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    Comment List
    It sounds like you are really getting your act together.
    Keep it up. Put your faith in God
    Let Him lead you and decide where you should go.
    Happy Easter. God bless you. ML
    2007-04-06 23:30:33 Posted by Mary Lou ()

    hello,Cameron studying Jesus teaching daily will guide us into all truth I wish you God Spirit on your Life...Happy Easter Jesus is Alive..Love in Jesus byebye
    2007-04-07 09:14:10 Posted by jetaime ()

    Good 2 c u again been praying 4 u. God bless & keep u
    2007-05-04 07:17:20 Posted by Pam ()

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    2007-12-21 11:28:46 Posted by Linda Knapp (whdjczno@fbuaaxvk.tf)

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