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I am utterly amazed at how you ended up with the verses and conclusions you came. Seems like a puzzle coming together.
Blessings to you dear brother.
2006-09-07 04:47:31 Posted by Lee ()
Like Lee, I love to see how a topic of study sparks certain thoughts in your mind. It's obvious that you're very analytical and also very well-versed in the Bible. Of course, we also know that the Lord leads your thoughts in the various directions you end up going; that's how you wind up putting together verses that you might not have otherwise and how these linkages bring out a facet of the Gospel you haven't considered before.
God is so cool that way, isn't He? He tells us that He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and the weak things to confound the strong (my paraphrase of I Cor. 1:27). Her also told us in Isaiah that His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts. Have Your faithful prophet break one of Your laws to get a message across? Become a human and let Yourself be killed to give life to all who will accept and believe? It doesn't make sense to us if we try to comprehend it with our natural minds, does it? And yet, God does this kind of stuff all the time.
2006-09-07 08:46:25 Posted by Traci ()
And blessings to you and yours as well.
2006-09-07 08:47:31 Posted by Mel ()
LOL! Thanks Traci! You must have been posting just as I was responding to Lee. As for being well versed, I am not so sure of that. There is always someone who knows more about a passage than I do. But that is the great thing about this community. They/you know something and are willing to add it, and I am richer for it, and so, hopefully, is everyone else who happens by and gets to reading it all. Gotta run to work now...
In Christ,
2006-09-07 08:53:39 Posted by Mel ()
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