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Mel, I think you make a very good point, and in fact, I've heard it made at some time in the past few years by some relationship expert or other, either in church or on a Christian radio program (can't remember exactly who, where or when at this point).
Since I'm still unmarried, I'll address it from the standpoint of relationships in general. In a relationship based on God's principles, we should act from the basis of unconditional love, not expecting anything in return. Easier said than done, I know, yet it's the standard to which we should aspire.
How does that translate to the everyday? When we wash the dishes even if we didn't dirty them, when we take out the trash without complaint, when we look beyond the outward expression of someone's behavior to the hurt within and respond in love to that - these are just a few instances where we're loving the way God wants us to love each other.
That's my thought on the matter, and that's what I'm striving to become, someone who can love unconditionally on a consistent basis, both in thought and deed.
2007-03-05 17:35:11 Posted by Traci ()
In that same race with you,
2007-03-05 18:02:33 Posted by Mel ()
Hi Mel,
I'm in that same race too.
God's Blessings
In Jesus Name
2007-03-05 19:53:49 Posted by Marsha ()
2007-03-10 15:15:41 Posted by Mel ()
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