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    God is Great
          My blog is dedicated to sharing God's mighty works in my life

    Mon, Jun 4th - 1:38AM


    What had gone wrong in my life, I'm definitely unclear, but I'm quite sure I have to bear some responsibilty for not having any friend ready to help or support me in times of need, except for Jesus of course, because of His Grace.

    I have always wondered why, but I have been very busy seeking answers to my own problems as a kid when my parents were having heated problems, maybe I have neglected my classmates or schoolmates then. I blamed my father for sacrificing everything in our lives for his 'so-called' friends who later made use of him. I was also in turn being blamed by my mom for looking like my dad and reminding my mom of his facial expressions when he was away. I grew up not knowing how to socialise and had a terribly low self esteem until I accepted Jesus as my Savior during my late teens and He began building my personality, and putting the blocks back in this 'temple' of His Spirit back again. As I mature into adulthood, I had afew encounter with my early teen friends, but sadly, when I needed financial help, many had shy away from me almost completely. I wonder, will I shy away if my friends needed help? It's a scary thought for me as I know I may have many reasons not to help in my mind as well.

    During this round of financial need, I am very aware of my absolute lack of friends as my husband,aunt,cousins,uncle, all had friends who are willing to help them, while I couldn't even contact one ,(except our Lord JEsus of course). I pray to the Lord yesterday during worship, and submit my failure as a friend to him and asked for His forgiveness if I had done anything or had the worng attitude towards any of my friends before. Maybe I had not been tolerant, or forgiving or had been too direct.I prayed that He'll build some genuine and true friendship for me with people He chooses for my friend and I ,theirs. I need His help to overcome my own insecurities which might have lead to unneccesary distance from my friends and heal my hurts when my father had treated friends with far better favour than to us his family. May I have the courage to be a true friend to others as much as I desire to have true friends.

    God Bless. 

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    Thu, May 31st - 10:08AM


    Today is a religious holiday in my country and everywhere is crowded with people from all walks of life. We visited Ikea for a little window shopping so that we didn't have to spend and yet enjoy a little walk with our new baby.

    I saw huge crowds of people having a great time munching away chicken wings as a family. I feel very blessed that there is abundance in the place I live in. I am thank ful in my heart because most families are enjoying such abundance, of food , nice homes, education, here I go, repeating again. I sincerely hope these families and their children realize how blessed we are and there still remains an amount of hardwork to be done before such abundance could be reaped. I'm saying this because many children here live and behave as 'masters', 'kings' and 'queens', I could not imagine the possibility of them in the face of crisis, which I sincerely pray not.

    I'm not a smart person since young ,so my grandmother's words were my strong pillars on living a responsible and meaningful life by educating myself, willingness to work, and honest,showing kindness, etc, and be humble. Well, these are later complimented by the precious Word of our Lord Jesus. Therefore, I believe that some core values should remain when we care for our young, which should not be compromised by our material accomplishments or our new found hope in our future success, be it a new promotion to a high position, or a job which will pay a years' salary in a month. Some parents I know seem to believe that their wealth would see their children through as long as they give them the right education or training. Well, it's really sad when you meet a 7 year old who thinks herself to be on her way to success simply by getting a unversity degree.

    I do hope and pray that these children will remember and accept the help of Jesus one day when they are met with a rude shock that life is not a fixed formulae.

    As for me and my kids, I continue to pray for wisdom for us to teach,guide,discipline and love them as they grow, as much as we wish for them to be successful, we pray for their hearts to honor the Lord Jesus too.

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    Wed, May 30th - 12:59AM

    Texas Mother

    I'm not sure if anyone else in this world knows but I recently foundout that quite afew of people suffering from pyschological, problems which had been classified by the doctors as chronic have been healed in Jesus Name. I attended a church recently and there were many testimonies from ladies suffering from depression, insomnia,and they have been progressively healed and progressively reduced medication and got their family lives back on track gradually.

    I believe because the Bible says Nothing is Impossible to God. But I also know that the person has to believe, and in order to do so, he/she needs to HEAR God's Word to increase in faith(because the bible also says, Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the WORD Of GOD. I am thinking that if these ladies, like the tragic 'Texan mother' who killed her kids and herself, get to Hear the BIBLE over time, for Faith to increase and for Someone from the Healing ministry to pray for these mothers who are in their own worlds of confusion,stress,desperation,evils from birth which plagued their lives due to social backgrounds etc, things may turn out to be different. May our minds be renewed by the Word of God, so that our lives can be changed by the Touch of Jesus, according to His will. May God's grace work in the lives of these forgotten mothers who might have chosen life the rebellious ways or were drawn into it ,for whatever, May Jesus break that cycle for them in Jesus's Name.

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    Wed, May 30th - 12:42AM

    Financial crisis- Blessing in Disguise

    Weeks ago,I wrote on a slip of used paper, 'when you can feel as light as a feather and live without lack, of basics, food, nice home,water, clothings,school, even though in all of our pockets, there is less than afew dollars, you know that it's because God honors His Word when He said,

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these shall be added unto you.'

    Today, we are once again faced with shortage of cash for mountains of debts. But Praise the LORD, we will surrender and live in HIM, calling HIS Name , the Mighty Name of Jesus over and over again. We continue to do our best in any area we could, stopping ourselves if we know that the job is not what God allows in His will at this moment, (this takes faith too,as some job does yields money, but at this moment, we know in our hearts it is not to be done). We cannot boast about waiting on Jesus but I want to say that we have learnt over the years that this is HIS Will.To wait upon Him, and follow HIS steps one by one,rejecting my own desperate thoughts, since I have 2 young kids. We never lacked & in fact, we live in great abundance whenever needed for whatever needed.

    God is Great.

    I know that whatever we're going through, there are millions worse off because I live and grew up in abundance, even when cash is tight, I livein a peaceful country,nice home,food,education etc. However, I also know that in relativity, the difficulties we face may relate to many households who are trapped by debts. I wish you all JESUS. Because, every day, every month,every moment, I pray and send prayer requests through serious Christian webs to God for every thing I feel, be it anxiety, fear, etc, I tell HIm everything and learn to give thanks, I appreciate little things, even kindness from the market lady, I know it is God's way of comforting me. TRUST in HIM. We walk slowly, we have HIM, we have EVERYthing. He will provide.You will live. Tell Him everything.

    Of course, we also pray and believe for protection over our names and credit rating. May God work a good miracle to protect our names, and change our attitudes toward HIm, may His Will be done in Our lives. Acknowldge & Surrender our unbelief, pride,hatred, ambitions,mistakes etc to HIM .


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    Wed, May 30th - 12:19AM

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    Name: marie loh
    ChristiansUnite ID: marieloh
    Member Since: 2007-05-29
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