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Carol..your garden is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to take a walk along that path..was that picture taken in the late spring or early summer...I see some flowers in it that will only bloom for me in late spring or early summer. Sorry to hear you will not be here as often but I must get the writing done...and the garden is a full time job when everything starts growing again and I know you are like me and want to spend all your time in the garden. I am going to check out your sites.
God bless
2007-01-07 11:41:48 Posted by Colin ()
Yes, Colin, it was late spring, one of the most beautiful times of the year.
2007-01-07 16:42:14 Posted by carolflett ()
Hi Carol,
Your flower garden is so beautiful. I know it's a joy for you to work in them. I also love the outside, working in my flower garden. Viewing the beauty of God's Creation, but the most beautiful one is the Creator!
Enjoyed my visit. I have been touring your website.
God bless you and yours, as your work in His vineyard, with Love, Joy and Peace in Him.
With God's Love..............
2007-01-07 17:58:23 Posted by Lois ()
Hi Carol,
Your books are very interesting and I got lost in them! Wonderful writing! Are you Russian by descent or just very interested in that part of the world?
Thanks for sharing and good luck on the next one.
God's blessings to you,
2007-01-07 18:20:13 Posted by Mary Lou ()
So glad you enjoyed the sample of my books. The Susie in the Susie Series was my mother. They were Russian Mennonites, but they always kept their German language so I never learned Russian.
The Susie Series is all taken from the stories Mom told us of her experiences growing up.
2007-01-07 20:40:43 Posted by carolflett ()
I visited your website Carol...enjoyed the reading. You have a lovely way of writing.
God bless.
2007-01-08 09:22:23 Posted by Colin ()
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