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    Comment List
    I know that as a military spouse, the sacrifices you must make often go unnoticed by all, sometimes even the spouses who serve and takes for granted the steadfastness with which you support them. Rest assured, if no-one else notices any of it, God does, especially if you do it in service to him. Do this in Christ's name. Our prayers are with you when you are down. We share your joy when you are up.

    In Love,

    2006-01-18 13:57:18 Posted by Mel ()

    Hang in there. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

    God bless
    2006-01-19 06:31:21 Posted by Lee ()

    Cameron, I read your post and I see that you ARE growing in our Lord. I see that you are learning to lean on Him more everyday. Know you are in my prayers daily.
    2006-01-19 16:01:22 Posted by Pam ()

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