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    Endurs2n Blog
          Family and freinds

    Sat, Feb 25th - 10:11PM

    There has been  so much going on in my life, that I haven't taken time to post.

    My husband is wanting to move to another state, and we are trying to find a house there, that we can afford.

    Jer, is doing some better, the chemo he is taking now is helping him. I think. My mother-in-law is doing good also. Me, well I am trying to work some and between work and taking Jer to the hospital for treatmentas it doesn't leave much time.

    Please keep us in prayer and know this site is in my prayers. I hope everyone had a safe New Year.

    God bless you all; and keeep you safe. will write more later.

    Comment (4)

    Tue, Dec 27th - 10:06PM

    Hello everyone:

    Just thought I would let everyone know that my husband started on a different chemo last week. It is to early to tell how it will work.

    My daughters mother-in-law died Christmas Day, please keep that family in prayer.

    As always I ask that each of you keep us all in prayer.

    We where able to go see our son out of state for Christmas but due to the death had to leave and come home early.

    Hope that each one of you had a blessed Christmas.

    friend in Christ,


    Comment (6)

    Wed, Dec 21st - 12:13AM

    Hello all

    I am sorry it has been so long.

    There has been much going on around my house. The doctors stopped the chemo on my husband, said it wasn't helping. They are starting chemo again Thrusday, a different kind. From what I understand it will take about 3 and a half hours to administer.

    Please keep Jer in your prayers. My mother-in-law has been complaining of pain in her neck and head, please pray for her also.

    Me, well I am trying to find a full time job, to help out with our bills. So please in your prayers ask God to open a door to a job that I will be able to do, in a time slot that I can work with. I have many things on my plate, that has to be done each day. So it is hard to find a job that doesn't interfer with all the doctor appointments, car pools, and so on.

    Merry Christmas May you all be blessed.

    Comment (4)

    Tue, Nov 29th - 10:36PM

    Hello All, sorry it has been so long since I have posted. What with my working and things happening at home I haven't had time. My mother-in-law had a place cut off her neck and the results were cancerous. The doctors seem to think they got it all. My husband is doing fairly well, he gets awfully sick after chemo sometimes, but that is the norm. My son and his family came up home for Thanksgiving it was good to see them all.

    Please keep us all in your prayers, please.

    Comment (2)

    Sat, Oct 29th - 10:55PM


    Hello once again I just want to say,Thank You Lord for loving me. For dieing on Calvarys hill in my place.

    Comment (2)

    About Me

    Name: La Messer
    ChristiansUnite ID: endur2n
    Member Since: 2005-10-29
    Location: , Illinois, United States
    Denomination: Baptist
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