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    Comment List
    That is a rhetorical question is it not? Maybe not. Is the accomplishment of the Prophet tied up in how God's Word is received? I think you touch on this. Our desire is to turn the world on its ear, but if we hang our hope on worldly results, where does faith lie?

    Go For It,

    2005-12-03 00:18:24 Posted by Mel ()

    Your final question shows that you care about the results. The fact that we ever change anything is only the providence of God. I think that very trap answers the question of why we do not always have that kind of passion. As an American, I understand being steeped in a culture that demands immediate results. I think other cultures have it to varying degrees as well, and that thought posesses a trap.

    You do well to think on this, and my prayer is that you are reminded of this when the trials of thinking along the lines of what you have accomplished come to you. You and I, we have accomplished nothing. God has already done it all. Just give him the Glory for what he has done!

    2005-12-03 00:41:40 Posted by Mel ()

    I am not saying not to try and do the good works God has set before you. Those are for your benefit, even when you think you are doing it to help someone else. Another subject to study, BTW...

    2005-12-03 00:44:04 Posted by Mel ()

    23 years is nothing. Noah preached for 120 years. And he had a huge visual aid.
    2005-12-03 09:24:29 Posted by Jon ()

    What would happen if all christians were so driven? You mean they're not
    2005-12-03 16:24:33 Posted by Ross ()

    BTW - Ross is the "funny" in this little funny farm, but he makes me smile!
    I am highly impressed with the knowledge you show especially for someone your age. I enjoy the way you put things across - you have been blessed with a powerful tool. Use it as much as you can.
    God Bless
    2005-12-04 14:04:55 Posted by Lee ()

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