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    Living In The Rockies
          On he road to Cheley Camp, Estes Park, Colorado

    Fri, Dec 3rd - 10:57AM


      The shape of our world has changed, but we in America have not. We are being left farther and farther behind in our efforts at maintaining what has become a fictional status quo. This is happening in both the world and the “church” and in the process, we have become inoculated against receiving, and benefiting from the truth. We in America, and the “church” have been living in our own fictional reality for so long we routinely reject any truth that exposes the lie.

     Nationally, we are already firmly in bed with Globalism, but many, perhaps most Americans, still think we are simply leaning in that direction. Wake up! We’ve arrived already! And the unsolvable problems we hear about all the time are the result of that arrival, not the leaning.

     In many of the mainline, denominational churches we are starving for meat, but are continually fed pabulum. Wake up! The cramping in your spiritual stomach is caused by the steady diet of non-substance, not just a temporary bad week! If your church is mainly teaching pre-resurrection theology – LEAVE IT! And don’t walk away – RUN! The overriding truth of the Gospel is this: THERE IS LIFE, REAL LIFE, ON THE FAR SIDE OF THE CROSS, but it is up to us as individuals to seek and find it. 

     I do not understand why we Americans settle for the status quo of pew warming in both government and the church. Worse, we not only settle for the mediocre, we seem to get fighting mad against any other proposals. So here’s the facts: we are getting exactly what we deserve in both government and the “church”, and it is grievous to God. But do we really care what God thinks?  I don’t think so. We seem to think our opinions are of at least equal value to God’s expressed Truth. Our arrogance is killing us, and we don’t seem to care.

     We say, “God is love” to cover up any of our responsibilities. How idiotic is that?! You men, you are at fault. Yes, you MEN. I’ve been alive for over six decades, and I still find mostly women in the church. Where are you guys? So let me weigh in concerning the gender discrepancy in our country and our churches: YOU MEN ARE AT FAULT. You are weak, sniveling cowards content in letting your wives and your children run your households and your lives. While they “take care of you”, you take care of yourselves while truth lies suffering in the gutters of our society and the world. I have total contempt for any “man” who lives like that. You are NOT men – you are self-seeking cowards.

     What’s wrong with America and the “church”? LEADERSHIP. We don’t have leadership in this country – we have instead multitudes of human lemmings, and we’re headed for destruction as fast as we can get there. 

    What’s wrong with the “church”? You left the real Gospel, you invented your own Jesus, and you are teaching your country club members to hang on for heaven, while they live like hell. Guess what, the real Jesus didn’t die for your theology of death. Guess what again, you preachers who preach on the near side of the cross will be judged severely for it. Do you consider that success? Does your denominational retirement policy cover the cost? Think again. Would you send your own sons to die for the gospel you’re preaching?

    As a friend of mine told me repeatedly prior to my official retirement from my career – “There is life after (it).” That is the message we men need to hear. We need to step up and say, “No more!”. It’s a sad day when the Muslims who blow up our buildings have more leadership ability than free American men – but they do. I’m not Muslim, and never will be, but I do admire them for at least having convictions they consider worth dying for. We should, and do not.

    The Church needs to reinvest itself with the responsibility it was given by the real Jesus Christ. It needs to harp on the biblical morality He taught and died for until it brings about the inevitable persecution He predicted. The Church needs to take over the conscience of the United States and teach us to have the steel spine of Jesus Christ rather than the worm-like jello we currently use for guts.

    Morality is our weakness, and we being set up for a great, national death if we don’t acquire that truth in our souls. Politicians haven’t changed for many hundreds of years – we have, and it’s killing us, both now and for eternity.

    Concerning eternity – where do you want to spend it? Right now, during this life, we have control over that answer – in the next life we will not. I’ve purposely written this so it will be easy to be labeled an “alarmist” by those committed to eternal death, but bear in mind – in this country 150 years ago, what I have written would be considered redundant.





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    About Me

    Name: John Miltenberger
    ChristiansUnite ID: jmilty
    Member Since: 2006-08-22
    Location: Estes Park, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Born-again believer
    About Me: Retired from Overland Park, Kansas and now living in Estes Park, Colorado. Another escapee from the Midwest!! Email: jmilty@q.com

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