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    A Godly View of the World
          Retiredrev's Personal Viewpoint

    Sun, Oct 26th - 11:59PM

    In Search For Real Truth

    Jesus told believing Jews, "and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"(Jo. 8:32). Later He said to the disciples, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me"(Jo. 14:6). These two verses point us to real, undefiled truth.

    One doesn’t notice how elusive is truth until election time rolls around. I don’t want to sound negative, but observers are sure to notice how much some candidates change their promises from stump to stump, from one environment to another. This trick worked in years past, but in our day of 24-hour T. V. news channels, the internet, and instant world-wide communications, it doesn’t work as well. Truth is more difficult to twist.

    While this is correct, there are also opponents of particular candidates who twist truth to make it appear that their favorite in the race is always correct. That leaves us, the voters, who are trying to decipher what is trustworthy as opposed to what is false.

    Someone reminded me long ago to always tell the truth and live truthfully so you will never wonder what you told the last time you recalled certain experiences. In other words, when recalling events or experiences, you won’t be making up falsehoods. The truth I am sharing today never falters, never changes, and is always beneficial to believers.

    The truth which Jesus spoke about was of Himself. He confessed that He is "the truth". According to the Oxford University Press dictionary, truth is that which is opposed to something false. It is genuine. It is the real thing. The Gospel’s conclusion is that Jesus is absolutely genuine in all His being, completely free from any falsehood what-so-ever!

    The presence of God the Father is achieved through this Truth. It is this Truth which sets one free. This freedom is a release from the clutches of sin. Jesus also reminded His hearers that "whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed"(Jo. 8:34-35).

    In Truth, which God gives through the Bible to all who receive and obey, there is never a disappointment. Although evil doers run to and fro throughout the land, seeking to discredit the Truth, His Word shall always be fruitful to hearers and those who obey.

    The warning is this: don’t be led astray with some supposed truth which leads to unwise decisions. If so, you might end up in the wrong place, going in the wrong direction.

    Recently my wife and I made a trip to the Mall in McComb. Out of habit, we normally park in the front parking lot and make our way to wherever we are headed. On this trip, the lot seemed unusually full, so I drove around Belk to their side lot. As we entered, I found the hallway into the mall area, found a bench and sat down.

    When she was finished, we headed back to the car. She thought we came in one door and I said no, we have to turn right to get to our car. When in the parking lot, our automobile was no where to be found. We looked in all directions, but no car. The security patrol came by and inquired if he could help. I told him I parked my car, pointing to a spot, "right there and now its gone." He questioned whether I might have parked on the other side, to which I responded, "No! I parked right there".

    The security guard asked the make and color and told me to stay put. He promised he would come right back. In a few minutes, the guard returned. "Is your tag number . . .?", and called out my tag number. "It is parked on the other side" he said to me through a grin which opened as wide as the parking lot. I thanked him for his help, then Peggy and I went back through the store and found our precious, lost automobile.

    I knew for sure that I was correct. The only problem was, I had the wrong information stored up in my brain. And it led to an embarrassing situation. I certainly hope that patrolman doesn’t remember faces too well.

    Folks! The Bible has the truth and His name is Jesus. Find your way to Him, and you will never be lost and disappointed.

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    Mon, Oct 20th - 12:23AM

    Christian Leaders Needed For Our Present Hour

    If you’ve never taken time to do a good in-depth study of Paul’s letter to the Roman Christians, you should consider such a journey. Its content is a systematic doctrinal study with practical exhortations to all who diligently searches its riches. It is a deep, challenging journey, yet it is rewarding to the child of God.

    I have begun a walk through the Roman scriptures with our congregation at Galilee. One of the important truths unveiled in the first chapter is the downward spiral of civilization from its creation to this present hour.

    The world began in spender with Adam and Eve being placed in a perfect environment. They were given everything that could make an individual happy. No doubt, in the beginning, they were excited about their surroundings, not knowing what disobedience to God’s commands would bring them. But Satan knew and he targeted that one small crack their armor. Satan convinced Eve who convinced Adam that God was withholding the best from them for Himself.

    The one fruited tree was their only restriction. They didn’t know they desired to have the fruit from that one tree. That is, until Satan convinced them they wanted it. And so they ate the forbidden fruit. Their disobedience opened their eyes to a new world. They looked at each other and were embarrassed that they weren’t alike. So they searched for something to hide their differences.

    What resulted from their act of disobedience is a fallen-in-sin-mankind living in a sinful fallen world. From that moment forward, the world began growing worse, not better. With each succeeding generation, sin becomes more sinful.

    That last phrase, sin becomes more sinful, means that sinful acts have become worse as the years have come and gone. Now we live in a fallen world which has lost its shame, in which people profess to be wise but really are become foolish in their sinfulness.

    Romans describes the world in its downward spiral. It faces the judgement of God. Paul wrote, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness"(Ro. 1:18).

    Through the years of time, God has in various ways revealed Himself to mankind. But people refuse to believe in Him, they refuse to acknowledge Him by avoiding the truth about what he himself is and about what he is doing. Satan misguides the footsteps of the sinful and soils the garment of human flesh even more than previous generations.

    But sin is sin you might argue. What if you work in the yard all day long and when you come in you hang your dirty clothes on a nail, intending to return to the work next day. You get up and put on those same dirty garments. That day and the next three, you work in the rain and mud, wearing the same garments each day. I’ll guarantee you that after those extra days at your yard work your clothes are going to be more dirty than after the first day.

    Sin becomes worse and worse as new ways of sinning are laid on top of the original sin. Thus, sin becomes more sinful. There are sinful actions taking place in today’s world that were simply unheard of 50 + years ago when I was a teenager. I repeat, sin has become more sinful

    I want to encourage Christians with a passage of scripture in Hebrews. In such a depraved world in which we presently live, where can we find comfort? The Hebrews writer penned, "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say: ‘The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (13:5-6).

    Let us pray for God to give our nation political leaders who will unashamedly stand for the truth found in the Word of God, who will not shun the very foundation of our nation’s history when the founding fathers looked to Heaven for guidance. I’m not praying for Him to give "particular leaders", but to give us "His leaders", both locally and nationally, who will guide our nation through troubled waters on their knees. I’m not looking for theocracy yet, just bonafide Christians willing to follow the Lord’s guidance.

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    Sun, Oct 12th - 11:02PM

    It’s Time To Seriously Pray For America

    It was Thomas Jefferson who many years ago asked an intriguing question. Asked Mr. Jefferson, "Can the liberties of a nation be secure, when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" His question needs to be revisited in today’s society.

    Our nation has been blessed tremendously through these 232 years of independence. She has accomplished what no other nation in the history of the world has achieved. But today’s population, which has benefitted enormously from God’s blessings, are slipping quickly into the spirit of apathy and spiritual coldness. It seems clearer each passing day that we have entered fully into the dispensation of the Laodicea church mentioned in Revelation. That is the era of the falling away generation.

    I don’t desire for this weekly devotional opportunity to become in any way misunderstood as a forum for political purposes. Yet, for this one Sunday, it is my desire for us all to stop and consider what is at stake in this coming election. Whether the Democrats or the Republicans have the answer for today’s world, I’m not sure. But there is one thing of which I’m very confident. If our nation’s leaders forgets the true God, Who is triune in His essence but not multi-cultured with various gods, if they don’t seek out His input, then neither national party has the answers needed for our nation’s survival as an independent government.

    Everything seems to be heading toward global solutions. News personnel, along with government leaders, including our President, is sounding more and more global when discussing our nation’s banking industry and currency.

    As we approach the election of a new President who is to lead this great country, we need to call upon God’s people to pray about our national crisis. Christian morality seems to have become a lost discussion when issues are brought to the surface. The traditional family, as ordained by God, is coming more and more under attack. And freedom of our Christian faith is indeed on dangerous grounds. Freedom of religion in America isn’t as safe as some would think.

    I understand there is in place today in Canada a law which forbids pastors to stand in pulpits and say that homosexuality is a sin. Yet, the Bible is clear on the issue. And there certainly seems to be a pro-homosexual agenda written into the ideals of some political leaders and potential leaders. If a hate-language bill ever becomes law in the United States, the preacher will become a target of the courts.

    My intent isn’t to persuade you to vote for any candidate. My intention in this devotion is to fire up your prayer times to include prayers for our nation. Perhaps we would do well to call some solemn assemblies for the purpose of praying, not for specific votes to be cast in a specific manner, but for God to intervene in our national affairs so Godly leaders can take the reins of our beloved country.

    The Psalmist wrote in 9:17, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God." And in Proverbs 14:34 are these words, "Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people." That word "reproach" means shame or disgrace. It is important for Christians to seriously pray for God’s leadership in their selection on November 4 of this year.

    Let’s remember the words of the apostle Paul which he wrote to Christians at Rome. His encouragement to them was, "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope ... continuing steadfastly in prayer."(12:10-12).

    It is our responsibility, as Christian citizens in America, to pray that He will give our nation a righteous leadership. That’s what we better do if we desire to pass on to our children and their children a blessed and prosperous nation. Let’s get serious about prayer participation.

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    Sun, Oct 5th - 11:36PM

    The Bible is God’s Infallible and Inerrant Word of Truth

    Leonard Pitts Jr wrote in a recent Enterprise-Journal article that he could not believe the "parable" of Adam and Eve. In his own words he wrote, "Let me be clear: I don’t believe the Bible’s account of creation. Never have." He went on to try and clarify why.

    I don’t desire to spend precious writing space to contradict Mr. Pitts. He has his own agenda and set of beliefs. But his belief about the story of creation sounds like a disbelief in the Bible itself. If he, along with many more folk, are correct, it brings God into question as to His truthfulness. If He didn’t create, then when did He come into the picture? His article was a shallow apology for making fun of Vice-Presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin’s believe that the Geneses account of creation is correct. I’m just grateful that someone in high places of U. S. government believes the Bible to be true.

    His article did fuel my fire for the Bible. Yes! I certainly believe that the Bible is God’s infallible and inerrant Word. If it isn’t, then what parts are and what parts aren’t? That means that we human beings are forced to play God and make interpretations based upon fallen man’s intellect, not upon the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

    In recent years, a contemporary theologian wrote in his apology for the Bible, "Of course, there are scientific errors in the Bible. However, we can excuse such mistakes on the grounds that the Bible is not a textbook of science and therefore we do not expect it to be scientifically accurate." That is troubling because many thousands of folk seems to have inhaled his logic. If it is in error at that point, what good is it for other things which might also be in error.

    No less an authority on the beginnings of the history of mankind, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"[Gen. 1:1]. Moses is said to have learned all the sciences and ways of the Egyptians in his early years. But none of their foolish ideas made it into his writings.

    The Egyptian scientists of his day decided that the earth was hatched from a large egg which had wings and flew around in space. In time, the egg opened and out popped man! I don’t believe that their view is a viable belief in today’s world. Books of science have changed dramatically through the years. At one time, someone wrote that "a book of science ten years old is nine years obsolete." But the Bible declares of God that He never changes, that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

    The Bible is the written work of 40 authors over a period of 1,500 years. They didn’t collaborate their thoughts. For the most part, they did not know each other. And even though they lived in the midst of ideas like the egg mentioned above, or another Egyptian belief that mankind sprang from little white worms that were found in the Nile’s annual overflow, not a single weird, dark superstition entered into their writings. That’s because what they wrote was guided by the Holy Spirit of God which kept the Bible from error.

    There thousands of testimonies in Christian literature which verify the Bible as the prized Book in the last days and hours of believers upon the earth. I know personal stories where the children of God, totally incoherent, made Heavenward motions at their last breath. There is the story of the great Scottish poet and novelist. When upon his death bed, he summoned to his son-in-law to bring him the Book. He looked around at the poet’s vast library, and with a puzzled question asked, "Sir, what book? Which book?" The dying poet replied, "My son, there is just one Book. Bring me the Book". His son-in-law then realized that the great Sir Walter Scott wanted the Bible.

    Mr. Pitts, and his array of cohorts, might not believe the sure Word of Truth handed to us human beings while living down here on the earth. It’s their choice. But the day is coming when all peoples in all the world, from beginning of time to the end, will recognize what is real truth.

    Until then, the B-I-B-L-E, is still the Book for me! It is God’s Holy Word of Truth!

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    About Me

    Name: Odus Jackson
    ChristiansUnite ID: retiredrev
    Member Since: 2006-02-25
    Location: Gloster, Mississippi, United States
    Denomination: Southern Baptist
    About Me: I was born July 13th, 1936. Married to Peggy Ann Lewis of Gloster. Two children, a girl and a boy. Four grandchildren, 2 girls and 2 boys. Will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in 2007. Retired from active pastor of local churches in 1998 after... more

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