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    Colin, I'm glad you put that note of explanation at the bottom; I was worried about you there for a minute, my brother! :-)

    I believe that if you are truly saved, God will never blot your name out of the Lamb's Book of Life and Jesus will never forsake you. At the same time, I believe that if you continue to walk after the flesh and enjoy living a sinful life, you have to question if you were actually saved to begin with.

    Be blessed, my brother!

    2008-01-11 13:12:31 Posted by Traci ()

    Hi Colin, I know you believe that Christ will never leave or abandon us,I believe this also. Your poem highlights how emotions and problems can become god, due to ignorance or lack of grounding in the doctrine of Christ.but those who willfully distort and disparage the truth of the gospel shall be accountable for it. Very nice poem dear brother, and a true teaching poem to put our trust in Jesus alone dispite the circumstances.


    2008-01-11 13:33:08 Posted by serola ()

    Thank you Traci and Serola....I am so thankful for your comments. This is my first poem of 2008 and was inspired by a debate on a Christian site. God bless.
    2008-01-11 13:57:25 Posted by Colin ()

    Sir Colin! I was wandering along and just happened to come upon your blog... whew, man! I admit I also wondered where you were going with that poem; I was sure you didn't believe it but, like Traci, I am glad you put that note at the bottom! Now may I share a poem that's kind of in response to yours:


    I ask these questions because I want to know:
    Where would I be without You in control?
    Where would I be without You,
    living here below?
    What would I do dear Jesus
    and wherever would I go?
    What would ever have become of me,
    if You hadn't come to set me free?
    I was lost in sin, sick and empty inside,
    filled with hate, anger, and pride;
    I didn't know that for me You had died;
    nor how much you loved a sinner such as I.

    I searched for You Lord
    and you heard my heart's cry;
    You took me in and dressed me
    in your righteousness;
    Then you covered me with your blood!
    O God I confess
    that I don't understand
    such unconditional love,
    such grace, such mercy
    such forgiveness from above;
    I don't understand
    but this I do know:
    You made me your child
    and You'll never let me go!

    We may have moments of doubt and we may have moments with questions BUT we live by FAITH in the Sovereign Lord of the universe, our Redeemer, Saviour, Lord and God. I am reading a book by Dr. David Jeremiah "Until I Come" and he states that in these last days some Christians are being deceived because they began to question the "reality" of Christianity and the Truth of Who Jesus "really" is...they began to delve into other religions and cults. I don't believe those people spent much time in The Word nor with the Lord. However, I do believe you do, Colin. (By the way, He inhabits the praises of His people; praise and singing both draw me closer to Him when I have my moments!)
    God strengthen your faith and your testimony before those who are unbelievers or are weak in the faith!
    with love,

    2008-01-11 17:43:57 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Well this debate was with some of these very intellectual guys in that site I told you about. I am trying to take on Professors and lectures and I am only a country gull! Also a 6 day 24 hour creation is taking a bashing and some are even saying that part of the Bible is only a parable! And these are Christians! Wish I had my old mate Sharon in there fighting with me! Take care, God bless.
    2008-01-11 18:41:41 Posted by Colin ()

    Oh by the way Sharon....a lovely poem!
    2008-01-11 18:42:36 Posted by Colin ()

    Where do I go? where do I go to get in the fight? LOL... I'm afraid I wouldn't last long, though, because hearing that tripe and trash is not good for edification, nor is it good to listen to for long. Once the Truth is told and unheeded, then:
    "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
    "And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
    "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
    "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." —Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians (vi, 14-17)

    In my opinion, ANYONE who tears the Word of God in two, who disagrees with plain Scripture, who bashes the Bible and therefore is really bashing God Himself, is NOT a True Christian; they are the goats the Lord referred to. The only advice I have for the Believer is: come out from among them!!! The works of Satan have no place with the Word of God...

    in Christian love,

    2008-01-11 19:24:22 Posted by sharon41 ()

    You know, Colin, it seems like whatever You write about, comes out so beautiful. I too did not think it was You Yourself who was having such doubting thoughts. ...the photos are absolutely gorgeous too!

    I do not really wish to debate about salvation...

    Heaps of blessings to You,

    2008-01-12 14:46:23 Posted by Eve Juurik ()

    Thank you Eve...I dont want to debate either. Take care and God bless. I am not a bad photographer am I! lol
    2008-01-12 15:47:34 Posted by Colin ()

    Dear friend,
    Forgive me for my "soap box" speech... I did not use wisdom in trying to relay my thoughts. I did not mean to infer that you were tearing the Word in two nor that you were one who bashes our God...I know you better than that! I do get upset though with those who want to "argue" about Scripture and cast doubts about the Holy Word...and I still believe we are to come out from among such. But even so, I had no right to be so judgmental about "others"; God will judge all of us, in His time.
    God's blessings,
    2008-01-12 20:25:11 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Ah Saron I did not think for one moment you were refering to me. It is a Christian writers site and while I think quite a lot of them are true Christians I also think some might be Christian in name. I objected to them critiqueing my poems and now they have theses discussions threads where they air their views. Some of the things I read makes me wonder what on earth I am doing there. Anyway I have found one or two good friends there but overall the place has knocked the stuffing out of me a bit. Chat to you later.
    2008-01-13 10:48:00 Posted by Colin ()

    Well I hope they haven't knocked too much stuffing out of you! :-) But I imagine you do hold your own with them... Take care (and be aware, eh!)...
    God bless.
    in His Love,
    2008-01-13 15:20:11 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Sharon....I am getting bamboozled with science! Don't worry about me. I am not going to engage in mindless debates. Take care. God bless.
    2008-01-13 19:58:44 Posted by Colin ()

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