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    This blog is primarily about health
          What I have learned in my health journeys...information and links useful to life.

    Mon, Apr 30th - 9:10AM


    I was in a health food store and found out there is a new product for ADD.  It is called Attend.  It is based on a research study done with school children in Texas.  If you know someone dealing with that, you might recommend they check out the product.  Diet is definitely important in ADD cases. 

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    Sun, Apr 29th - 9:26PM

    Healing Crisis

    It is important when changing to a healthier lifestyle to do it gradually.  If you change everything overnight, you could have what is called a  healing crisis. 

    For understanding, I liken this to cleaning  garage.  When you are busy, you might stuff extra things in the garage in whatever corner or whatever shelf you can push aside and find a little room.  Then the day of reckoning comes.  You decide to really clean the garage.  You pull everything off the shelves, you pull everything out of the corners.   You really clean and sweep and dust and vacuum and whatever you need to do and then put everything neatly back on the shelves or on hooks.

    Likewise our bodies, when we are not treating them right there may be undigested food, toxins, unusable substances that we have ingested or breathed or cleaning toxins that have entered our bloodstream.  Our body stuffs this where it can, maybe in fat, maybe as plaque, wherever.  Then we decide to do a radical change.  Our body gets extra energy and decides to really clean house.  It dumps toxins into the bloodstream.  A person might experience headaches or diarrhea or feel nauseated.  It's because the clean up is happening rapidly. 

    Generally, if you know how you are making radical health changes, you can cut back a little and change a little slower and the "healing crisis" might not be as noticeable.  It depends on what you are dealing with and the wisdom required in the individual situation.

    An example is this.  As I remember the story, this was a person on a typical American diet.  He changed and took only wheatgrass juice (a lot) and spent the next 8 hours in the bathroom.  That was too radical a change too fast.  God will give wisdom to temper the changes in your life to an appropriate pace.  Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the light of health knowledge that you gain.

    You can change quickly but if you have radical changes and a healing crisis, you would do well to pray and seek guidance about whatever you are doing.

    For example, I saw a boxed cleansing program in a health food store.  There was the rapid cleanse of 7 days and the longer cleanse of 30 days.  I remarked to the health food store owner that if I took it, I would take the longer cleanse.  She said that most wanted the rapid cleanse.  I just said that I knew how rapid went and I would go with the slower program. 

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    Sun, Apr 29th - 7:37PM

    Working into a healthier lifestyle

    Trying to become healthier can be a challenge.  The biggest challenge is that it has to work with your lifestyle.  You can't choose a pathway that you don't like or want to follow.  There are several body types, this has been discovered by science, and various people prefer certain things.   The main thing is, find the healthy pathway right for you.  There are various ways to take the same food, and different people may prefer different ways.  With each new health idea, find the way that will work for you.  Decide how to incorporate it in a way that you can make it a regular part of your life without strain and stress.  The main thing is to educate yourself to know that you are covering the basics. 

    For example, I take my oil on baked potatoes (somewhat cooled as heat is not good for the oil).  I don't particularly like cottage cheese.  Now other people might love cottage cheese.  So, they can put flax seed oil on the cottage cheese (health food store brands are recommended).  In any case, both ways get oil into the body  Think about what you are willing to do and plan around that.  Don't make an artificial diet that you can't sustain long term.  Find foods you love that are necessary and healthy, and incorporate them.  

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    Sat, Apr 28th - 2:39PM

    Good Oils

    I just got off of a weekly health call I attend where researchers discuss various topics.  One thing mentioned today was the topic of  "good oils" so I decided to post on that.

    You need good Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids.  One way to do that is to buy a bottle of each and then combine them in the proper ratio.  We go by Dr. Peskin's research.  I just went on the web to find a link and here is one.  http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/EFAsCancerOxygen.html

    Also, some of the names mentioned there, like Dr. Warburg, there are links on this site for more research.


    I personally take Sunflower Oil (Omega 6) and Flaxseed Oil (Omega 3) in a ratio of 2:1

    I get the Sunflower and Flax Seed Oil at the local  health store.  I use Barlean's for the flax seed.  Both have to be refrigerated.  I use them on baked potatoes rather than butter. I put 2 teaspoons of Sunflower Oil (I measure) to 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil.  It's good.

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    Sat, Apr 28th - 2:39PM

    Good Oils

    I just got off of a weekly health call I attend where researchers discuss various topics.  One thing mentioned today was the topic of  "good oils" so I decided to post on that.

    You need good Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids.  One way to do that is to buy a bottle of each and then combine them in the proper ratio.  We go by Dr. Peskin's research.  I just went on the web to find a link and here is one.  http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/EFAsCancerOxygen.html

    Also, some of the names mentioned there, like Dr. Warburg, there are links on this site for more research.


    I personally take Sunflower Oil (Omega 6) and Flaxseed Oil (Omega 3) in a ratio of 2:1

    I get the Sunflower and Flax Seed Oil at the local  health store.  I use Barlean's for the flax seed.  Both have to be refrigerated.  I use them on baked potatoes rather than butter. I put 2 teaspoons of Sunflower Oil (I measure) to 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil.  It's good.

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    Thu, Apr 19th - 3:45AM

    Consumer Alert--Mercury and Lead

    I was thinking early today, that I needed to post about potential lead hazards in products and paint in older houses.  Then later, I found an article about mercury in light bulbs.  So today's post is about dangerous elements in consumer products and about reading the fine print in the labels of the products you buy.   When I was in a retail store, I noticed a couple products...a steam iron, and a candle holder, that contained lead.   Also, some of these short spiral flourescent light bulbs can contain mercury.   Part of the problem is the fact that while there may be standards on products made in this country, that may  not hold for imports.  So beware, read labels.

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    Tue, Apr 17th - 12:34PM

    Why bother?

    I feel I need to address the question of why I am posting this on a Christian blog site.  Years ago, when this nation was founded, the Founding Fathers were Christian.  They were also Statesmen.  They did not separate Christianity from the world they lived in, neither did they live Christianity only within the walls of their church.  "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed," and they sought to bring that freedom within the public arena and into the everyday affairs of the lives of men.

    Briefly, somewhere along the line the church took a split in the road.  It became evangelistic minded only.  It focused more on the internal affairs of the church and the external affairs of preaching the gospel.  It withdrew from functioning in the world.  During that time, we saw the rise of secularism, drugs, permissive sex, and all sort of sin and iniquity.

    The church became instead...basically only... a place of last resort...when the alcoholic got tired of his bottle, the drug addict sought relief from drugs, the battered and torn sought a new life, they turned to the church who pointed them to Jesus.  Not that that is bad...that is all well and good and as it should be.  HOWEVER, if the church had stayed involved in government, education, the marketplace, and the affairs of this world (not participating in illicit and corrupt things, but as salt and light), if the church had insisted that prayer and the Bible remain in the schools, if the church had taken the leadership so we would NOT have the pornography on TV and movies, if the church had stayed involved...would the church have the many destroyed lives it currently deals with in picking up the pieces?  Perhaps more children would have become and remained Christian simply by learning their ABC's from daily Bible reading in the schools and through after school clubs dealing with Jesus.  Perhaps we would live in a more Christian world.  It's something to think about.

    That is why this is on a Christian blog site.  My position is that the church slept, "while men slept, the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat," and that is why I personally feel Christians should not only be involved in evangelism and outreaches, but also leaders as salt and light in the affairs of this world when the issue is a necessary and righteous one to life, which health is, in my opinion.

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    Tue, Apr 17th - 12:14PM

    Sign 5 million petition comments to FDA

    "Watchman, what of the night?"

    Please sign this 5 million person petition to the FDA regarding Codex.  You will find it at this website.


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    Mon, Apr 16th - 11:04AM

    Sweeteners and Oils

    I'll try to keep this brief, though it does leave a lot out that way.


    Bad.  Aspartame.  This is used in diet soft drinks.  It can bring about symptoms that mimic multiple sclerosis.

    Good.  Stevia.  This is a plant based sweetener.  It is becoming more widely available. It is a powder.  It comes in a jar in bulk or in single serving packets (for ice tea, etc.)  You should be able to get it at any good health food store.  I've even seen in large chain grocery stores, sold by the sugar, up by the nutrasweet and other such packaged sweeteners.  Stevia is a good sweetener.


    Bad.  Margarine.  Don't use it.  Your body cannot use it.

    Good.  Unrefined, no transfat, organic essential  fatty acid oils.  These can be found in health food stores or their online equivalents.  Nowadays you can find some good brands in large chain grocery stores.  It depends.  There is research out on the best proportions to take oils.

    Why is unrefined good?  I will use peanut butter as an example.  There are some peanut butters where the oil sits on top and you have to mix it in.  This is the good kind.  There are some creamy smooth peanut butters that do not need the oil mixed in.  This is not good.

    The reason is...think of a circle or chain of people holding hands.  If some of the people in the circle have not joined hands yet, then there is room for more people to move in and become a part of that circle at the point where the links are not made.  Similarly, before an oil is refined or saturated, there are available links to join to other molecules in chemical reactions necessary to the body.  Once something is processed or refined, it changes the nature of it and it is either not available or not available in the same way as before.  The only thing a body can do with saturated fat is store it as fat.

    On the other hand, good, essential, unrefined oils are necessary to life.  The body can use them.

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    Sun, Apr 15th - 3:38PM

    Health and Lifestyle

    Any lasting health change requires examining and eliminating the causes.  "The curse causeless shall not come."  Now I know that a lot of attention is given to genetics nowadays, but I read the other day a  high-ranking doctor, well known, said that genetics is approximately 15% of a problem. I heard another person in the health field confirm that they had seen that information as well.  In other words, we have a lot of choice regarding the other 85% of our lives.  And in Christ, that may even be greater...I mean Jesus can divinely heal and overrule all genetics, Amen?  

    And, before going on, I want to make a comment.  To me, it is not even logical to say that all is genetics.  Think about the pioneers or forefathers in the 1700's, 1800's and so on, who had to live without all the modern conveniences.  They grew their own food, made their own clothes, built their own houses, took care of animals and farms.  They could not have had all these diseases to pass down genetically or how could they have done what they did?  A certain amount of this I apply logic to, and the reason I say that is that the health field is a very regulated field and sometimes you have to think out conclusions that are not stated and figure out why they were not stated. 

    Incidentally, talking about regulations, I am regularly on a health phone call to learn more and a doctor  yesterday was saying that those regulations are about to be tighter and we need to contact our representatives if we want  health freedom of choice.  We need to vote down Codex which would require all vitamins and supplements to be prescribed....you could not buy them from the local health food store or wherever you buy them.   If you are going to comment on that, you only have until the last day of April to do so.  For myself, I take several things on a regular basis, and I definitely would not want to be regulated and have to go to a doctor on a regular basis and pay the doctor to prescribe vitamins to me and then also pay the higher price prescription price for the vitamins. 

    Even if you do not use a lot of vitamins, you probably have bought something at some point...Vitamin C, herbal tea, herbal cough drops....would you want all that regulated and would you want to go to a doctor just to pick up a bottle of Vitamin C?  Jesus said, "Occupy till I come," and until he comes and we live in this present world, we need to walk wisely and safeguard our health and other freedoms.  You can find out more at www.healthfreedomusa.org   To call Washington, just do a search on the internet and you will find the number to your representative's and senator's offices.

    Back to diet, for starters, I would recommend books by Dr. Jordan Rubin.  He is a Christian doctor with his own healing testimony.  I think he has several books, the titles I present here may not be exactly correct as I am drawing from memory, but they will be close and you could find them in a search...  The Great Physician's Diet, The Physician's Diet for Cancer, The Great Physician's Diet for Diabetes.  Dealing with diet and lifestyle is necessary for significant, lasting change. 

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    Sun, Apr 15th - 3:05AM


    Thank you for the comment on the last post. 

    I just feel to make a brief  mention that there is hope for diabetes.  Search out natural, alternative, holistic type keywords and information for alternative information.  I've heard a number of testimonials where there was improvement with Type II, and I am investigating something I saw about Type I.  I waiting for an answer.

    Basically, and this applies to everything, really.  The body is constantly rebuilding itself.  Basically, within a year your body has rebuilt itself depending on the raw materials it had to work with.  The DNA knows how to do it correctly, but it take the correct materials as well.  So, learning the basics of what the body needs and focusing on supplying those basics is the key to a better body being formed.  The body responds very quickly to correct lifestyle. 

    "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."  The knowledge is beginning to surface about positive changes people can make in lifestyles.  There are books, flyers at health food stores, all sorts of things nowadays.  I think Kevin Trudeau just wrote another book.  Let's see, The Great Physician's Diet by Dr. Jordan Rubin is another good informative book.

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    Thu, Apr 12th - 11:21AM


    Thank you for the kind comments.  Today I will post a bit on alkalinity.  Some of these topics may take more than one post.

    Alkalinity has to do with the pH of the body.  The term "pH" stands for the "potential of hydrogen."  This is turn relates to the oxygen level of the body.  The body must be slightly alkaline to function properly.  Since the pH scale runs from 0-14, and less than 7 is acidic, this means the pH of the body needs to be slightly above 7 to function properly.

    Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment.  There are ways to take the alkalinity of the body higher than 7 and sustain it there for a few days.  During that time, the cancer cells are rendered inoperative, and then it is a matter of the body removing them. 

    There are different ways this can be done.  One way is with Jason Winters tea.  Jason Winters was an actor who had cancer.  He combed the world for natural cures and ended up combining of the herbs he found into a tea.  He drank this tea (a lot of this tea) and no longer has the symptoms of cancer.  I don't say the word "cure" because it is not legal to say that, but I can say he went on to found a health food company with the tea.  You can find it online by doing a search for Sir Jason Winters (he was knighted by the Queen of England  for his efforts).

    I actually wasn't going to write about alkalinity and cancer, or Sir Jason Winters, I was just going to start today with a list of acid and alkaline foods, but since the topic is moving this direction, I will continue on and maybe cover foods some other time.

    There was another man named Hoxsey.  His grandfather had been a veterinarian who had put a prize horse with cancer out to pasture to die.  He found that the horse would eat certain non-typical plants during its sickness, and ended up living.  The son, Hoxsey's father, went on to work with those herbs with human illness.  On the father's deathbed, he gave his son Hoxsey a final request...that Hoxsey would make the information and herbal preparations available to people regardless of whether they had money or not.  Hoxsey did, and ended up forming a clinic in Mexico.  There is a 1 hour 24 minute documentary on this at www.shineonhealth.com under the Hoxsey tab.  It is an eyeopener.  Hoxsey was willing to contract with the medical community.  But when it got to the part of the contract regarding money, he said that his dad made him promise to give this to anyone, whether they had the money or not.  The medical community balked at that requirement, and would not sign so Hoxsey did not commit to a contract either.  That is why this preparation never made it into mainstream medicine.  This is on the documentary.  It is a long documentary, and I know everyone is busy, but if you are multi-tasking in the room where your computer is, click it on.  You will want to see some of the pictures of the before and after of some of the people that Hoxsey treated.  It is an amazing story, is all I can say.

    This is a long post, but I feel to continue to on...

    ...on to Johanna Budwig.  Johanna Budwig is German biochemist who has been nominated for the Nobel prize 7 times.  She developed a method of dealing with cancer, heart disease, arthritis and other problems by taking cottage cheese and flax seed oil.  The Omega 6 essential fatty acids in the cottage cheese and the Omega 3 EFA's in the flax seed oil, in the proper combination, are one of the keys she used.  You can put her name in a google search and find out more information.  Her methods are very simple. 

    This is all I am going to post today as this is a long post.  I will say, though, that "the half has never yet been told."  There is more and maybe I will cover more later or another day.  These blogs are not going the direction I think they will when I sit down to write, so I'll just go with the flow.

    Comment (5)

    Wed, Apr 11th - 4:51PM

    The Temple of the Holy Spirit

    Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit.  So we need to take care of them.  This can be especially challenging for those who travel a lot in ministry.  Fast food abounds.  Healthy food can be hard to find.  Fresh is best.  Fruits and uncooked vegetables have enzymes which help food digest.  Many health problems begin with the colon, and with the digestive track.  Learning how to eat properly and digest properly is paramount to health.  We are not just what we eat, but what we absorb into our systems. 

    Comment (2)

    Tue, Apr 10th - 12:37PM

    Continuing the story...

    So anyway, in my health wanderings seeking information,  I had found out something that was good for diabetics.  I thought that diabetics would really, really want to know about this.  I wanted to help them.  So I found a forum and posted to it.  I could not believe it!  There was such rejection, such maligning of intent, that I finally left.  There were watchkeepers over the site that would not let any information through except certain well trod articles and pathways.  I thought, "I came to try to help you not have to stick yourself with insulin, maybe save you a limb from being amputated or blindness, and you fight?"  I left.  I didn't fight.  But it did remind me of, "Woe unto you lawyers, for you have taken away the key of knowledge; ye entered not in yourselves and them that were entering, ye hindered...."  I didn't plan on telling this story, but when I thought about what to post today, I felt led to tell it.   

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    Tue, Apr 10th - 11:22AM

    Woe to you lawyers....

    What that headline?  I was thinking today about something that happened a while back.  I personally like to feel good and be healthy.  When I feel bad, I am praying and also seeking for anything natural in my cupboards...tea, vitamins, whatever, that I need to combat what I am dealing with.  I believe in prayer and God's healing power, but I also try to give my body all the good natural things as well.  So, I say that because I don't understand people, when they feel bad or have a health difficulty, that they just accept it and don't try to find something that works.  It will take a few posts to tell this story about the "lawyers."  More on my next post.......

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    Mon, Apr 9th - 11:46PM

    Why health?

    The Lord showed me it does not please Him that people go through life, develop their talents, their ministries, their families and then be taken out earlier than they should be due to heart attack or cancer.  They get to the prime of life, with developed talents and ministries, and then those resources are lost to the body of Christ and the world if people die early.  God is very interested in our health and health is key to being able to take care of families, jobs, ministries.  That is why I focus on it, I've had an interest in it for many years.  Recently, I have felt compelled to learn how to reach out to people on the internet to make knowledge available to them.  This blog is one of several things I am doing.  I am seeking those who are lost and who have need (in this area).

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    Mon, Apr 9th - 2:58AM

    Welcome to your Blog!

    I've put together a site with some critical information that I've learned over years of study.  Read "Shaken Baby Syndrome".  That information is so critical to the health of babies (as well as their families).  The "Hoxsey" tab is an hour 24 minute documentary.  The "Clogged Arteries" tab has some info about the basis of clogged arteries that goes beyond the norm.  There are links here and there, all to more information.  The site is simple, to make it easy to access for all kinds of computers; the information is valuable.  www.shineonhealth.com  I hope you enjoy the site.  I'd appreciate feedback.  You may give me ideas for more pages, though I have some planned.

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    About Me

    Name: Cheryl Jones
    ChristiansUnite ID: cheryljones
    Member Since: 2007-04-09
    Location: Shallowater, Texas, United States
    Denomination: Christian charismatic
    About Me: I am a single mom interested in holistic health. For an outside job, I work in an accounting/cash office. I also work from the home. I feel a call to share health information with people. I have studied much over the years in order to help myself... more

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