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    Rosetta's Thoughts and Insights
          Daily, weekly insights or answers that God reveals as I ask the questions.

    Tue, Feb 20th - 9:48PM

    Hello Brothers and Sisters, I hope everyone is doing well. I have been a little busy with different little crises(?) in my household that needed my attention. But during it all my Father never left my side. Between my hubby's health and mine we have been busy. But as I said God is faithful.

    Last week was the second anniversary of marmee's death and it was a rough week. It can feel as fresh as when it happened. Now with dad it is different and I think that it is because he and I were not that close. I loved him but...we weren't friends like marmee and I were.

    This is what Jesus wants us to get to.  We are friends and He wants us to remember that He sticks closer than family, friends, or spouses.

    Gotta go,

    Will be back soon.

    Love and peace,


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    Fri, Sep 22nd - 10:23AM

    Common Courtesies

    Good Morning, How is everyone doing? Have you ever thought about the common courtesies and their significance? When a few of us older ones were growing up we were taught that if you were asked how you were, it was polite to answer. We were not taught to go into a long "oh woe is me" type of answer. Although some people did assume that it meant that the enquirer wanted a complete history. You must understand that satan likes this kind of answer, because the more elaborate your answer is, means that you are focusing on yourself and excluding what God can do. When we focus on us to the point that all we talk about is us and our situation, we tend to forget God and the world of people that He wants us to help. Admittedly there are times that we all get there. We all have times that we really do need to vent and tell someone "all our troubles" , but this does not mean we have to do it all the time. The problems get really big and we can't seem to find our way out of it, but, (I love that word) that is the reason we have fellowship. We can call up or tell our brothers and sisters that we need help...prayer, encouragement, or just a simple little word called love. The point I am going for here is that we must not become so focused on "our troubles" to the exclusion of others and their troubles. There sre some of God's children who do this. We have missed the point of His love. His love focuses on others not self. This is why I love the song that speaks about us being His hands, His arms, His feet. We are. Sooooo....I have to say...I love you. Maybe not as much as Jesus, but...we are working on it.

    When we meet some brothers and sisters who don't understand that it is a ploy of satan's to keep us focused on our troubles and not on others, we must lift them up in prayer. Don't jump on them and try browbeating them or even shaming them. This is not what Jesus did. He waited for the right time to lovingly correct them, to turn their focus on others. So let us try harder to grasp the concept of loving as He does. Without a price tag on it.

    Gotta go.


    Love and peace,


    Comment (1)

    Wed, Sep 13th - 10:38AM

    Hello brothers and sisters, I apologise for being away for so long. Let us just call it computer troubles and let it go at that.

    We are doing good and I am so glad that God continues to love me even when I fail Him. Please remember that none of us is worthy of love. But that is the purpose of love. It has no cost and therefore it can be freely given. So freely accept what has been done for you and just love Him back.

    Gotta go.

    Love and peace to you all,


    Comment (2)

    Sun, Apr 9th - 3:07PM


    Palm Sunday: Jesus walked by and some saw Him but they didn't know Him. They followed the crowd. Some people will follow a crowd where ever it is going. No wonder we are compared to sheep. That is what they do. If one is leading,  the rest follow, even over a cliff.  We do the same thing. "This is normal."

    One day they followed Jesus crying "Hosanna". Then less than a week later they were crying "crucify". Where do we live? Are we part of the fold that praises Him, until someone cries "crucify"?

    Where are we standing today? Are we on the side that cries for His blood or are we the ones that are saying "free Him", for He is truth and love?

    Please, when you lay your palm branches down, let Him walk on them. Don't pick them up to use as a weapon, later on.

    Give Him your heart, wholeheartedly. You will find His love is worth it all.

    May you all be blessed.

    Love and peace,


    Comment (3)

    Fri, Mar 10th - 11:10PM

    Thank You

    I just wanted to say thank you Father for loving me. Thank you Jesus for loving me first before I ever knew you. Isn't that enough to just praise Him for? I know I have been guilty of not telling Him often enough. So let us praise Him for all He does without us even asking. He is worthy of all our praise.

    In Psalm 100, we are told to make a joyful noise, to the Lord, but I don't do it often enough. So here I am, making a joyful noise.

    Thank you Father.

    Love and peace to all, give Him praise.


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    About Me

    Name: Anna Gilbert
    ChristiansUnite ID: silvertip
    Member Since: 2006-02-02
    Location: Spring Lake, North Carolina, United States
    Denomination: Non-denominational
    About Me: I have been married 32 years to a wonderful Texan.I am a person that loves Jesus, my husband, our sons and their families and Jesus' family. I teach adult Sunday School at Greater Vision Fellowship Church in Lillington, Nc.

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