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    Comment List
    Hi Cameron,

    Greetings in the name of our precious Savior, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Reading the word of God or about God's is always a blessing to me.

    I would like to wish you and your loved ones a happy Easter. We are confident that our Lord is interceding for us at the Father's right hand.

    I am inviting my brothers and sisters in Christ to visit my blog: blogs.christiansunite.com/immanuel (WEEK 5: BIBLE STUDY - AN EASTER MESSAGE).

    Take care. Blessings.

    Your brother in Christ,
    2007-04-04 17:07:34 Posted by Joseph E. Mahabir (Rev.) (blogs.christiansunite.com/immanuel)

    Hi Cameron. Glad to hear things are getting better. Ilove that personal relationship I have with the Lord also. Amen.
    Gods Blessings
    2007-04-04 22:23:14 Posted by Bro Larry ()

    Hi Cameron,
    I am so happy that you have that wonderful, joyful feeling of being with the Lord.
    Isn't it awesome to know He is always there just waiting for us to initiate the conversation.
    He is such a patient God.
    Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
    God bless you. ML
    2007-04-05 23:13:36 Posted by Mary Lou (A Heart at Peace) ()

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    2007-10-10 05:09:53 Posted by Perry Weber (jmotvlk@vcwsc.ky)

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    2007-12-18 13:16:18 Posted by Alvin Morrow (sndll@eemy.np)

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