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    Comment List
    It is amazing that everyone in the world can be asked to speak EXCEPT a christian... but let something terrible happen and see who everyone runs to first!!!

    God is still on HIs throne and He is still in complete control... even if the world wants to think otherwise.

    Did you know that there will be no athiests in Hell... think about it... I told someone that and they asked me where will they go...

    The answer is simple... they will go to Hell but they wont be athiests anymore... they will KNOW that Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they will have bowed thier knees and confesed Him as such! This world is the only place in all of cretion where there is an athiest.

    Dont know where that one came from!

    2006-03-31 20:09:26 Posted by Bob (bh@sbgm.org)

    Rather like the San Francisco supervisors who passed a resolution warning that a Christian youth gathering could negatively influence the politics of America's most tolerant and progressive city.

    And so it goes......
    2006-03-31 21:13:32 Posted by Liz ()

    I hate to sound flippant or trite, but "So what?" Would Mr. Falwell like to make America into a Christian nation, which it never really was? I say leave this world to those whose home it really is, and let us set our focus on our home, "a city with foundations."

    If a Christian needs to testify of the grace of God in him, let him do it without fear, and be willing to suffer the consequences, as many of the martyrs have done throughout the centuries. Most professing Christians in America seem to value their positions, jobs, careers, personal freedom more than their witness to Christ. In short, we seem to have a lot of cowardly Christians, some of whom may not truly be Christian at all. Maybe a little persecution is what the Doctor ordered to help us get our affections on the things that are truly important and off of this earth. Col. 3:2

    Trying to politicize our religion and make this country a Christian nation is a futile, non-Biblical proposition. The Word prophesies a great falling away and the appearance of a system that is opposed to God. We can't stop it. Let's get souls into heaven, and keep our eyes there!

    Your brother in Christ, Michael
    2006-04-01 00:45:42 Posted by Michael (Pilgrim's Journal) ()

    It is okay for someone to bring a Koran into our schools, but if they bring in a Bible, it is against the freedom of religion act...huh?

    In other civilized countries, Christianity is taught openly in public schools (like England). You have a choice to opt out if you wish. Here, you have to put your child in private school, which are mostly only Catholic, or Home School in order to have religion as part of your child's daily education.

    We no longer have a moment of silence in schools. Who did that hurt, anyway? You could sit there and think about the Easter Bunny if you didn't want to pray. But now, it is against "religious beliefs", along with Nativity sets at Christmas (even though buddhist can openly show their temple alters outside their buildings, and witches in Salem, Mass hold a public "new moon" ceremony on the pier in Marblehead)

    Oh, boy..I went off..sorry..but I get so mad over this issue. Christianity is like the leprocy of the American culture these days. I don't want to break it to them slowly...we are not going anywhere..we will only grow larger and stronger in Christ!

    God Bless!
    2006-04-02 23:21:51 Posted by Kelly4Jesus ()

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