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    Family Journeys
          Am I a professional writer? No, I just play the part. Am I the perfect Christian? No, I am "work in progress." Am I a good person? For sure!

    Wed, Feb 1st - 10:34PM

    Hello Everyone!!!! I am Back Again!

    Oh where, oh where has Latecia Mae gone, oh where oh where has she been? She been astray in a wordly way, and now she's back again.Hello everyone! I had forgotten my password and it took me a couple weeks to recall it. Where do I start with the blogging... How many parents have kids on myspace.com? How do you feel about that site? I have a coworker whose kid just went missing last week after meeting someone from that site.  This site is wholesome. Thank God for a place like this.

    Comment (3)

    Sat, Dec 3rd - 12:15PM

    I am Back and Merry Christmas!

    Hello, folks! I haven't written in a while. Glad to be back to this site. Merry Christmas! I am proud to say it. So many try to hide those words as if the very sound inflicts pain.


    Comment (5)

    Fri, Sep 9th - 9:22PM

    Does God Communicate Through Dreams?

    Does God send messages to us in our dreams? Anyone have any experience with receiving divine messages. These are truly big blessings.

    I had a message dream that I believe was from God. After a series of arguments with my husband, I dreamed that God returned to earth and walked among us. We were all lined along sidewalks and in parking lots by the thousands. All traffic had stopped and the air was as silent as death. Jesus would walk up and touch people on the shoulder and they would follow. He skipped me several times. I called to him,"Lord you have forgot me!" He would ignore my voice. Finally after calling to him dozens of times, he turned and pointed to a box full of scrolls. He handed one to me and walked away with a trail of people behind him. The scroll had the word "QUARLES" written down it. I said, "Lord, this is not me!" This is not my name. He ignored me and gathered his people a continued with his second coming.This dream concerned me so I called my Dad the next day and told him about it. He said that sometimes dreams contain symbols that only the dreamer can understand. He said words are often mispelled.  I figured that "quarles" meant "quarrels". Angry quarreling was hindering me from reaching my savior and would probably keep me out of heaven. I needed to change. 

    Comment (7)

    Mon, Aug 29th - 9:33PM

    Reaction To Insults

    During these times of Christian persecution, I have faced  insults because of my religion. I have often heard that we should turn the other cheek and allow ourselves to receive the lashings of others in the name of Jesus. That's very hard because I get angry at them and in order to not stress myself, I tend to avoid  situation so I don't get that sinful feeling of anger. What are we supposed to do as Christians? I have also read that when evil it at your door, do not let him into your house. I feel like I am not letting it into my house.

    Comment (2)

    Thu, Aug 25th - 1:29AM

    Help! Children In Doubt of Christ.....

    Sometimes, I think too much. I get into so much trouble this way. I want to raise my children Christian. It seems to be somewhat effective but I know they have some questions. The teaching of religious chapters in junior high school history class is sending messages that have made my children think, "Hey, what if our religion is wrong and theirs is right?" I just explain it all away by saying that there is evidence of the places and things that happened in the bible. Jesus was and is the living God and no other religion can attest to that with a historical record. My teen daughter has come to me for help with a 13 year old boy who has gone astray from the Lord and curses God now. She really wants me to give her the magic answer to convince him to come back. I cannot do that. We have free will. Am I wrong? It's not like I haven't tried. It's just my daughter doesn't seem to want to give him logical grounds for being a Christian, she just imagines I can give her a few sentences that will convince the boy. Any comments? 

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    About Me

    Name: Latecia Mae
    ChristiansUnite ID: kaboodle2
    Member Since: 2005-08-05
    Location: Northern, California, United States
    Denomination: Pentacostal
    About Me: I am an average mother of 3 children. I am the wife of my husband. Scrapbooking is my new found hobby.

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