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    Comment List
    In POW (prisoner of war) training, I had the Bible torn one page at a time in front of me by an interogator. He would crumple it up and throw it on the table in front of me or on the ground. Or blow his nose on a page. He lit a page up and used it to light a cigarette and blow smoke in my face. It took me a while to understand. To him it was just paper. (or maybe not, he could have been very much a Christian trying to teach me something important...) All he had the power to do was to destroy the physical. He can not destroy the Spirit. And so, he was not really destroying the Bible. Just paper. Once I understood that, he had no more power over me by doing that.

    Point two is this: Christ lives in you and me Brother. So he is here today!!!

    In Christ,

    2009-07-14 11:55:38 Posted by Mel ()

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