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          Christian Webmasters

    Tue, Aug 5th - 9:56AM


    Where has time gone?  I have not forgotten about this blog.  So much has been going on.  Daily demands seem to literally eat up time.   I just hired another staff member to help free up some of those demands.  The plan is to get back in the swing of things.  My Client case load is so great that maintaining their projects and updates has prohibited me from maintaining mine.  Its funny how things go.  Some days its like everyone gets together and says, "hey.... lets all work on our site today!"  Those days are non-stop but pleasurable. Helping others in their online ministries is so rewarding.

    Thats it for now. Got to go do payroll.

    Comment (1)

    Wed, Oct 31st - 9:48AM


    I thought it would be nice to have a section for questions and answers regarding Web Designing and Hosting.  If you have a question, post it here!  We'll answer it!  We've been doing this for almost 10 yrs now.  We don't know everything but what we do know we will share!

    Comment (3)

    Wed, Oct 31st - 9:46AM

    Major Marketing

    It's been two months since I've posted to the blog.  For those of you who have visited and have found no updates... I apologize.  

    Since the last posting we have been doing some mayyyjor marketing in the form of mass emailing. I believe that it takes 2 seconds to decide whether someone will read or delete an email.  If you send information by Mail they can read the info at their convenience. 

    Target your audience and let them know that you share their interest! Meaning, our primary interest is designing Christian Websites for individuals and businesses.  On our return address label we have an image of our logo.  If you have ever been to our website (http://www.lastdaywarriors.com) it is the image of the world, hands and cross.  This image is so captivating and we believe it captivates others as well.  It is a true visual statement of belief too!  Place your logo on your return address label and stationary, etc.

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    Tue, Aug 28th - 11:15PM


    One of the questions I hear the most is, "how did you start out?" The answer is quite simple.   God heard me whisper a question and He answered in such a great way.

    My Sister and I own another company that we started about 10 yrs ago and when we began, we wanted a website!  One day I was sitting at my desk scanning the ban (internet) looking at what other people had done on their websites.  Chin in hand I am totally mesmerized by what I'm seeing.  I whispered, "Lorrrrd, I wish I knew how to do this!"  I knew zip about putting a site together!   I didnt even know enough to be dangerous!  But still, I was going to give it my all.

    I tell people my formal training was provided at the school of hard knocks.  And it was. Oh it was!  I did what every new beginner did, most of the wrongs and hardly any of the rights.

    Take it from me Newbies, the top three designer errors are:

    never never never:

    1.   Directly link to someone else's images.
    ...... "whudda ya mean?"   Never go to a site, right click and save the location of the image and then paste the code on your site. 

    never never never:
    2. Use fonts that are this size.
    ... bigger is NOT better and not all people that come to your site will have a hard time seeing!

    never never never:

    3. Make each page on your site t-totally different. If you can't make up your mind what layout to use, dont use them all!
    ....people will not even know what /who's site they are on.  Dont cornfuse them.

    I literally learned how to write html.  How?  ...because I didnt know how to copy and paste!  I am not kidding.   I knew nothing.  I found a counter on Bravenet that I wanted to use.  Well, they said to place it where I wanted it on my site and it would work.   So I did!  One..letter..at...a time.  

    About a year later I got into working with flash.  God must have looked at me and said, "child child child.  My simple child, its time to graduate."   I took a couple of days off work and BAM it hit!   I kicked out over 54 flash presentations within 24 hrs.  What am I going to do with all these?????   hmmm, I'll make a site, pop them on there and let em go!  God had a plan all along.   That small site turned into the Last Day Warriors site.   God had a plan all along.   We've had over a million visitors.  I take no credit.  Its all God.   Its ALL God. 

    Do you have a desire in your heart?  Lift your hands to heaven and say, "God, use me!" 

    ....and He will.

    God bless you!

    ps.  It took me 2 weeks to figure out how to put a background on my site.  TWO WEEKS!

    Comment (3)

    Tue, Aug 28th - 8:37AM


    I wanted a quiet place to voice what it was like to be a Christian Webmaster.  Some people may think that its a cherry job.   I guess that all depends on what you consider as cherry.  I've never had a blog before where I've posted my thoughts.  ...this is going to be interesting. 

    This blog wasn't launched due to a bad day but simply out of my need for a place where I can post the absolute rewards and the sheer disappointments that come with this job.

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    Name: Gabriel Associates
    ChristiansUnite ID: gabriel
    Member Since: 2007-08-27
    Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States
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