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    Living In The Rockies
          On he road to Cheley Camp, Estes Park, Colorado

    Wed, Dec 17th - 11:30AM

    Good Christians All

      My dad was proud to have his own company.  He was a manufacturer’s representative, A.K.A.,  traveling salesman.  He had a five state territory that he serviced, and he was on the road a lot.  It occurred to my dad that if he could hire someone to work the territory with him, he would do a lot better.  Consequently, he was always hiring somebody to work with him.

      I am aware of several “good” men who worked for my dad over the years.  The constant, repeating scenario would begin with my father introducing us to a man who would work as his partner in the territory.  Glowing praise of this man would always precede the introduction.  My father was an easy truster.  Then within several years, my dad would inform us that the man had stolen his customers and had begun to work for himself. 

      My mother always had valuable intuition about the men my dad hired, but my father never seemed to listen to her.  He should have considered my mother to be God’s gift to him – and  he should have listened to her.

      Years later, when my father and mother became professing Christians, my father periodically searched for services based on who was a “good Christian”.  He was a real sucker for the fish emblem on a business card.  Many times my dad would tell me he had a “good Christian lawyer, or dentist”….   At the time, his propensity to always trust people based on their professed credentials drove me crazy.  I used to rail at him to just hire a good lawyer, but he never listened to me, either.  

      The summary of my dad’s trust was always the same, Christian or not, and he refused to learn from it because I’m sure he chose to trust people.  As an outside observer, however, I learned to take a man’s credentials with a grain of salt.  I also had a trust problem – I trusted no one.

    The shame of it all is that my dad should have been right to trust, and I should have been wrong to be so skeptical. 

      Currently I’m in business for myself.  Sadly, I find the transactions involving professed Christians to be at least as difficult as those involving heathens.  You have no idea how disappointing and upsetting this is!  Today, I was reminded of the verses in the second chapter of Romans:


    Well then, if you teach others, why don't you teach yourself? You tell others not to steal, but do you steal?

    You say it is wrong to commit adultery, but do you do it? You condemn idolatry, but do you steal from pagan temples?

    You are so proud of knowing the law, but you dishonor God by breaking it.

    No wonder the Scriptures say, "The world blasphemes the name of God because of you." [fn] (NLT)


      From my current  perspective, I could put a lot of good Christian names to these verses.  Many days, I could put my own name on the list.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these verses described the infrequent situation?  It would be a pleasure to tell the apostle he was wrong, but he wasn’t.

      I know some good Christians who dance and wave their hands to God in church.  Would that I could be that open with Him!  But they don’t think anything of telling me less than the truth within a business transaction.  Not only that, they suspect me of  “gaming” them to my own advantage.  Good Christians, all.

      Sadly, today I understand the sting of what the apostle wrote to the Romans.  I understand why the world at large mocks Christianity – like it or not, they hold Christians to a higher standard of conduct – like it or not, we continually let them down.  Shame on us all!

      Deny it all we want, but we are known by our fruit.  We aren’t required to agree with it, that’s just the way it works.  Once we align ourselves with Christ, we represent Him in the eyes of all – like it or not. 

      On my refrigerator is a magnet that reads, “A person’s true character is revealed by what he does when no one is watching!”. 

      As professing children of the King, we should be aware that we are always watched.



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    Mon, Dec 8th - 10:48AM


      In the bible book of Revelation, chapter 12, verse 11, we are told about a group of believers who defeated the devil, and we are told exactly how they did it:


    ‘And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.’


      A friend of mine had a bible study for many years.  Although his teaching was thorough, it was a part of his healing ministry.  You see, my friend had been healed of terminal cancer when the doctors gave him less than 24 hours to live.  From the intimate details of the case, which I heard directly from him, my friend’s healing occurred sovereignly, that is, with no help from any of the doctors or their procedures or medicines.  His healing also occurred while my friend was digging into the bible and growing his own faith.  As he used to say, “You can't have faith for anything unless you first know it is God’s will.” 

      Because of this healing, my friend established credibility with others in need of healing, and one of the primary conduits for their faith was his testimony.  He had experienced God’s word in his life, as a direct result of believing what God’s word said.  What I’m driving towards is this:  knowledge of God’s word is vital, but so is our testimony, and neither work well alone.

      One of the first things the resurrected Christ did was to show his wounds to the Apostles.  Those wounds, together with his presence, was his testimony.  His testimony also pointed to God’s word, which testified of him.  In other words, Christ was willing and able to show doubting humans that a living faith in him and his word was not in vain, and he did this by means of his testimony.

      There is a balance that must be brought to bear on what I have said, and of course, a warning.  While our testimony may tell of our experiences, our experiences should never become so primary that they are used to judge God’s word.  In other words, if I have not experienced something I read about in the bible, I am in no position to tell others what God will or won’t do – based solely on what I have seen, or not seen him do. 

      I see this in churches all the time.  Many times we are fed a diet of what God is no longer doing –(because that particular activity was only given to the Apostles for the purpose of starting the Church..).  Not only that, but in a few denominations experiences with God are elevated over the word itself.  In those groups, spiritual maturity is judged on the basis of what the believer has experienced, at the expense of Who he knows.

      So here’s how I think it shakes out:  we need both God’s revealed word, and we need to seek to live it in our personal lives.  Both are necessary.  Experiences should never be the judge of God’s word, but they should conform to it and confirm it. 

      And here’s where the rubber meets the road:  it takes more faith for me to pray for healing (right now) than it does for me to trust in heaven.  But for me to pray for healing in the first place, I need my faith for it to be firmly constructed on God’s word. 

      That’s what my friend used to do.  He would teach out of God’s word so that those in need would be able to use their faith to believe – then he would pray for the need.  Both were necessary.

      Dare to believe and don’t put God in a box.  Then step out of the boat.



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    About Me

    Name: John Miltenberger
    ChristiansUnite ID: jmilty
    Member Since: 2006-08-22
    Location: Estes Park, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Born-again believer
    About Me: Retired from Overland Park, Kansas and now living in Estes Park, Colorado. Another escapee from the Midwest!! Email: jmilty@q.com

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