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    Comment List
    Hi Ray,
    A Beautiful Posting! I was reading about the Ancient of Days, only today. He made it possible for us to have a joyous life of peace.
    God bless your work for His Kingdom. Easter is a wonderful time to reflect more on Jesus.
    Have a Happy Easter
    In His Love,
    2007-04-05 19:32:32 Posted by From God's Word ()

    Hello Raymond,
    It must be so sad to not believe in Jesus and His promises.
    What hope would you ever have.
    To think that this life is all there is.
    How sad.
    Thank you precious Saviour for being there for me!
    God bless you, Raymond for sharing this message. ML
    2007-04-05 22:54:59 Posted by Mary Lou ()

    thank you Ray, for such thruth and comfort Yea I believe Jesus died and rose from the dead for me,and I need You Jesus still to strengthe me in my walk to let people know about You and the glory of a loving God Our Father...Love in Jesus always for He is ALIVE.byebye
    2007-04-06 10:18:53 Posted by jetaime ()

    pianist abhominable predestroy prepolitic overnoise thaumaturge digressory unvirulent
    Yahoo! Groups: AnalogueSynthesisers

    2007-12-16 06:04:22 Posted by Dana Neal (gnzzcucc@artl.net)

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