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    Hey ya all get ready to cover your ears cause it's starting to look like there will be some shouting soon. Still need to make minor adjustments to figure out God's plan but it's all good and He gets the glory. Stay tuned and God bless
    2005-09-14 02:17:28 Posted by dcyple ()

    Make love, not war. The winds of change have blown
    2005-09-14 05:27:55 Posted by Lee ()

    Much praise, knowing that God has so quickly moved on your behalf. It is so wonderful to know that He is so concerned with every aspect of our lives. And I, I will not cover my ears. I thrill to hear a shout of praise!
    In His service,
    2005-09-14 06:39:34 Posted by Teri ()

    I'm pretty sure I just needed a wake up call about who is actually in control of my life and where myrole is. There has been alot of talk around here recently about pride and when you think your above it and thats somebody elses problem it is tough to see that pride has crept into your life and is taking over
    I saw a billboard once that said if God is your copilot change seats with him. That is whats going on in my life at the moment and I just have to completely get out of the seat and let me tell you it's hard to do midflight
    but I'm hoping the pridectomy will be a success
    please pray for a fast recovery from this operation
    Gods blessing to all and in all things give praise
    2005-09-14 13:02:19 Posted by dcyple ()

    What has gotten to me the most about pride lately is the identification of it. When someone hurts your feelings...is that pride? The word tells us not to be easily offended.When you feel that someone has disrespected you...is that pride? When you have done a really good job and nobody notices or gives you any accolades, you get angry...is that pride? Is humility the exact opposite of pride? Can one take pride in a work done for God? I do think, again, that it is the small things that we get tangled up in the most. I am to become nothingness before Christ and anything that interfers with that must be seen as pride.
    I may cry out to God when I am feeling low or hurt or mis-treated, but that is me turning to the only one who can soothe and comfort.
    In His service,
    2005-09-14 20:47:49 Posted by Teri ()

    With me pride is feeling like i can do things on my own ,worrying about if I have enough money coming in,doing things on my own not realizing that I am not allowing God to shpw that he can provide my needs,thinking that we will not make it because of a change in financial status a whole lot of things that add up to me being the center of my world and not him.To be honest I really have never been concerned to much by what others think about me,I think enough of mysrlf to make up for them. Is that pride
    2005-09-14 21:08:08 Posted by dcyple ()

    could you all let me know if a little rant series about some of the major cults, what the teach possibly how to witness let me know if that would be of interest
    2005-09-15 01:17:36 Posted by dcyple ()

    This pride thing seems to be creeping in everywhere. Once I notice a bit of pride in one area, another area pops out as well. I ask myself a lot of the questions that Teri asks and a more recent experience with the learning of the verses showed up as pride in my life. All I wanted to do was learn the verses on my own without God's help, to show Him that I can do it. He pointed out that way of thinking was pride. My intentions were good, but He wanted me to lean on Him, and in doing so, I must say it has been sooooooooooooo much easier. Maybe just for that reason, He doesn't want us to go it alone. Then there's that really horrid pride of feeling better than others. That one was a painful discipline for me and I still often pray and ask God to keep me humble. Asking for humbleness has really helped me. Yes, I've felt pride for a work done for God, is it wrong? I don't know as I never took glory away from Him, I just felt good within myself for being obedient to His instruction. So many avenues, so many places for satan to creep in................. I think we will always be dealing with pride in some way or another.
    2005-09-15 03:51:47 Posted by Lee ()

    Oh, by the way, I wouldn't mind hearing about other religions. Knowledge is strength
    2005-09-15 03:53:28 Posted by Lee ()

    Quoted from Military.com:

    The ancient Chinese warrior Sun Tzu taught his men to "know your enemy" before going into battle. For if "you know your enemy and know yourself," he wrote, "you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." But, Sun Tzu warned, "If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."

    Not a scripture, anyone want to see if this is in line with what the scriptures say?
    2005-09-16 14:47:42 Posted by Anonymous ()

    Are you asking or do you want to present something either way I'm up for it
    2005-09-16 22:05:08 Posted by dcyple ()

    I am all for attacking false teachings. We must be careful, lest in our zeal, we let a fleshly tendancy allow us to attempt to attack a falsehood with another lie. There is no good in that. This is not an accusation of any type. I am unaware of the teachings in the Mormon Church, although I am inclined to belive them wrong despite my lack of understanding of them. In this way, it may be wise for us to 'know our enemy'...

    2005-09-18 02:11:07 Posted by Mel ()

    It could be that such could even be said to be another manifestation of Pride, if in our fighting the good fight, we lose sight of the precepts we are fighting for. We might make the subtle shift in the way we think and consider it 'our' fight for righteousness, when it is God's fight for righteousness, and indeed, we have no rightousness of our own to fight for. Even that was part of Christ's gift to us.
    2005-09-18 02:16:37 Posted by Mel ()

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