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    Comment List
    I am reminded of a preacher who told us that "God has no grandchildren". How right he was, God still has no grandchildren, we all must find our peace with God through Christ Jesus. His works on that awful Calvary's cross are sufficient unto us all.
    Then we are sons, daughters & heirs to that glorious inheritance with Christ Jesus & shall be called Children of God.
    Is that not Awesome
    Love in His Name Stuart
    2006-04-30 05:22:37 Posted by Stuart (stuart@sadrankin.com)

    Thanks Stuart... never thought of the grandchildren... that has strong theological implications.

    The reason that the Bible uses "children of God" seems to be simple.... I am 49 years old but I am still my mom's child and will be till I am 149! Same with Him but your analogy was still good!


    2006-04-30 07:40:44 Posted by Bob (bh@sbgm.org)

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