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Hi Brenda,
First of all, how is your Mom?
Second of all, thanks for this post...God truly is in control AT ALL TIMES. I especially appreciated your comments (and the part of your poem) about our children. Their salvation is my heart's greatest desire at this point...
God's blessings, my friend.
love in Christ, sharon41
2007-10-28 20:02:11 Posted by sharon41 ()
Hi Sharon,
In answer to your question, Mama's is going to be in surgery tomorrow around noon time. Their putting it off, did not help matters at all. The dr. said since her heart was already weak, he did not know how she would pull through. It has been a week tommorrow since she broke her shoulder after falling and she has been in tremendous pain all week. Her arm is black all the way down. It is pitful and she is totally dependant on someone 24 hrs a day as dad can only do so much with his heart condition. We are going to decide tomorrow what to do for the future. It is a very hard decision. I covet your prayers that all will go well in all things concerning this matter.
Yes I know what you mean about our children as we have a backslidden son who has strayed from God. He was raised in church almost every week of his life. But we just keep fasting and praying and I have God's promise that both of our sons will make it.
The Psalm on my devotion, hit home when I read it one day last week. And I just knew, I had to write about it. God is perfect in His timing. I enjoyed that verse so much as it hit home to me in many ways.
We as God's Children are tried I beleive, and God knows exactly just how much we can bear, and then He will step in for us.
Love Ya my friend in Christ
God bless
2007-10-28 21:07:13 Posted by Brenda ()
Hi Brenda,
Enjoyed your message and poem and yes everything is in God's timing.
Your Mother, Dad and family will be in our prayers.
God bless you Sister,
In His Love,
2007-10-28 22:04:57 Posted by Lois J. ()
"eternal mirth" I like that!
If the opportunity arises, bring a smile to them. Don't try to force a laugh, it would probably hurt.
A smile and nothing else, sometimes is all you need to bring.
Blessings on All,
2007-10-28 23:37:31 Posted by Mel ()
It is sad to see our parents bed-ridden or in pain, and know hard decisions need to be made. Will certainly be in prayer for your parents' situation as well as for YOU. "God IS in control" and I know you are seeking His will, His guidance, His strength, His support, and His peace!
Mel, it seems to me you are one who does bring mirth to others; I love your smiley faces!
love in Christ,
2007-10-29 16:35:57 Posted by sharon41 ()
Thanks everyone for visiting
Yes Mel is alwyays there with his smiling face.
Mama came through surgery, and we are making plans for the future, and it looks that each one of us children are taking turns staying at their home and caring for them from now on. I probably want get to spend much time at the computer now that I want be at home that much.
May God richly bless you all for your prayers and concern.
In His Love
2007-10-29 17:35:53 Posted by Brenda ()
Hi Brenda, I am thankful your mom got through her surgery. I pray and know that Jesus shall supply you and yours with the wisdom to keep leaning and trusting on Him. I will be among the saints praying for you and yours. I enjoyed your post very much,dear sister, it really hit home.
2007-11-05 20:29:54 Posted by Serola ()
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