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    Babs Blogs take 2
          Grab a cup of coffee and sit a spell.

    Mon, Feb 6th - 10:32PM

    Lifes hiccups

    When I last posted (see Babs Blogs) I was discussing the sense of urgency I was feeling.

    This last fall I had started the Purpose Driven Life study. I completed it at Christmas time. It is a very thought provoking study. Since then I haven't been doing any studying. I dont know if it is lack of study or just life but things have gotten steadily worse. Work is rough, bills are piling up, illness seems to be attacking my family etc. In the past I have just given up and let the world take over. Although I am not studying right now, I am still praying and believing in God. I ask for prayer from all of you. Pray for strength and perseverance. We need all the prayers we can get.

    My sense of urgency has not decreased, its still there like a word on the tip of your tongue that you can't remember. I am still working with the high school kids in our church. This seems to be where this sense sends me, preparing our youth. My sons are almost grown and I feel that I must prepare them for what life will throw at them when they leave the nest. Sometimes I think the message is getting through, other times I am not so sure. Please God, protect my babies. Protect all the babies.

    My thoughts are troubled right now and I seem to have lost the train of what I wanted to share. Best to pray about it and blog again later.

    God bless and protect you all.


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    Mon, Feb 6th - 9:33PM

    Hello, I am back!!!

    Well, after much emailing I have determined that I can't get back onto my old blog. So here is the new one. I have missed being here and am very happy to be back. I hope that God has been blessing you all lots and lots.

    We have run into many obstacles on our path lately but we are trusting that God has better for us. God bless you all.

    See ya on the blogs.


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    About Me

    Name: Barb C
    ChristiansUnite ID: godsservant2
    Member Since: 2006-02-06
    Location: , Montana, United States
    Denomination: Anglican
    About Me: Mom of 2 wonderful boys (young men). Busy with a youth ministry.

    Feb. 2006
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