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    Annagail Lynes' Blog
          A blog for Christians who want to do something for God, who want to be used by God and encouraged to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary.

    Sat, May 31st - 1:24PM

    Who Needs You?

    For I have come down from heaven not to do My own will and purpose but to do the will and purpose of Him Who sent Me. - John 6: 38

    God sent Jesus to this earth to take all our sins, to heal all our diseases, to redeem us from destruction while being crucified to a cross.

    If Jesus was sent to Earth on a mission, it stands to reason that we were too. God tells us that He has a purpose for us in Jeremiah 29:11 and Jeremiah 1:5.

    Just as Jesus did, we are to focus on why we were sent to Earth. Too many times we are focused on how to pay bills and the other cares of this world when God promised to supply all our needs if we just believe.

    It is imperative that we seek God on why He sent us to Earth. Ask Him to help you fulfill your purpose and trust the rest to God. There is someone out there who needs to hear what you have to say.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Fri, May 30th - 2:04PM

    Are You Overflowing?

    Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: - Philippians 2: 5

    We need to be of the same mind as Christ.  As He is so are we to be on this Earth.  He is healthy, prosperous, peaceful, generous and a blessing to everyone He meets.  Jesus received from the Father everything He needed to accomplish His mission, and the overflow spilled over onto the people around Him.  

    We need to be so full of Jesus by keeping our eyes on Him and what He did for us on the cross. When we receive all He has provided for us, the overflow will spill onto those around us too.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Thu, May 29th - 1:11PM

    Is Everything Going As Planned?

    O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, for You have done wonderful things, even purposes planned of old [and fulfilled] in faithfulness and truth. - Isaiah 25: 1

    God planned things long ago.  We often see Him as a last-minute God, but He planned for our victory long ago.  He planned to execute it at just the right moment (in His timing not ours).  He even planned our existence from the beginning of time.  He knew our names, what we would look like, what He created us to do while here on Earth.  I suspect that Jesus, while on the cross, might have gone over all our names in His head to remind Himself of why He had to die...for you, me and everyone who has ever lived or will live.  Just as God planned for Jesus to die and be raised for us, He planned for all our needs to be met...if we just believe.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Wed, May 28th - 1:55PM

    Have You Messed Up God’s Plan?

    The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying, Surely, as I have thought and planned, so shall it come to pass, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand. - Isaiah 14: 24

    What God has planned will happen.  It will stand as God purposed.

    It is comforting to know that God has everything under control.  As much as we mess up the plans God has for our lives, God's plans will stand.  They will come to pass.

    Many of the people in the Bible tried to mess up God's plan, such as Abraham and Sarah.  

    They tried to conceive the child God promised them through Sarah's maidservant, Hagar.  Only the child Abraham conceived with Hagar was not the promised child.  

    God's plans stood firm.  Eventually the promised child, Isaac, arrived through Sarah.  

    Take heart if you think you've messed up God's plan because God knows what He is doing.  And what He purposed for your life will come to pass.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Tue, May 27th - 1:33PM

    Will You Let God Work Through You?

    But for this very purpose have I let you live, that I might show you My power, and that
    My name may be declared throughout all the earth. - Exodus 9: 16

    I like this Scripture. It tells me that even though what I am going through may look dark and not a part of His Ultimate Plan that God has raised me up for a special purpose. Just like Moses,  Gideon and all the other great men and women of faith, God wants to show His power through us so people will proclaim His Name.  May you and I let God work through us today.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Mon, May 26th - 1:53PM

    What Does God Dream About You?

    Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within
    us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that
    we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or
    dreams]. - Ephesians 3: 20 (AMP).

    God's plans for your life are always greater than your plans.  If you can dream them, they aren't big enough for our God.  God is into doing exceeedingly, abundantly above all we can ask, think or dream.  Beyond our wildest dreams.  I wonder what God dreams about you.  Why don't you ask Him today?

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Sun, May 25th - 12:55PM

    Who Is On Your Counsel?

    Purposes and plans are established by counsel; and [only] with good advice make or
    carry on war. - Proverbs 20: 18 (AMP).

    Sometimes what we think is a good idea is actually not feasible.  This is why we need to keep a counsel of trustworthy friends around to bounce ideas off.  Friends who will tell us the truth no matter what.  

    However, the ultimate decision is not theirs.  The ultimate final answer should come from your Best Friend, God.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Sat, May 24th - 1:16PM

    Who Are You Showing The Light To?

    And God purposed that through (by the service, the intervention of) Him [the Son] all things should be completely reconciled back to Himself, whether on earth or in heaven, as through Him, [the Father] made peace by means of the blood of His cross. - Colossians 1: 20 (AMP)

    This is our mission in life...to help reconcile people to what Jesus did for them...and us...on the cross.  If we are not called to them, it is not our job to go to foreign lands.  Instead we can be an influence in the lives of those we see on a daily basis.  We can let God work through us to let His love and light shine to others every day.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer. 

    Comment (0)

    Fri, May 23rd - 12:33PM

    What Can God Do With You?

    Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. - Proverbs 19:21 (NIV).

    Many are the plans in our hearts. When we are younger, we might flip-flop on what we want to be like I did.  A teacher.  A lawyer.  A doctor.  But the Lord’s plans always prevail when we yield our lives to Him.

    I wanted to be a school teacher. God wanted me to teach His Word through writing. Although I was on the right track, wanting to teach, God knew how to make better use of the gifts He gave me.

    If you yield to God, imagine what He could with your life.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Thu, May 22nd - 1:10PM

    Whose Plans Will You Choose?

    Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. -- Proverbs 15:22 (NIV).

    Our plans fail for lack of counsel. There is only one Adviser you need—God. When you ask Him what His plans are for you, those plans are already blessed and a part of your purpose, your destiny.  Many times we come to God with our plans and ask Him to bless them. We do things opposite of God’s Will and expect Him to bless those things. Next time you come to God with your plans, stop and ask Him what His plans are for you instead.  Remember His plans are already blessed.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Wed, May 21st - 1:42PM

    Are You Seeking Purpose?

    For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. - Jeremiah 29:11

    I had been going through a time in my life of great problems in my health.  I almost died, and the recovery afterward included many infections.  

    For me, the near-death experience compounded the functioning anxiety disorder I lived with most of my life.  I lived in constant torment physically, mentally and emotionally.

    No matter what meeting I went to, who I had lay hands on me, the fear, the anxiety and the pain still remained.

    Then I found Jeremiah 29:11, but the members of my church saw Jeremiah 29:11 as a warm fuzzy thought but not as God intended us to live.  

    Since then, God taught me something very important.  Without purpose, people die from their illnesses.  Without purpose, people don't succeed.  Without purpose, people struggle.  

    In order for us to get through this life the way God intended, we must seek God concerning the reason He created us.  Seek Him about it today.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Tue, May 20th - 12:54PM

    Are You Righteous?

    Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. - Proverbs 10:6 (NIV).

    We are righteous because of Jesus' shed blood.  We are right with God not because of us but because of Jesus.  

    According to this Scripture, blessings crown the head of the righteous.  

    Why don't we see more blessings in our lives if this is so?  Because we doubt that we truly are the righteous.  

    We know in our heads, but we still condemn ourselves.  We go over a laundry list of reasons why we cannot be righteous when righteousness has nothing to do with us but with Jesus.  

    I invite you to go around, as I will be doing, and confess "I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus" (II Corinthians 5:21) every spare moment you have until you know that you know that you know you are righteous through Jesus' shed blood.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Mon, May 19th - 2:12PM

    Are You Convicted?

    And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; -  John 16:8-10 (KJV).

    If we are unsaved, we are convicted of sin because we do not know God.  Once we are Born-Again, we know that God already punished and judged His Son Jesus for all our sins.  God, being a righteous God, cannot judge the same crime twice.  

    Now we are convicted of righteousness, meaning that God wants us to focus on what is right with us through the blood of Jesus rather than what is wrong with us.  God’s love and Jesus’ blood are greater than our addictions or sin.  

    If we focus on God’s love and who we are through the blood of Jesus, the sin and the evil strongholds in our lives will melt away.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Sun, May 18th - 1:48PM

    Anguishing Over The Cup

    And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. - Matthew 26:39 (KJV).

    On a smaller scale, have you ever wished that God hadn’t asked you to do something?  Did you ever anguish over it?  Maybe to the point of being sick to your stomach with worry?  The key is to do what Jesus did and commit yourself to the Will of God no matter what and to do it, fear and all.

    Imagine if Jesus didn’t go to the Cross.  We would all be going to hell.  Aren’t you glad He submitted to God’s Will for His life and went to the cross to take the judgment and punishment for our sins?  And that He rose from the dead?  I know I am.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Sat, May 17th - 1:08PM

    Wisdom Is A Person

    Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor. - Ecclesiastes 7:12 (NIV).

    Wisdom is a shelter that preserves the life of its possessor.  Why is that?  Because, for us, wisdom is not just knowledge and perception.  It is the Person of Jesus Christ.  When Christ died and rose for us, we became righteous through Jesus' shed blood.  And it is when we know who we are in Christ and what He has died to give us that Jesus' blood protects us and preserves our lives.  In Christ, our spirits, the real us, will never die.  As long as we accept Christ, we will forever remain in the shelter of our wisdom, Jesus.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Fri, May 16th - 1:31PM

    Failure? God's Will?

    Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail). - Psalm 55:22 (AMP)

    Like many Believers today, I have started businesses and projects and when they failed, I thought it was God’s will.  One of those erroneous teachings I was taught in church.

    But according to this Scripture, if we release the weight of our burdens onto the Lord, He will never allow us, the righteous through Jesus’ shed blood, to be moved, to slip, fall or fail.

    God doesn’t want us to fail.  In fact, every thing we put our hand to is supposed to prosper (Deuteronomy 28:8).

    Why isn’t it?  Because, according to this Scripture, we don’t release the weight of our burden to God.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, “Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour.”  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.

    Comment (0)

    Thu, May 15th - 1:04PM

    100% Of The Time

    This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. - Isaiah 48:17 (NIV)

    We all think that we know what is best for us.  We think we know where we are going and how to arrive there.  When we take our paths, though, how many times do we stumble and fail?  70%?  80%?  90%?  

    Instead we should allow the Lord to teach us what is best for us and direct us in the way we should go.  Then we would succeed 100% of the time.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Wed, May 14th - 12:57PM

    Come To Daddy

    You are God's child.  He is your Father.  

    Most people see God as a dictator, waiting to pounce on them when they do wrong.  

    Instead He loves you enough that when Jesus died, God put the judgment and the punishment of all your sins--past, present and future--on Jesus.  

    God wants to have a relationship with you where there is nothing standing between you and Him.  He wants to have one where you can come to Him no matter what and be loved on by Him.   

    Jesus tore down every barrier on the Cross, so now you don't have to come to God as creation to Creator, you can now come to Him as child to Daddy.

    - Annagail Lynes



    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Tue, May 13th - 12:32PM

    Righteousness. Peace. Joy.

    For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. - Romans 14:17 (KJV).

    Righteousness.  Peace.  Joy.  I think that God wanted them in this particular order because if you don’t know you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, you will never have true, lasting peace.  And without righteousness and peace, there is nothing to be joyful about.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Mon, May 12th - 1:24PM

    Lesson Learned

    One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. - Psalm 27:4

    One lesson I have learned is that most of us, even I am guilty of this, seek what we can receive from God.  We seek the things.  God wants to give us divine healing, money enough to pay our bills and have enough to help others and the paid-off house and car.  However, the way to receive those added benefits is to seek God.  We need to spend time with Him, sitting in His presence, letting Him love on us.  When we do, He will add to us all that we need and more.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer

    Comment (0)

    Sun, May 11th - 12:59PM

    For His Name's Sake

    Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your name! Deliver us, forgive us, and purge away our sins for Your name's sake. - Psalm 79:9 (AMP)

    Why would God deliver us and forgive us for His Name's sake?  Most of us think that He delivers and forgives us for our sake.  

    However He does it for His sake as well.  If He didn't deliver and forgive us, He would be eternally separated from us, the creations He loves so much.  

    This way, by giving us a choice to accept what Jesus did for us, He won't be separated from all His creations.  Only the ones who don't accept Christ.  He doesn't want them to perish.  His heart aches because they must be separated from Him, but He rejoices over us that will be eternally safe with Him.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer. 

    Comment (0)

    Sat, May 10th - 3:56PM

    God Calls Failures

    For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence. - 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 KJV

    In the last few days, I heard a well-known female preacher say that God doesn't call us when we are failures but when we are successes.

    I disagree with this wholeheartedly.

    Joseph was in prison when God called him into his destiny.  

    Ruth was poor and just trying to get by when God called her into the lineage of Jesus.  

    Boaz's mother, Rahab, was a prostitute when God called her help the Hebrew spies.  

    Gideon was the weakest of the smallest clan of Israel when God called him to deliver God’s people.  

    Paul was killing Believers when God called Him to preach the Gospel.  

    God calls the ordinary, the failures, the least among their brethren to be mighty warriors for God. He does it to confound the wise and encourage the rest of us.  

    If you are breathing, no matter what you have or haven't done, God has called you to be mighty for the Him.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Fri, May 9th - 1:08PM

    What Is God Doing In Your Life?

    This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD. - Jeremiah 9:23, 24 (NIV).

    We boast of many things in this life.  We boast of how much money we have in the bank, how many hours we work in a week, how strong we are, what our kids and spouse have achieved.

    How many times do we boast about what the Lord is doing in our lives?  About His continual mercy toward us?  About the kindness He has poured out on us that we neither deserve nor have earned?

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Thu, May 8th - 1:05PM

    Transformation In The Land

    If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. --2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

    We are already forgiven of all our sins through the shed blood of Jesus, but in order for our land--be it Singapore, Ghana, Madrid or the United States--to be healed, we still need to direct the eyes of the people on who Jesus is.  Only when the focus is on Jesus will there be a real transformation in the land.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Wed, May 7th - 1:46PM

    No Human Effort Required

    Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. --Romans 12:12 (NIV)

    Pain and affliction come to us all--male, female, saved, unsaved, rich, poor--as a result of living in this world.  There is a difference, though, in experiencing the pain on the outside and letting the pain get inside of us.  

    We are children of the Most High God, and we have His promises that He will deliver us, that He will help us, that we are more than conquerors.

    Instead of wallowing in our pain, instead of letting it define us, we need to think of it not as an obstacle but as an opportunity.  An opportunity for our God, the One we claim to trust, to work on our behalf.  

    We should give the problem to Him and let Him take care of it.  No human effort alone is required.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

    Comment (0)

    Tue, May 6th - 2:02PM

    The Promise Killer

    This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him. --1 John 5:14-15 (NIV)

    When we ask of God, according to His Will, which is the Bible, we can have the confidence in knowing God hears us.  

    If we keep believing that God heard us, it doesn’t matter if it takes five minutes, five years or five decades, it will be done for us as we believe.

    When God says He will do it, He will do it guaranteed.  God never says “no” when we pray according to His Will, believing.  

    It is us who don’t wait long enough for the answer, believing that He will come through.  

    Doubt is the ultimate killer of the promises of God.  So when in doubt, we should fill up on the Word of God.  We must continually feed on the promises of God until we starve our doubt.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Mon, May 5th - 1:26PM

    Turning Chaos Into Calm

    Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city.- Ecclesiastes 7:19 (NIV).

    Wisdom.  Proverbs tells us that wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7).  This Scripture says it makes us more powerful than ten rulers in a city.  

    Let’s say you have ten wisdom-challenged rulers governing a city.  These people decide on rules that make no sense, such as that bills could only be paid on the second Tuesday of every seventh month of the year and that snow boots could not be worn in the city limits when it snows three months out of the year.  

    The rules would put the city into chaos, but if the people elect a wise ruler, that person could begin to untangle the entire mess, just as Solomon did, when the two women came to him, arguing over who has the real mother of the infant.  

    Wisdom, when given from God, can change everything and turn chaos into calm.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Sun, May 4th - 2:01PM

    Enables You To Enjoy

    Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God. - Ecclesiastes 5:19 (NIV).

    According to this Scripture, when God gives us wealth, possession and jobs, He enables us to enjoy them.  

    Isn’t it funny that some people search all their lives for wealth and possessions and then when they have them, they don’t enjoy them?

    Wealth, jobs and possessions mean nothing unless we enjoy them.

    If a person is depressed, he could have all the money and possessions his heart desires, but he won’t enjoy any of them.

    It is God’s gift for us to enjoy what He gives us--our jobs, our money and things.  However, we must never forget who gave them to us or worship them over Him.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Sat, May 3rd - 1:52PM

    Without Faith

    Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. --Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)

    Without faith, it is impossible to please God.  Without faith, it is also impossible to believe God.  Faith is putting our belief, our trust, in something or someone whether it be good or bad.  

    Are we going to believe in God’s report of our needs being met?  Or the devil’s report of lack and scarcity?  The choice is ours.

    However when we put our belief in God, He will reward us.  He guarantees it in His Word.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Fri, May 2nd - 1:50PM

    A Place Of Love

    Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. --Ephesians 4:15 (NIV)

    Many times we, me included, like to speak the truth of God’s Word to others, but we do it in a mean, judgmental way.  But that is not God’s way.  

    God’s way is to love the people out of their sin, their addictions, their wrong thinking.  The truth we speak, although God’s Word, must be done from a place of love.  It will never be accepted otherwise.  

    We should ask God to let His love flow through us to others.  Then the truth will make them free.

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    Thu, May 1st - 1:16PM

    Our High Priest

    I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. --Job 19:25 (NIV)

    I know my Redeemer lives.  Other people’s gods are dead.  Our isn’t.  

    Jesus died, yes, but He also rose from the dead.  Then instead of dying again, He ascended into Heaven.  

    He is not dead.  In fact, He is at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us.  He is our High Priest.  

    What does a high priest do?  In the Old Testament, he used to remove all the unnecessary parts of a person’s offering before he presented it to God.  

    Jesus does the same thing for us with our prayers.  He takes out all the imperfect parts before offering them to God.  Therefore our prayers are perfect when they reach God the Father.  

    Doesn’t that make you glad that Jesus is alive and on our side?

    - Annagail Lynes


    Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, "Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour."  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.  

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    About Me

    Name: Annagail Lynes
    ChristiansUnite ID: annagaillynes
    Member Since: 2006-11-29
    Location: Phoenix, Arizona, United States
    Denomination: Non-Denominational
    About Me: Hi! I'm Annagail. In addition to authoring several e-books, I edit and publish three publications. I also run an used book business (http://www.amazon.com/gp/shops/index.html?ie=UTF8&sellerID=ALUQAMM9B3XYH)...and I am an ordained minister. I feel... more

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