Sat, Mar 4th - 1:10AM
Today was GREAT!!!
Today has been a great day! I woke up this morning refreshed from the week and wide awake. Then in first block we had a debate and I got even more pumped up. In the debate we were discussing whether Bibles should be talked about at school. Of course I was on the pro side, the side that is for the Bible being talked about at school. Anyways it was very interesting because a girl in the class who I believe is a Satanist got an attitude with me and interupted my speech. Well she keep on and on. Finally I told her to be quiet while I was speaking because the modirators had not called on her. Then in Literature I passed my test and my presentation from two days ago. Then in third block we did our presentations and we got some papers back. I did very well on the essay. Yeah... So... In fourth block we had a review and I got to sleep because the teacher was through. Don't you love what the teachers let us do. Lol. Now I'm at my mom's house and I just got through talking to my g/f. I got to witness today so I'm so happy that the Lord gave me the strength. Thank ya' Jesus!!!
God Bless Yall,
Richard(A.K.A.- PreacherBoy)
P.S. Pray for my family, friends, and me please. Also remember to visit my site.
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