All About jeffvanbeaver
Date Joined:
Thurs, Jan 19th - 11:50AM
About Me:
Acts 1:8 Ministry was founded on November 20th, 2002 and has grown into an international ministry touching hundreds of thousands of lives each year with the love of Christ.
Why Acts 1:8 Ministry - The Bible commands us through the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to share the gospel. Acts 1:8 Ministry offers a program that allows everyone in your church, business or ministry to share the Gospel in a non-threatening way. One of the reasons this is a great outreach: People will ask you - "Why are you doing this?" Your answer is that we are showing you God's Love in a practical way. This will also open the door to sharing the Gospel with more people in your community.
Vision of Acts 1:8 Ministry - To equip Christians with an outreach program and consulting in every city, state and country to create a culture for sharing the love of Christ worldwide through Planned Acts of Christian Kindness (P.A.C.K.).
Acts 1:8 Bible Verse - "When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea, and in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth".
Please explore our Web site to learn more about our ministry or contact us at (920) 494-2289.
Sharing Christ's Love,
Jeff Van Beaver
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