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When I was young, I contemplated suicide quite often. Thing is, it was not really a desire to die, it was just a desire to escape. The two are probably confused alot in the minds of the "would be suicides". Less than a month before I gave my heart to God, I was reaching out to get someone to help me deal with my depression (which I suffered with all my life).
I was in a great deal of pain and I think I understood, for the first time, that I really didn't want to die, I just didn't want the pain anymore. This is where things get murky. People have all kinds of help to offer if you are suicidal but no-one seems to know what to do if you are just extremely sad and in pain. I ended up in a hospital with a suicide watch on me, then they shipped me to different facility where I explained that I was not suicidal and even the professionals did not seem to know what to do. Before the night was over, I convinced them to release me with the stipulation that I would go to a counsellor. Needless to say, I went a few times and then that was over too. I even sought out a christian counseling service, but could not afford their help. Secular help was free...what's wrong with this picture? A few weeks later, I gave myself to God and that was the place where I ended and God began.
Ultimately, Jesus is the answer, but we must take the time, when dealing with someone, to find out their question.
In His Service,
2005-11-25 07:47:44 Posted by Teri ()
Mel - I could have and would have sat up all night reading this, so do not hesitate to share more (if willing). I really believe that most problems experienced by adults arise from certain circumstances occuring in their childhood. Even though as a child, you are probably unaware of satan at work around you, his work around you definately has a life effect on you, and only the truth can set you free.
Thanks for sharing this, it means a lot! :)
God Bless
2005-11-28 14:30:05 Posted by Lee ()
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