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    Sat, Aug 30th - 7:37AM


    One of the great preachers in U.S. history is D.L. Moody. He pastored in Chicago and there is still a wonderful Bible College there that bears his name and values. Mr Moody was a successful minister, but by his own admission, he lacked the power in his ministry. One day two women came up to him after a service. They said, “We have been praying for you.” “Why don’t you pray for the people?” he asked, “Because you need the power of the Spirit,” they said “I need the power! Why? said Mr Moody, In relating the incident years after, he writes, “I thought I had power. I had the largest congregation in Chicago, and there were many conversions.” Moody also said that in a sense, he was satisfied. He was in a comfort zone. But these two praying women rocked the boat. They told him that they were praying for an anointing by the Holy Spirit. Mr Moody could not get this off his mind and he wrote, “There came a great hunger in my soul. I did not know what it was and I began to cry out to GOD as never before. I felt I did not want to live if I could not have this power fro service.” Rev. Moody began crying out for GOD to fill him. He withdrew, prayed, and sought it over a period of time. He writes the following: “Well, one day, in the city of New York–oh, what a day!–I cannot describe it, I seldom refer to it; it is almost too sacred an experience to name. Paul had an experience of which he never spoke for fourteen years. I can only say that GOD revealed Himself to me, and I had such an experience of His love that I had to ask Him to stay His hand. I went to preaching again. The sermons were not different; I did not present any new truths, and yet hundreds were converted. I would not now be placed back where I was before that blessed experience if you should give me the world.” Blessings Alex

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    Wed, Aug 27th - 4:21AM


    Henry Ford is credited with saying, "Cut your own wood and warm yourself twice." What he meant was that the man who chops his own firewood not only enjoys the heat from the logs burning in his fireplace, but he also gets physically warmed from the exercise involved in his labour. If you really want to enjouy your Bible, you should "cut your own wood" by studying things for yourself. Check the cross references, look up the meaning of key words, and ask GOD to show you how the passage on which you are meditating applies to your life. The truth you discover for yourself in the Word will have a fresh, new flavour. HAVE YOU TRIED TO "CUT YOUR OWN WOOD?" "For the Word of GOD is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword." Hebrews:4:12 Blessings Alex

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    Mon, Aug 25th - 6:47AM


    CHRIST JESUS who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of GOD and is also interceding for us. Romans:8:34 It is only as we ascend to the throne room in worship that we can descend back into the harvest field here on earth, praying and warring for victory in every are of life. "Whatever the issue in your life is, the key is to turn to and worship a Holy GOD who created you and knows everything about you--- your failures, shortcomings, insecurities, besetting sins and fears. He sits on His throne, Omniscient, and says something like this: "I know your final destination, and I know how to get you from where you are now to where I want you to be. I KNOW I CREATED YOU.' 'if you'll worship Me, I will visit with you. I can tell you how to get untangled from the snares in your path and how to move forward. I can even reveal to you things to come that are pertinent to your life and world." Chuck Pierce with John Dickson. Blessings Alex.

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    Sun, Aug 24th - 4:53AM


    Luke:23:33-34. And when they had come to the place called Calvary, There they crucified Him, and the criminals, One on the right hand and the other on the left. Today we come to Calvary. CALVARY____the place of curse and the place of blessings. The place of curse for JESUS and the place of blessing for us. CALVARY__where we see man at his worst and GOD at His best. CALVARY___where the Lamb of GOD was slain and where the Son of GOD gave up His life for you and me. CALVARY___where we see the awful depths of human sin and the tremendous heights of divine love. CALVARY___where every person must come if they expect to be saved. CALVARY___where all our hopes are centred, both for this world and the next. As we come to Calvary, a hill in the shape of a skull, we see three crosses outlined against the sky. Two thieves occupy the right and left crosses. On the centre Cross we see the greatest and best Man who ever lived. Did I say that He was a Man? He was much more than a man___He was GOD Himself. He had been born in a stable thirty-three years before; He had been brought up in Nazareth; He had been baptized at the age of thirty, for three and a half years He had gone about doing good and teaching men things of GOD. But these men hated Him, for His own PERFECT life condemned them. Now this hate has risen to its most hellish heights. At last JESUS has been condemned. The cry, “Crucify Him!” has been heard in the streets. The long march to Calvary is ended. He has been nailed to the Cross, and that Cross has been lifted up toward Heaven. In fiendish glee His enemies sit and watch Him bleed His life away. We are interested in the things that men say in the hour of death. Let us lean closer and listen to JESUS. He will say SEVEN important things, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Let us study these words. JESUS’ PRAYER FROM THE CROSS He was suffering untold agony, He was dying a shameful death. But when He speaks, does He cry out for pity? Does He curse His crucifiers? Does He plead for release? NO, He prays, not for Himself, but for all His enemies. He prayed for those who condemned Him, for those who jeered at Him, for those who nailed Him to the Cross. “FATHER, FORGIVE THEM,” He prayed. Who else but the Son of GOD Himself could have prayed such a prayer as that in such an hour as that? In the original Greek we read that He kept on saying “FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.” When the soldiers crushed Him down and laid Him upon the Cross, He prayed, “FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.” When the nails tore through His flesh, He prayed, “FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.” When He was lifted up on the Cross, He prayed, “FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.” When the crowd jeered Him, He prayed, “FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.” When the soldiers gambled for His garments, He prayed, “FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.” No one knows how many times this cry pierced the heavens. He kept storming the Throne of Grace on behalf of others. I want the One who prayed like that to be my Saviour. His public life began in prayer and now it closes in prayer. What a wonderful example He set! No longer can His hands minister to the sick__they are nailed to the Cross. No longer may He instruct His disciples__they have forsaken Him. What, then, can He do? He can PRAY. Notice the manner in which He began His prayer__”FATHER.” He showed that He was still conscious of His Sonship. His faith was unshaken by all that He had passed through, by all that He had suffered. They captured Him in the place of prayer, they shifted Him from one unjust trial to another. They stood Him in a corner, they beat Him, they spat in His face. They lied about Him, they crowned Him with a crown of thorns, they nailed Him to the Cross. His friends left Him. Yet He still believed that GOD was on His throne and would do the best thing for Him. He still believed that “all things work together for good to them that love GOD.” In His blackest, deepest hour JESUS’ faith shone like a star in the darkest sky. He looked up and said: “FATHER” GOD help us that our faith shall also stand in the hour of trial. Yes, JESUS prayed on the Cross. His first, Fourth and Seventh words were prayers. In the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of His agony, His soul was bathed in Holy conversation with GOD. FOR WHOM DID JESUS PRAY? When sorrow comes to us, when it seems that the world is caving in under us, when all help has failed, what do we do? We cry out to GOD, we reach for the Divine Hand. We say as Peter said, when he began to sink, “LORD HELP ME.” There is nothing wrong with such prayers, for we are invited to come to GOD in the time of need. But JESUS prayed not for Himself, but for others. He prayed for the soldiers, the religious leaders, the howling mob. Around the bloody shoulders of these murderers He flung the folds of this prayer, “FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.” For they know not what they do.” In this prayer we see the great loving heart of CHRIST. The text says that “then” JESUS prayed. When did He pray? “THEN”, when man had done his worst, “THEN,” when wicked men crucified the LORD of GLORY, “THEN,” when the devils of earth slew the Lamb of Heaven. It was then that He prayed. Subjected to unspeakable shame, suffering excruciating pain, despised, rejected and hated He was, but then He prayed for those who had brought it all upon Him. Oh, the great loving heart of JESUS! JESUS included everyone in His prayer. In this prayer we see the fulfilment of prophecy. Go back to Isaiah, seven hundred years before CHRIST, and you hear this prophecy, “He was numbered with the transgressors.” There He is now, seven hundred years later, numbered with the transgressors, bearing the sins of many and praying for those who put Him to death. Everything happened as GOD said it would happen. In His death CHRIST thought of His murderers and prayed for them. In this prayer we see JESUS practicing what He preached. One day as He preached on the mountain we hear Him saying, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.” On another occasion He told His disciples that they should forgive seventy times seven. This meant that they were to forgive without limit. As we hear Him praying, we know that what He preached on the sunny hill of the Sermon on the Mount, He practiced on the grim hill of CALVARY. Is it hard for you to love your enemies, do good to those who hurt you, hate you, and those who talk about you? Yes it is. But come to CALVARY, look into the face of the One dying on the Cross, catch His Spirit and you will be able to say. “Father, I pray for those who despitefully use me.” What we see here is man’s greatest need—the need of forgiveness. You may need Health, you may need Money, you may even need friends, but all these things are worthless if you still have a sin barrier between you and God. THE LAST PART OF THE PRAYER: “THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO.” JESUS didn’t mean that they were ignorant of the fact of the crucifixion. Judas knew he had betrayed CHRIST, Pilate knew that he had condemned Him, the mob knew they had cried out for His blood, the soldiers knew they had nailed Him to the Cross. They knew all this, but JESUS meant that they did not know the enormity of their crime. They didn’t know that they were crucifying the LORD GOD of GLORY. Yet they should have known! He had been prophesied in the Old Testament. Every move of His life fulfilled prophecy. He spoke as never a man had spoken before. He lived a perfect life as only GOD could do. He performed mighty miracles. He went about helping others. Even GOD had said, “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON.” But they were blind; the scales of sin covered their eyes; they did not recognise Him.” This same tragedy is repeated today. If you are without CHRIST you know not what you are doing in neglecting GOD’S great Salvation. That is the greatest sin in the world. You can be forgiven other sins, but if you go through life rejecting CHRIST there is no chance for you. There is nothing left but Hell at the end of a life without CHRIST. Maybe someone dear to you is still going on in sin, still refusing the saving Grace of JESUS-don’t quit praying for them. Remember the Cross, remember how JESUS prayed for His enemies, and surely you can pray for those you love. WAS JESUS’ PRAYER EVER ANSWERED? Some Bible scholars say that this prayer was a request to the Father asking Him to hold back punishment until these people could know the true meaning of what they were doing. JESUS was saying, “FATHER, DON’T STRIKE THESE POOR THINGS DOWN UNTIL THEY HAVE FOUND OUT WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT. They are ignorant now but they will learn the truth when the Gospel message goes out. Then they will have the opportunity to repent. Give them another chance Father.” If He had not prayed this way the interference is that immediate doom would have destroyed them. GOD’S wrath would have cut them down. But because of the prayer that JESUS prayed He spared them. So I say yes this prayer was answered, and many were saved. Let me take you to Pentecost. The disciples have gathered together, the Holy Spirit has fallen on them and Peter is preaching to thousands of people. He told them about the crucifixion and said, “YOU did this in ignorance.” “This is what JESUS said, “They know not what they do,” After Peter had stopped preaching Scripture tells us Three Thousand people were converted. Now this was not Peter’s eloquence that did this, but the prayer that the Saviour JESUS CHRIST prayed, and the power of the Holy Spirit. On the Cross He prayed that when these people heard the Gospel that they would be born again. If you had been there and asked is there any hope for me this is what you would have heard, “REPENT AND BELIEVE AND YOU WILL BE SAVED. Listen those who nailed JESUS to the Cross did not know what they were doing, but you do. You know that He is the SON of GOD. You know that He went to the Cross for you, you are a lost sinner, you also know that JESUS invites you to “COME TO HIM,” You also know what you should do, so why not do it, WHY NOT ASK JESUS TO BE YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR?.

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    Thu, Aug 14th - 6:50AM


    Matthew:1:23 Introduction: The name Emmanuel finds its origin in (Isaiah:7:14) when the Lord said in a prophetic voice, "THEREFORE THE LORD HIMSELF SHALL GIVE YOU A SIGN; BEHOLD A VIRGIN SHALL CONCEIVE, AND BEAR A SON, AND SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL". The Holy Spirit interprets the name for us when He says it means "GOD WITH US". There are other passages in the "Word of God which are God interpreted so that there would be no chance of man's misinterpreting or abusing those passages with religious slants. A look at a few of them will give us a greater impact of the verse at hand. A. "He first finds his own brother Simon, and says to him, We have found the Messiah, which is being interpreted the "Christ". (Jn:1:41). B. "And they bring him unto the place Golgotha, which is being interpreted, The place of a "skull". (Mk:15:22). C. "And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI"?which is being interpreted, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me"? (Mk:15:34). It is obvious that when God interprets something it is of grave importance. God desperately wants man to know that He is a God of infinite concern for He came to be with us! HOW IS GOD WITH US? The very reason God tells us Emmanuel means "GOD WITH US". is suggestive of the fact that there would be those who would question the incarnation of Jesus Christ. God was with man in the "FLESH" (Phil:2:6-8; 1Tim:3:16) By being "OMNIPRESENT". (Matt:18:20; 28:20; Jn:3:13) As God the "WORD" (Jn:1:1; 14) The "HOLY SPIRIT" (Jn:14:16; 15:26) WHEN IS GOD WITH US? God recognized that man should not be alone (Gen:2:18), When Moses carried the burdens of Israel alone God provided a remedy (Num:11:14-17). Jesus stated that even He was not alone (Jn:8:16; 16:32). A. In the "DARKEST HOUR". In the "VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH". (Ps:23:4). B. In "VICTORY". "VICTORY" over the grave. (1Cor:15:55; 56). In "OVERCOMING THE WORLD" (1Jn:5:4,5) "VICTORY" over nature. (Col:2:13-15) C. In "PRAYER" (Jn:17:1) "SPIRIT" prays for us. (Rom:8:26). "FATHER" hears in secret. (Matt:6:6) "CHRIST" wants to respond. (Jn:14:13) D. Even in "SIN" (Standing ready to forgive). "STANDING" at the door. (Rev:3:20) "FAITHFUL" to forgive. (1Jn:1:9) "STANDS" ready with a gift. (Rom:3:23) "JONAH" in the belly of the whale. (Jonah:2:1'2) (Isa:1:18; Col:1:14; Eph:1:7). 3. WHERE IS GOD WITH US? A. In the "FURTHEST PLACE". Philip in the "DESERT". (Acts:8:26-40). Elijah on the "MOUNTAIN". (1Kings:18) Daniel in the lions "DEN". (Dan:6). Jeremiah in "PRISON". (Jer:37). B. In the "ASEMBLY" of the saints. (1Tim:3:15; Heb:10:25). 4. WHY IS GOD WITH US? A. Because of His "PROMISE" (Matt:28:20) B. Because of the "LOVE" That is part of His character. (2Cor:13:11; 1Jn:4:8) C. Because of our "GREAT NEED" (Rom:8:31-39) FATHER WITH SON IN ATTIC: A father had told his son he would send him to sleep in the attic, with only bread & water for his supper, if he broke the laws of the home once more. The child disobeyed again and was sent to the attic: The father could not eat. He had the boy on his mind and his heart. His wife said: "I know what you are thinking. But you must not bring the boy from the attic. It would cause him to disobey again. He would have no respect for your word. You must not cheapen your relation as his father by failing to keep your promise". To which her husband replied: "You are right. I will not break my word". He kissed his wife good night, entered the attic, ate bread and water with the boy, and when the child went to sleep on the hard boards, his father's arm was his pillow. HE WHO KNEW NO SIN SUFFERED FOR THE SINNER.

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    Mon, Aug 11th - 6:44AM


    JOHN:8:12; 9:5 INTRODUCTION: One of the most famous illustrations that the word of GOD uses to show the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness, between good and evil, between truth and error, is the difference between light and darkness. The Gospel of John especially uses this picture. In it, Christ's life is called "the light of men" (1:4), and His light is said to have shined "in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not" (vs:5). The Lord Jesus Christ is called "the light," (vs:7,8,9) who "lights every man that cometh into the world" (vs:9). He didn't come just to enlighten the elect." In (John:8:12 and 9:5), Jesus calls Himself "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD." Whenever the Bible uses Any illustration, and particularly an illustration such as this one that is used so often, we'd better expect it to say a lot more than can be gleaned from just the casual glance. There are several things that we can learn about the Lord Jesus Christ through studying something about the thing that He called Himself - LIGHT. 1. THE POWER OF LIGHT A. Light is a powerful provider Light is energy-pure energy. The greatest natural source of light is the sun. Jesus Christ is called "the sun of righteousness" (Mal:4:2), and just as the sun's light is the physical source of our energy, Jeus Christ is the TRUE source of our Spiritual energy. Whatever we eat ultimately comes from the energy of the sun's light. Green plants, through photosynthesis, convert light energy into stored energy. When we eat the plant, we are consuming energy that was once light. We cannot escape the power and energy of light, just as the power of Jesus Christ is the thing which keeps all things together (Col:1:17; Rom:11:36) and the power that gives us the ability to be what we spiritually can be (Eph:3:16, 6:10; Phil:4:19; Col:1:11). B. LIGHT IS POWERFUL IN ITS SPEED Light travels at approximately 186,282 miles per second. Nothing in our experience can move faster. It is the universal, absolute standard of speed. Einstein, in fact, posulated that everything-even time itself - is relative to only one existing consatant: the speed of light. Jesus Christ is the absolute standard by which all other things are measured (Acts:17:31). He never changes His character (Heb:13:8). It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for anything that comes from His mouth to be anulled, changed, or altered (Matt:5:18, 24:35) - and even time itself is subject to Jesus Christ, He was alive before there was time (John:1:1), and He will be alive when the new heavens and new earth are made (Rev:28:18). WHEN JESUS WANTS SOMETHING DONE, NOTHING CAN SLOW HIM DOWN; NOTHING CAN HINDER HIM FROM THE EXECUTION OF HIS PLAN (Matt:28:18). 2. THE "PROBLEM" OF LIGHT. It is very difficult to explain or fully understand exactly what light is. This is because light has a dual nature. For 300 years, there have been fierce arguments in the scientific community whether light was a particle or a wave. Presently, scientific dogman says that it is both - even though scientists readily admit that this is "impossible". They shrug their shoulders and call it a "wave" when it does what a wave is expected to do, and they call it a "particle" when it does what a particle is expected to do. According to all the present evidence, light is not part particle and part wave (or a particle moving in a wave like pattern, as many falsely imagine), but it is all wave and all particle, all at the same time. Jesus Christ is all God and all Man. He is proclaimed to be God (Isa:9:6; Jn:1:1 Tim:3:16; Tit:1:3; Heb:1:8), and yet we know that He is all man (1Tim:2:4). He tried (Jn:4:6), He wept (Jn:11:35), He thirsted (Jn:19:28), and He was "in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin" (Heb:4:15). 3. THE PURPOSE OF LIGHT Light is that which makes manifest. Obviously, if it were not for light, nothing could be seen. Light shows things for what they really are. Light never lies. If there is a scratch in the paint, light will show it. If there is an imperfection in a diamond, light will manifest it. A. LIGHT MANIFEST SIN FOR WHAT IT IS "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light" WHY? "because their deeds were evil" (Jn:3:19). One reason that the world doesn't love Jesus Christ is because He, as the Light, shows people that their sin is hopless, wicked, and unprofitable. the "angel of light," the devil (2Cor:11:14) tries to glorify sin, but this is a counterfeit light. The trueLight tells the truth about sin. B. LIGHT MANIFESTS GOD FOR WHO HE IS Jesus bore witness of the Father (Jn:1:18; 14:8, 9, 17:26) and Himself (Jn:8:18). He manifested God and God's character to us. C. Light, because it manifests, dissolves our unfounded fears. There is nothing more terrifying than not knowing what is scaring you. Being in the dark is the worst. If you see something fearful, at least you know how to deal with it. But when you are in darkness, that is fear. Jesus Christ scatters all of our illegitmate fears with Hid glorious light. He tells us that we do need to fear-we need to fear God (Luke:12:5), but if we have that mastered, we will fear very little else, and will live a joyful life (Rom:14:17; Gal:5:22; Phil:1:4, 25; 1Pet:5-7; 1John:4:18). D. LIGHT MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO WORK In the context of Jesus' proclomation that He is the light of the world (Jn:9:5) comes the statement, "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is yet day: the night cometh, when no man can work" (vs:4). Without light, it is virtually impossible to do any kind of profitable work. WITHOUT CHRIST, SERVICE TO GOD IS MEANINGLESS, AND IN VAIN (2Cor:13:5). Works without Jesus Christ is as much vanity and worthlessness as trying to paint a picture in absolute darkness. With the light, however, all labour is worthwhile. You can see what you are doing. You can work what God has asked you to work without frustration, knowing "that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (1Cor:15:58). Blessings Alex.

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    Wed, Aug 6th - 7:37AM


    MOMENTS IN LIFE: There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often at times we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one which has been opened for us. Don’t go for looks; they can deceive. Don’t go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy. The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you cant go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your your life so at the end, you’re the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying. Please pass this message on to those people who mean something to you; to those who have touched your life in one way or another; to those who make you smile when you really need it; to those who make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down; to those whose friendship you appreciate; to those who are so meaningful in your life. If you don’t pass it on don’t worry, nothing bad will happen to you; You will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someones day with this msg!! DON’T COUNT THE YEARS COUNT THE MEMORIES…………… Blessings Alex

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    Tue, Aug 5th - 10:45AM


    A little boy was asked in Sunday School to explain baptism. He said, "It's when the preacher holds you under the water and you think about JESUS!" There's another beautiful picture of baptism given here:- "For all of you who are baptized into CHRIST have clothed yourselves with CHRIST." (Gal:3:27) Did you catch it? Baptism clothes us with CHRIST. We're wrapped up in JESUS and all of His goodness in baptism. We're clothed with His work and His righteousness. Armani, Gucci, Abbercrombie and Fitch - none of those designer labels can compare with the garments we have in JESUS' name. GOD "Clothes" us with forgiveness and salvation. In other words, he says that these things are ours. They're real, just like a change of clothes. All who believe that these garments are theirs have what's needed to be part of GOD'S family. The Lord offers a wonderful wardrobe for His people. It's His Son's Life, Death, and RESURRECTION. These are ours to "wear" spiritually. GOD does have a dress code for His family. This is what identifies the Christian as such. Let's face it. People often wear the clothes they do because they want to be noticed. Quite often it's the label or the name brand that supposedly makes a person a "somebody". Well, you want to be labelled as a "somebody", then be labelled as one who is wrapped up with JESUS. Be labelled with CHRIST. Be proud that you are a Christian. Don't be ashamed of all that CHRIST has done for you! GOD has made you part of His family. Edward Frey. Blessings Alex.

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    Fri, Aug 1st - 9:35AM


    JOHN:6:48 INTRODUCTION: In the East bread is primary, other articles of food merely accessory; while in the West meat and bread is secondary. Accordingly "bread" in the Old Testament from (Gen:3:19) onward stands for food in general. According to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, "The large pone or thick loaf of the West is unknown in the East. The common oriental cake or loaf is proverbially thin. The thin homemade bread is really named both in Hebrew and Arabic from its thinness as is reflected in the "wafer" in (EX:16:31; 29:23; LEV:8:26; Num:6:19). "It is still significantly customary at a Syrian meal to take a piece of such bread and, with the ease and skill of long habit, to fold it over at the end held in the hand so as to make a sort of spoon of it, which then is eaten along with whatever is lifted by it out of the common dish (Matt:26:23). But this "dipping in the common dish" is so accomplished as not to allow the contents of the dish to be touched by the fingers, or by anything that has been in contact with the lips of those who sit at meat. "Such "loaves" are generally today about 7 inches in diameter and from half an inch to an inch think. Such, probably, were the lad's "barley loaves" brought to Christ at the time of the feeding of the 5,000 (JN:6:9-13). Even thinner cakes, of both leavened and unleavened bread, are sometimes made now as of old, especially at times of religious festivals. Often they are coated on the upper surfaces with olive oil and take on a glossy brown colour in cooking; and sometimes they are sprinkled over with aromatic seeds, which adhere and impart a spicy flavor". The ancients were very much aware of the Divne processes that were necessary to bring about a grain harvest and consequently regard bread as peculiarly "a gift of God". A day reminder of His continual and often undeserved care (Matt:5:45) was reflected in Jesus' prayer instructions (Matt:6:11). "Give us this day our daily bread". 1. THE MIRACLE The entire "bread of life" discussion is prefaced by the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 (Matt:6:1-14). When Jesus compared Himself to bread, He must have had the entire bread making process in mind. Before you can have bread there must be grain. The seed was planted. (JN:1:1, 14; 1Pet:1:23; LK:1:35) The seed was sprouted. (Isa:53:2; Lk:2:40,52) The seed bore fruit. (Lk:24:19) The fruit is cut down. (Isa:53:8) The grain is ground. (Isa:52:14; 1Pet:2:21-24; 1Sam:53:4,5) The flour is baked. (Acts:2:27,31) Life giving substance is the result. (Heb:2:10; 1Jn:5:11,12) 2. THE MANNA The listening audience of Jesus desired a perpetual miracle (Matt:6:31). They had failed to see the obvious comparisons. A. THE TYPE- It is interesting to study the Old Testament manna as a type or picture of Jesus Christ. It came from heaven at night; Christ came, from heaven when men were in darkness. It fell on the drew; Christ came, born of the Spirit of God. It was not defiled by the earth; Christ was sinless, separate from sinners. It was small, round, and white, speaking of Christ's humility, eternity, purity. It was sweet to the taste; Christ is sweet to those who trust him. It had to be taken and eaten; Christ must be received and appropriated. It came as a free gift; Christ is the free gift of God to the world. There was sufficient for all; Christ is sufficient for all. If you did not pick it up, you walked on it; if you do not receive Christ, you reject Him and walk on Him (see Heb:10:26-31). It was wilderness food; Christ is our food in this pilgrim journey to heaven. B.THE MATERIALS BARLEY - Barley was in early times, as it is today. The main bread - stuff of the poor people. This is a picture of the availability of Christ to everyone. WHEAT - Wheat was also widely used as a bread - stuff then, as it is now, the wheat of the Syrian plains and uplands being remarkable for its nutritious and keeping qualities. Three kinds, or qualities, of flour, are distinguished, according to the way of making: A coarser sort, rudely made by the use of pestle and mortar, the "beaten corn" of (Lev:2:14,16) The "flour" or "meal" of ordinary use (Ex:29:2; Lev:2:2; 6:15) The "fine meal" for honoured guests (see Gen:18:6), where Abraham commands Sarah to "Make ready...three measures of fine meal") with which we may compare the "find flour" for the kings kitchen (1Kings:4:22) and the "fine flour" required for the ritual meal offerings as in (Lev:2:1; 5:11; 7:12; 14:10; 23:13; 24:5; etc). The idea is that Jesus Christ, the bread of life, reaches into every sector of life. 3. THE MESSAGE What does Jesus mean by "eating" His flesh and "drinking" His blood? HE IS NOT SPEAKING LITERALLY! In (Jn:6:63), He clearly says, "The flesh profits nothing." What gives life? "it is the SPIRIT THAT QUICKENS"(Jn:6:63), "THE WORDS that I speak to you, THEY are Spirit and they are life." In other words, a person eats Christ's flesh and drinks His blood - that is, partakes of Christ and receives Him - by receiving THE WORD as taught by THE SPIRIT. Christ is not talking about the bread and cup of the Lord's Supper. The Lord's Supper had not even been instituted, and when it was, Jesus clearly stated that it was a MEMORIAL only. It did not impart life. To say that a man receives eternal life by eating bread and drinking wine is to deny the very Word of God: "The flesh profited NOTHING." Jesus is the Living Word (Jn:1:14) and He was "made flesh" for us (Jn:1:14). The Bible is the written Word. Whatever the Bible says about Jesus, it also says about itself. Both are Holy (Lk:1:35 and 2Tim:3:15 -Ps:119:93); both produce the new birth (1Jn:8:12; Ps:119:105); both give life (Jn:5:21 - Ps:119:93); both produce the new birth (1Jn:5:18; 1Pet:1:23); both are eternal (Rev:4:10; 1Pet:1:23); both are the power of God (1Cor:1:24-Rom:1:16). The conclusion is obvious: when I receive the word into my heart, I receive Jesus Christ. We "eat His Flesh" by partaking of the Word of God. " I AM THE LIVING BREAD," said JESUS in (vs 51); and in Lk:4:4 He said, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD OF GOD." Peter grasped the meaning of the sermon, for in (Jn:6:68) he said, "To whom shall we go? Thou hast THE WORDS of eternal life."

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    ChristiansUnite ID: alext
    Member Since: 2014-08-01
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    About Me: I am a born again christian who loves the Lord Jesus Christ. I am retired and have my own christian website: www.alex-titley-ministries.uk also my own photography website: www.alextitley.co.uk

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