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    tom brownlee's Blog
           a place to reflec t and share my feeeling

    Thu, Aug 27th - 5:21PM

    month about over

    wow this month of aug is about over where does the time go

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    Thu, Aug 27th - 5:15PM

    a lot been going

    a lot has been going on here in my life latey some challenges that i faced

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    Thu, Aug 27th - 5:13PM

    Welcome to your Blog!

    Dear tom brownlee,

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    Thank you and have fun blogging!

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    About Me

    Name: tom brownlee
    ChristiansUnite ID: thomas44
    Member Since: 2009-08-27
    Location: eaglemountain ut, Utah, United States
    About Me: love to travel and write and email

    Aug. 2009
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