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  • You are here: Blogs Directory / Personal / I MET GOD IN A LAUNDRY MAT Welcome Guest
          God used a 15 year old girl to witness to me at a laundry mat. Praise God for her boldness, courage and love. Her name was Darlene Sweezie from Detroit, that was in 1972. Bless her Lord!

    Tue, Mar 21st - 11:14AM

    ~~ Oh, I want to see Him ~~

    God is my refuge and best friend - He'll be faithful to the end

    He is my strength, my rock, my king - I'm sheltered under his wing.

    He is the lover of my soul - I'm his and he is mine

    He showers me with his love and grace - My Jesus is so kind.


    I can never go wrong if I trust in Him - To lead me day by day

    To walk by faith and not by sight - Will bring blessings along the way.

    I do not know what lies ahead - Or what tomorrow will bring

    But one day I'll see Him face to face - My Savior, Lord and King.

    gs march 2006

    God not only gave me this poem, but he gave me a song to go with it :)  I was in California for 4 months while going thru a divorce and one day on my way to work I was thinking about all the wonderful things God is to me.  I started singing this song and it's  forever hidden in my heart!  I hope to be able to share it with others someday.

    Comment (1)

    Sat, Feb 18th - 4:34PM

    ~~ GROWTH ~~

    The reason your prayer isn't answered, in the way you think it should be

    is so that you can grow dear child,and learn a little more of me.

    Is it better that I answer in the way you think it's best,

    or for you to come unto me, and "learn" that I do give rest?

    I want you to really know me, trust my plan and perfect way

    this will for you take a life time, but for me, that is okay.

    I'm never in a hurry because I want for you to grow

    the flowers don't come up overnight, they need my touch, you know.

    Just lay aside this moment all your thoughts and plans to do

    die to self, and let me work, my perfect  will through you.

    gs  10-17-87

    God gave me this poem when I was going through a difficult time.  I wanted it to hurry up and get over, but God reminded me again that there was growth in the valley.  God always give the best....to those who leave the choice with him.  Praise the Lord.


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    Thu, Feb 9th - 2:15PM


    I'm a CHILD OF THE KING, because Jesus set me free

    and the reason I'm rejoicing is because, LOVE LIFTED ME!

    BURDENS ARE LIFTED AT CALVARY, my sins are burried and gone


    I knelt at THE OLD RUGGED CROSS and prayed JUST AS I AM

    I'VE DECIDED TO FOLLOW JESUS and serve him the best I can.

    I've often climbed tall mountains, but JESUS LED ME ALL THE WAY

    I'm STANDING ON THE PROMISES, each and every day.



    gs  2-27-03


    Praise the Lord for heavenly hymns.....about "Him".  

    Comment (1)

    Fri, Feb 3rd - 12:50PM


    God, give me the courage to stand and say

     I can't do that it wouldn't pay...

    it would only bring sorrow, anger, unrest

    please give me the courage to stand the test.

    When my flesh says yes and your Spirit whispers no

    please help me to chose the right way to go...

    oh, may I not be afraid to take a stand

    I want to build on the Rock, not on sinking sand.

    No man can serve two masters, i'ts true

    when the temptation comes, may I follow you....

    help me to walk the straight and narrow way

    no man can serve two masters, help me I pray.

    I can't do that because I love God, my friend

    he knows my heart, and is with  me to the end....

    you may think I'm strange, that's ok with me

    I can't do that because I love God, you see.

    gs  3-17-91

    God gave me this poem while I was working for a specific company.  They wanted me to keep two sets of books and I told them, I couldn't do that.  God moved me from that job and gave me another one.  ~Praise the Lord~


    Comment (1)

    Wed, Jan 25th - 6:55PM


    If today you feel you're walking alone

    there's one thing I want you do know...

    I see your tears, I hear your cry

    I'm with you where ever you go.

    The road isn't easy, I grant you

    I've walked in your steps, you see

    while the disciples were sleeping for sorrow

    I sweat great drops of blood, for thee.

    So, if today you feel you're walking alone

    in all that you say and do

    remember, the cross I carried was heavy

    but I would do it again, just for you.

    gs  3-29-89

    So many times during my walk with the Lord, I have felt like I was walking alone.  I thought of how the Lord must have felt when he came to the disciples and found them sleeping.  He felt lonely at times, especially when he was on the cross.  No one will ever love me like God has, can or will.   Praise you Jesus!

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    About Me

    Name: Gloria Stafford
    ChristiansUnite ID: gloing4god
    Member Since: 2006-01-04
    Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States
    Denomination: born again believer
    About Me: While going through a divorce, after a 40 year marriage, God has taught me to... commit my ways to him ~ trust in him ~ delight in him ~ rest in him ~ and wait for him. I am so thankful for what he has done in my life, is doing now, and is going to ... more

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