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    You were right. You are now not just taking it in, but thinking about it and applying it too. That's where the real growth comes.
    2005-12-10 15:49:18 Posted by Jon ()

    I feel so much different already! Things that used to matter, don't seem so important now. I am still praying that my husband finds Jesus, but in the meantime I know who I belong to and no one else's beliefs, or lack thereof, will sway my faith! I'm spiritually stronger than I've ever been and look forward to the future walking the narrow path. God bless you all. I hope my blog inspires everyone that reads it.

    Blessings -

    2005-12-10 18:13:45 Posted by TalkerCat ()

    God not only allows us to be called his children but chooses us to be his children. He pursues and adopts us. That is so amsazing. My Exodus/Deut teacher explained it this way. Imagine a couple who travel to Russia. There they find a little girl, fall in love with her and adopt her. They take her home with them to Russia. The only problem is that this little girl was diagnosed with cancer. Her new parents spend thousands of dollars on her care over the years. When the girl got older, her parents told her that she was adopted, that her mother had given her up when she was diagnosed with cancer. At first the girl was heartbroken. Her own mother hadn't wanted her because of something that had just happened to her, something that she couldn't control. Her own mother had left her alone to deal with this terrible disease. But when she thought about if for awhile, she realized that she had been chosen. Out of all the children of the world, all the perfectly healthy and beautiful children, her parents had chosen her. Suddenly her mother's rejection did not seem to matter anymore. Her parents had chosen her. She was special. She was loved.
    2005-12-12 01:24:07 Posted by C'Anne ()

    Your blog is great to read as a reminder of all those truths. Remember that many of the blogs here are by people who have also been through these steps, either through "40 Days" or other ways. They are inspiring to read.
    2005-12-12 09:53:34 Posted by Jon ()

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