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    Talker's Chatter

    Fri, Nov 17th - 2:37PM

    Dignified Hagar ~ Mother of the Arab peoples

    Hagar ("light")was a slave owned by Sarai. I didn't read anything to describe how she entered Abram's household; she may have been sold by poverty-stricken parents to traders as a child and purchased later by Abram for his wife. She may also have been captured by raiders into Egypt and sold as booty. Regardless, at least she was Sarai's slave and not Abram's. Hagar was not a concubine, she was a household slave. It seems logical the she and Sarai had a pleasant relationship. Until, that is, the barren Sarai became determined to follow custom and gave Hagar to Abram as a surrogate. It is at this point that this Egyptian slave diverts the flow of history and sets something new in motion. Hagar was a victim of circumstances beyond her control. She was away from her homeland and family. She had no one on her side. She had no choice in being used by an old man to produce an heir. She had nowhere to turn for refuge from her harsh and jealous mistriss. While Hagar's attitude certainly attributed to her harsh treatment, I wonder if she'd been treated better had she felt honored to be Sarai's surrogate. In spite of all the factors which robbed Hagar of control of her own life, and there were many, Hagar responded in faith and with obedience to God. Like many women today, Hagar had few personal resources. But she did the best she could with what she had and trusted God to protect her. Hagar found herself in a situation over which she had no control. How often modern women feel this same frustration. Like Hagar, however, we can remain faithful to God. Hagar's life illustrates how unfair, difficult and unglamorous this life can be. Yet she somehow maintained her dignity. Her obedience to and faith in God helped her to survive. She found solace in knowing that her son would be blesssed. In even the darkest of times, there is hope for the future.

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    Fri, Nov 17th - 2:13PM

    Today is the first anniversary of my BLOG


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    Sat, Nov 4th - 5:57PM

    Abraham's Beautiful and Feisty Sarah

    Sarah was a woman of astonishing beauty even well into her sixties.  I read passages in which Abraham was actually in fear of his life just traveling with her.  She must have been exceptionally stunning to evoke this fear in him; and while God blessed she and Abraham with great wealth, the thing she wanted most eluded her. 

    Beauy, wealth and the love of a good man did not bring her fulfillment.  For she longed to feel the life of a child growing within her.  She longed to give her beloved husband the heir he had been promised by God.  How much it must have hurt Sarah to realize that, after keeping faith and maintaining hope all those barren years, her aged body had passed the time of childbearing.  She had loved Abraham most of her life, but at age 75 Sarah assumed that while God had promised Abraham that he would father a great nation, she would not be the mother of those people.  How it must have pained her to give her young slave to Abraham as she tried to help God make good on His promise. 

    Sarah had given up the life she had known for an uncertain life of wandering, and finally even gave the man she loved into the arms of another woman.  It must have been a shocking blow when that slave became pregnant almost immediately ~ but grief and anger worsened when that slave girl gave Sarah a bad attitude.  This perhaps explains Sarah's harshness toward (Hagar).  Sarah was selfless but has often been critized for giving Hagar to her husand as a surrogate.  Although I don't know how long Sarah was married to Abraham, I do know that it was common in those days to marry by age thirteen or fourteen.  Abraham was 86 when he became a father (by Hagar) and Sarah was ten years younger.  If they married at age 15, Sarah had waited some 60 years before giving her slave to Abraham.  Why after waiting for so long, did she act when she did?  I read that kings wanted Sarah in their harems when she was 65....this tells me that Sarah retained her "feminine cycle" late in life.  And as long as Sarah felt able to become pregnant she waited in faith and only after she ceased menstruation did she act on the (culturally approved) alternative.

    Sarah waited faithfully, trusting far longer than I could imagine. 

    Sarah's death is a poignant moment in the biblical record (Gen. 23).  The love this couple shared for each other during their lifelong marriage is legendary.  Abraham mourned his loss, purchased a cave for his beloved's resting place and buried her.  Forty-eight years later, his sons laid Abraham to rest in the same cave.

    From Sarah, I learned that God does not set His timetable according to our schedule.  In His time His desires will come to pass.  He does not need us to jump in and make things possible for Him.  Sometimes this may mean we have to wait for a lifetime.  From Sarah, I learned that God does not make a promise He does not keepl

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    Name: Terri Medina
    ChristiansUnite ID: talkercat
    Member Since: 2005-11-17
    Location: , California, United States
    Denomination: Nondenominational
    About Me: JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! . . . there's just something about that name!

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