along with the writers who write the captions and stories behind the photographs, show a tenacity with which Christians should be living daily. They get every piece of info they can and don’t understand what "no" means. As believers, we need that energy because our work is much more valuable than any photo or storyline.

    The paparazzo is an individual with a personal goal of securing financial gain. But the Christian’s goal is to help other individuals find the way to true, eternal happiness which is found only in Jesus Christ. Celebrities and people of fame might be important upon the landscape of time for a season, but their popularity fades with the years.

    After two thousand years, Jesus Christ is still the centerpiece of human society. He is either revered or cursed, believed to be the Son of God or a fallen human being like the rest of us, seen as a healer of the human race or the worst fable ever believed by mortal man. The name Jesus still scares the fallen world, just as His spoken word caused the solders, on the night of His arrest, to fall back (John 18:6), so the world fears that name today. If it didn’t, the world system wouldn’t go to such extremes to silent that name from the lips of the public square.

    There are a few spiritual lessons we can draw from the paparazzi. First, note their persistence. They don’t give up in their efforts to get "that" picture . . . that special moment. Sometimes they sleep out on the ground in order to be at the right place at the right moment. They watch the goings and comings of their target and others who from whom they might secure info. No! They don’t give up. Neither should we in our goal to reach the lost for Christ and to disciple the saved around us.

    Not only are they persistent, but they are unashamed. They gather at the public place, in the super market, or any other place where there might be an opportunity. They don’t care if we "red-necks" laugh at their caravans chasing a celebrity’s vehicle. But too often we Christians won’t get out of our comfort zone to share the greatest news the world can receive.

    They are focused. There seems to be one goal — that magical photo! How I wish we could focus in on the love of Christ like they do their human image. When one has a focus, that becomes the central view, everything else is in the periphery. Why not focus upon the cause of Christ Who alone gives life eternal.

    The paparazzi is also strongly motivated with an agenda. The allurement of a good return on their work pushes them forward in their pursuit. What would happen if those of us who claim Jesus as our Savior would be motivated with the Biblical agenda. There is no greater investment this side of Heaven than to invest one’s life in reaching out to lost folk. When the fact of an eternal Hell for the lost and eternal rest in Heaven for the children of God grips our hearts like it should, we shall become deeply motivated with an agenda that will have eternal rewards.

    Yes, the paparazzi can be a headache, but they can also teach us a lesson which can result in spiritual obedience to the high calling of Christ Jesus to reach people with the good news of salvation.

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    About Me

    Name: Odus Jackson
    ChristiansUnite ID: retiredrev
    Member Since: 2006-02-25
    Location: Gloster, Mississippi, United States
    Denomination: Southern Baptist
    About Me: I was born July 13th, 1936. Married to Peggy Ann Lewis of Gloster. Two children, a girl and a boy. Four grandchildren, 2 girls and 2 boys. Will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in 2007. Retired from active pastor of local churches in 1998 after... more

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