Mon, Jul 24th - 2:23PM
just a dab will change you !!!!
This week GOD ( DAD) has pressed on my heart that Jesus makes the difference. Just by allowing him to come into the issue or situation or conversation changes the whole thing. He adds life, hope, courage, compassion, and the list goes on and on. the bible tells use that GOD speaks life into the dead things NOW that is CHANGE in action. AS I keep learning and seeing GOD is Just GOD!!!!. My pray for today forward is this
Dear Dad the lover of my soul that one that cares for me like no other the great and mighty and wonderful GOD please forgive me for not allowing you to enter in all of my issues, conversations, struggles, and so on I guess this is what you ment when you said that i needed to yeild to you. Dad Thanks you for giving me understanding now as you promised you would in your word (he who lacks knowldge let him ask it of GOD)
Dad please come into all my situations I invite you in to make the difference, because only you can I need you. Please order my steps that it my line up to your word. I love you and I thank you
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Fri, Jul 14th - 11:28AM
What kind of GOD is this!!!!!
1st I want to say thanks to all that left comments and made me feel welcome on the site :) it really made me smile. We are all called to share and encourge one another thanks. I wanted to Share something that blow me away today In Isaiah 44:6 to 8 (the message bible ) it reads "Have you ever come across a GOD, a real GOD, other than me ? There's no Rock like me that I know of" I thank GOD that he is who he is and I thank him for calling me to him and allowing me to call him DAD. Our father is Bold! and confident when i read that scripture i just felt safe in him. There is an another scripture that read that GOD (DAD) could not swear by any thing ( because he is the greats 1st and last ) so he had to swear by him self !!!!! Man he is just GOD and with all that power he still loves little,junky, me. Yes the one that says one thing and does another. Me the one who finds it hard to forgive people that have hurt me. And I could go on and on and on. He loves me WOW powerful people in the natural don't know me or care about me at all. But GOD knows me and on top of that he loves me. I just have to take this time to say Thank you GOD for your love, please forgive me for not trusting you LORD please forgive me for not saying thank you more often. I really do appriecate you and there is no body greater than you. Amen. Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment have a great day
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Wed, Jul 12th - 3:18PM
Today is what
As i sit to write i really dont know what to write. Do I speak about my day, my life , the cat the dog what ? I guess I will play it by ear. My verse for the day is Genesis 18:14 Is any thing too hard for the LORD? I have friend that gave me a word once. she simply said to me "L there is no spirit greater than GOD's spirit" As I was thinking on this it became more and more real to me there is no spirit greater than GOD'S SPIRIT not health issues, not money ,not people, not places, not things, none of these things are greater than GOD. So that means to me that there is nothing that can present its self that GOD cant handle . BUT I have to trust him OH!!!!!! "you mean DAD ( GOD) I can not try and figure this out ?" you mean I have to know that no matter what it looks like , what it smells like what it sounds like (in the natural) I have to just close my eyes and say "yes!!!!! I will trust you LORD".
I dont know about any one else but for me some times that is very hard to do even when i know that he knows what is best for me . my pray today is LORD help me to close my eyes and hold on tight to you and only you. Please forgive me for being shakie ( doubtful) I know that you are GOD and I know you love me help me not to look at anyone or any thing but look at you
In the name of JESUS amen
be blessed to all that read this and please send your comment :)
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Wed, Jul 12th - 2:48PM
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