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    Dee's Blog
          God's Spirit Poured Out
          Joel 2:28-29

    Sat, Mar 18th - 8:35PM

    Seeing through God's eyes..........

    Wouldn't it be great if we could see people and things the way God's sees them?  If we did I believe there would a lot less pain and suffering in the world.  Often times we will judge situations without all the facts.  And even when we have all the facts we can still judge pretty harshly without giving any thought to another person's feelings.  If we could see with God's eyes we would know that judging is the wrong approach.  When we see our brothers and sisters headed for trouble, we should for them, not judge them or in some cases, gossip about their situation. 

    Today I had the opportunity to view message boards and discussions on a few Christian sites.  Which made me think about how I may judge people.  We give our opinions about different things as if our approval, not God's approval, is needed.  As I read a lot of different responses on a number of topics, my heart became heavy and sad because I couldn't believe some of the things I was reading and where I was reading it.  I know that sometimes we all can be guilty of placing ourselves about others, be it intentional or not, it happens.  Sometimes we pay attention to things that really does not matter, at least to the degree of attention that it is given.  

    The point I'm trying to make here(and taking forever) is that God loves us and that's one thing we be sure of if nothing else.  He does not love me more than any other person and we have to be sure to treat people that way.  We may not like how they dress, where they live or the fact that they may be divorced or just never married and with children, however we must love them and love them unconditionally.  While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us and if we are born again believers, we were forgiven even though we didn't deserve to be.. God forgave us.  So if God forgave us, what gives us the right to withhold forgiveness from someone else?  What gives us the right to judge another person's life, past or present, when our lives have been a shipwreck as well, most us any way.  Jesus gives a command to love our neighbor as we love ourselves...I wonder if He's pleased???  I'm not so sure of that. 

    I don't think we will ever know this side of heaven the damage done to so many lives because we could not see through God's eyes.  May we learn to see through His.


    God Bless ...............



    Comment (2)

    Thu, Mar 16th - 11:30PM

    It's almost Springtime!

    Springtime is such a beautiful time of year.  Everything is fresh, it's like a new beginning.  As we approach the first day of spring, I watched the snow come down as we were under a winter storm warning.  As the day went on it continued to snow and I watched because I love the beauty of it with each flake different from the other.  Although we did not get the 7-9 inches predicted, just barely getting all of 3 inches and maybe even 4 in some areas, it was wonderful to just watch.  As I love watching it snow, I love watching rain storms just as much.  Most of all, I enjoy life, the life that God has given me.  I thank Him as I am fully aware that each day I open my eyes in this life, it is God who gives me His breath ... it was His Son, Jesus who died so that I might live.

    Comment (5)

    Wed, Mar 15th - 1:12AM

    Day 2 of this new thing for me.  I'm up late again but only because I don't have to work tomorrow.  Otherwise I would be asleep already.  It's a good thing that I am off because I stayed up to watch Praise the Lord and Paula White was the host tonight.  There was a guest Pastor from Bethany Baptist Church in NJ, Pastor David Evans and Vicki Yohe also sang.  I really enjoy Christian television because there's so many quality programs.  Some years ago I didn't care for television preachers.  What a difference the Holy Spirit can and will make.  :o}   I'm reading a very good book by Pastor John Hagee called Jerusalem Countdown and it's quite an eye opener. 

    Comment (4)

    Tue, Mar 14th - 12:25AM

    I read another member's blog and she stated that blogs and blogging was new to her.   Well, I can understand because it's all new to me as well.  But I can imagine it will be fun.  So, here's to trying something new.

    Comment (8)

    About Me

    Name: Dee M.
    ChristiansUnite ID: dee
    Member Since: 2006-03-14
    Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
    Denomination: Non-demoninational
    About Me: I am a single mom, devoted to God and my family. I love to read and study Scripture. Enjoy different activities at church, also enjoy volunteering and teaching children's Sunday school.

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