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    Robert Coskrey's Blog
          A Collection of My poetry and other Writings

    Mon, Jan 22nd - 12:24PM


    Misguided point of views, Tunnel vision that sees nothing. Just people's faults. Their appearance. Skin color. The way they dress. Quick to magnify these. With open ridicule. Humiliation. Passing judgment. Discrimination. We are people with vision. Yet,we do not see. What is in front of us. The fault we have. The board in our eyes. Realizing no one is perfect. Each has things that set us apart. As humans in unique ways. The things that makes each great. With differences come gifts. God's justice for the injustice. Of being different. Not fitting in. Of being rejected by society. It is truly humbling. Our differences are gifts from God. Not curses on mankind. Excuses to cause harms. Putting us on the seat of judgment. Tearing down people's pride. What Jesus spoke is still true. The least among us are great. Jesus feels their shame. Let us view people Through His eyes. Instead of the eyes of handicaps.

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    Mon, Jan 15th - 10:45PM

    Judgment Begins in The House Of The Lord

    Judgement Begins In The House Of The Lord It seems one can hardly watch the television anymore without being bombarded by profanity, sexually explicit content, or barely clothed women and that's just the commercials! The FCC just put out a report calling Big Brother 5 the crudest show on television because of language and sexual content. How did our nation end up at this way? The answer, quite simply, is slowly and steadily. It took decades. Each moral concession made was barely noticed with the passage of time. Not to put too fine of a point on it, however, the church for the most part has been surprisingly silent. Another factor is the failure of Christians to understand the implications of a society that removes God. Even worse a society that is in open rebellion against God. It is no longer a taboo subject. All one needs to do is watch the news for a while. Every year the slaughter of the unborn is condoned by a pro-choice stance. Christians need to be informed of the issues involving candidates and make our voices heard. This is true for national elections right down to school district issues. Christians should be particularily bothered by the anti-Christian views being spewed by the Democrats and especially the Presidential candidate John Kerry who continues say that religion doesn't belong or He won't use his faith in public life as President Bush does. President Bush has violated the separation of church and state. Gephardt and Dean have refused to protect our Christian Values. Gephardt in an interview stated he would only protect the public display of the Ten Commandments if other religious documents were displayed along side of it. Howard Dean stated that he would spend time only on important issues. Excluding God and guns. While pledging to protect a woman's right to choose, they refuse to protect a Christian's right to express faith in God. Many television networks consider Christians the minority. Famous religious leaders are slammed for speaking the truth. Franklin Graham was criticized for saying that Islam is not a religion of peace. The same goes for Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. A certain network aired a piece by John Hagee about Islam in Canada. There was such an outcry by Muslims and others the network apologized. John Hagee was basically called a liar. Our country has not just been guilty of putting money before God however, denying God and being a mouthpiece for a false god. Whenever there was opportunity to glorify God, we failed. Remember the hooplah over President Bushs' Judicial nominees? Many of them were hung out to dry over their stance on abortion and Religion.The news repeatedly reported that Democrats were worried about them bringing their positions to the bench. Remember the hooplah over Bill Clinton? Christians were always slammed for saying Adultery is a sin. Called right wing conspirators out to get Clinton. How dare we call adultery sin. Where did we get that idea? The most revealing thing about our morals is the outcome of Bill Clinton's impeachment trial. To steal a quote from the news, " It's the economy stupid." I think God understood our position perfectly. Adultery, lieing, bribery etc. None of these things mattered. Very recently, the RNC sent mailers out to people claiming the Democrats intend on banning the Bible if they win in November. The RNC has admitted to sending this letter out however, the validity of the claim is unclear. We can take this as political or take it to heart. understanding how God views any nation with our moral problems will open our eyes to just how much trouble we are in. It can all be summed up with that verse that says God's wrath falls on the children of disobedience. There is another verse that says God's people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. HOS 4:6 "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." We can no longer use a lack of knowledge as an excuse. We have to take responsibility for our lack of information. If no one tells us, we have to pursue it on our own. At some point Christians have to step up to the plate and speak up. Or if nothing else, pray it up. Are we so far in the political trap that we just ignore the truth staring us in the face? even other countries view us as a nation of heathens. Considering what fills our airways we are dangerously close. Another sign of a moral problem is the political atmosphere. I have never heard the office of the Presidency degraded as it is today. Hardly anyone respects our leaders. It's President Bushs' fault. Bush stole the last election. Bush has ruined our country. Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks. Where is the respect for our leaders? We prey on them instead of praying for them. Good grief ! What happened to our morals? They died the day we decided to remove God from our schools and our public lives. Very little public expression of our faith in God exists. It's on our money however, it is just a matter of time before that changes. We need to make up our minds to either serve God or go back and serve our idols. I think God has become ill from us walking the fence. On one side serving Him and on the other, trying to be like the world. Scripture has already passed judgement on nations that continue in rebellion. By stating all such nations will be turned in to Hell Our country is well on the way. Instead of talking about God, we talk about terrorist threats. The whole country is paranoid and is in total chaos. Spiritually, politically, and morally. Scandals are breaking out shaking our confidence in stocks. As Proverbs says, because we would not hear God's counsel, we will eat the fruit of our ways and be turned over to our own devises. These verses go on to say that when calamity strikes, God will laugh at us. When we call on God, he will not hear us. We have to take responsibility for the moral condition of our country. We have to look back realizing the church messed up by keeping silent however, today is a new day. Today is the day we decide to speak up and stand up. The day we mobilize to change the course of our nation. This fear many churches have of losing their tax exempt status is just unfounded. A Christian lawyer, Matt Staver, Stated that there has never been a case where any church has lost its tax exempt status. We can no longer be consumed by fears of getting involved. Judgement must begin in the house of God. I pray we see the time for change has come.

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    Sat, Jan 13th - 10:28PM

    Snakes On The Playground

    This poem is about online predators. Online predators are a growing problem especially for kids. My intention behind this poem is to warn kids. ---------------------------------------------- A disease in the mind. Robbing of all reason. Blinding me to all right. Addiction of the worst kind. Thoughts racing out of control. Steal the heart of the innocent. Wound the life of these little ones. Slay their spirit with injustice. I'm a predator in the shadows. Hiding behind a keyboard. Shielded by a phony name. Words sweet as honey. Don't be fooled, friend. I'm poisonous as a snake. Stay clear of my kind. Once bitten, you too will be blind. Swing on the swings. Slide down the slides. Be aware of the danger. Snakes on the playground.

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    Fri, Jan 12th - 9:14PM

    The Reason Jonah Became Vomit

    It was just an ordinary day for me until I got the call. Not just any call. The call.The voice of the Almighty spoke to me. What did he say? I won the lottery.Just kidding. Actually, there isn't a lottery. God told me the wickedness of the people in Ninevah has come up before him. My call was to tell them that and call them to repent. Yeah, right. I didn't even like them. I've never been there. I sure wasn't about to go there.So, I got on a boat and tried to flee from this call. That was my first mistake. It was the only mistake I needed to mess up my life and the life of others.A storm blew and shook the boat. Once they discovered me, they knew I was the reason. They didn't even know me and yet, they didn't want me on their boat. They knew I was running from God. So, over I went. Then some fish mistook me for a snack. That was my second mistake. There I was in the midst of previous meals, with slimy, stinky stuff floating around and I take three days to decide I want out. After three days, I take on a new role. This fish' vomit. Not only did I arrive late in Ninevah however, I stank making it difficult for people to listen. Even though, I went the other direction, spent three days in a fish, and showed up smelling, Ninevah got the message. I should of been proud of myself however, only one thought entered my mind. Why did I make it so hard? Take it from me. It's easier to just obey God.

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    Thu, Jan 11th - 10:48AM

    Who Ate Your Fruit Loops

    Who Ate Your Fruit Loops When I go to church, I am always amazed at how many christians seem to be without joy. They have this sour attitude. I can't help but think they were baptized in pickle juice.I am always curious what or who has stolen their joy. Who forgot to tell them they can be joyful? I believe God wants us to experience joy and when we don't, it's time for some soul searching. There are so many reasons to feel joy. When we realize what the joy of the Lord is, there are great liberties afforded to us. Among them strength to stand in the midst of trouble. We can experience joy even when our earthly temples begin to breakdown. The ability to witness to people about the Lord. When the joy of the Lord is in us, it erupts in to the lives of others. When they look at us, they don't know what we are hooked on but they want some. We have a sense of purpose in all we do. We can't wait to do it and we do it for the glory of God. When joy is absent from us, we are just not all here. Emotionally, we are excited but spiritually, we hide in the closet. Joy affords us the ability to obey God in matters of sin. Think about it. When we are lonely, miserable and falling apart, that is when we are apt to make bad choices. Take a pill, take a drink, or even pick up a gun. With the Joy, we can discover that things are bad however, we can rise above them. With joy we can experience victory. We have no choice. Victory is automatically there in the midst of joy. We can shout, sing and stand on our heads because we have a reason. Joy also reminds us that we are human. We can look at some things we have done and laugh. Joy can bring much healing where it is needed. Life doesn't have to be pins and needles. Life doesn't have to be just surviving. If all we do is worry about our bills, think about our work situation and the rat race in general, then we are not experiencing joy. It would be a mistake to assume that because we don't see people's joy, it is not there. We all have unique relationships with God. Each of us expresses joy in unique ways. Some of us sit around on Sundays and watch the Cowboys lose. Some of us raid the refrigerator late at night and hopes no one notices in the morning.We even go shopping and increase our credit card debt. I guess God allows us to be weird as long as we find joy. PS 5:11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you." PS 19:8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart.The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes." PS 20:5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests." PS 27:6 Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD." PS 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." PS 33:3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy." PS 35:27 May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, "The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant." PS 42:4 These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go with the multitude, leading the procession to the house of God,with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng." PS 47:1 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy." A good beginning is to notice how often joy is associated with "Shout," and "Victory," in the above verses. There are also references to singing. There is a very good reason for this relationship between shout, joy and victory. Above all else we have a massive reason to have joy. As Christians Christ has given us victory over the devil and his power. To us his power is dead. In addition we have been delivered from hell. This thought should excite us knowing what hell is and what eternity there is like. We should wake up and hit the road running with the thought of being delivered from hell. NE 8:10 Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." Whenever we think or feel that joy is for the birds, it didn't come from God. Who ate your fruit loops? Or Did you eat your own fruit loops ? Too many times we run from the idea of experiencing joy. Other times circumstances keep the joy away. We have to claim the joy daily, in our speech, our thoughts and in our actions. We can't blame people when we sabotage our own joy. We just give Satan too much credit when we blame him.

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    Wed, Jan 10th - 2:57PM

    The Well of Jesus

    Water sustains life. We are advised to drink eight cups a day to ensure proper hydration. It keeps our kidneys working right and flushes our system of toxins. People who lose weight believe that drinking water has a connection to losing weight. Drinking water is especially important when working outside in the heat. When people are dehydrated and suffer heat strokes, the first thing doctors do is give them water to bring their body temperature down. In severe cases, they even use ice packs. By not drinking water, we can lose our appetite. When we do eat, it comes back up. It is important to get our daily eight glasses of water in daily. JN 4:13-14 Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14) but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." How much more important is it that we get our drink of spiritual water in every day? Come to the Lord and find out what He wants to give us? By doing this, we keep our spiritual life clean of toxins. Lack of spiritual water can cost us our appetites for God. When we go for so long without a daily helping of God's Word that it makes us sick when we hear it, something is wrong. Jesus says in the above verse that if we drink of the water He gives, we will never be thirsty. We will never find ourselves lacking in spiritual fulfilment. The water leads to eternal life. The more we drink, the more of what Jesus has for us, we want. We begin to see the benefits of drinking from the well of Jesus. We find ourselves looking forward to what Jesus has for us each day.

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    Tue, Jan 9th - 5:59PM

    Testimony Of The Apostles

    Bible Study Passages HEB 11:13-38 One of the questions everyone asks is: Why do bad things happen to good people? Another: Why does evil prosper and the righteous suffer loss? Often the answers to our questions are too difficult to understand or so easy they insult our intelligence. Either way we may be better off not knowing the answers to things that trouble us. Answers may come in bits and pieces so we can live in peace. We can, however, find comfort in our troubles by examining the testimony of the Apostles. By seeking out answers in scripture to keep us going spiritually. Hebrews Chapter 11 is one of my favorite chapters in scripture. I can find comfort in knowing that others have walked in my shoes of trials and their faith in God strengthened them. HEB 11:13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. 14 People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. 15 If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 Instead, they were longing for a better country--a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. HEB 11:32 And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. 35 Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. 36 Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. 37 They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated-- 38 the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground. HEB 11:39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. 40 God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. Hebrews Chapter 11 is known in Baptist circles as "The Faith Hall of Fame" In this chapter we find how even the greatest in scripture suffered in the face of strong opposition and yet kept their faith in God. We learn about some of the opposition they faced and even how they lived. How many were tortured, sawed in two and killed for refusing to renounce their faith in God. Others who lived in deserts, caves and holes in the ground I can only imagine the emotional turmoil and spiritual battles these people faced within. How many times they were tempted to change their minds about God. The only comfort these people had was in knowing that God had something better planned for them. Blessings they only knew from a distance would one day be a reality for all eternity. In a sense, they knew that they were only aliens and strangers just passing through, longing for a better country. That better country is Heaven. This knowledge kept them strong no matter what they were going through. Today so many Christians are dissilusioned by their trials not understanding why their faith in God is rewarded by hard times. Many are angered and frustrated not realizing that what they face is part of the faith. Many are turned off by wide spread hypocrisy and churches that have lost the desire to influence the world. Finally, many are aggravated at the sight of others that don't live up to their potential as Christians. Many Christians are persecuted in the world in similar manner as those in Hebrews 11. I remember that girl at Columbine who was shot after proclaiming her faith in God. Life as much as we would like to ignore it is full of many harsh realities. Many harsh injustices. In the face of it all, we may ask where the assurance of God's promises are. Why didn't I get this? Why didn't I get that? Where was God when I lost my job? Why does God make it so hard? I've discovered through the years that God sometimes has to shake us. It is usually to make us realize that we've strayed from Him. The perverbial 2x4 up beside the head. It always hurts however, nothing else gets through. We never forget the hard lessons. The only true answer is in realizing that we are not alone in our suffering. We only need to study about the lives of others who faced hard times and what kept them strong. Faith in God and the knowledge that our ultimate rewards are in Heaven. Hebrews 11:39-40 says that the prophets were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what was promised. God had planned something better for US so that together we would be made perfect. This is the testimony of the Apostles.

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    Tue, Jan 9th - 5:42PM

    In Steps The King

    Where has it Gone? I don't know. A life built on faith. Boldness. Promises. In addition, prayer. That life, now hidden. By anger. Unanswered questions. A spirit torn. In addition, resigned. A life full of promise. Never realized. Ripped away. Thrown away. In addition, ignored. A life of unreached rainbows. Unfound relations. Broken friendships. Betrayed trusts. In addition, abandoned projects. Waking, not knowing why. Efforts that seem a waste. A faith that seems afar. Promises that have broken. Hope's driven away. What more can be lost? Can the hurts worsen? Will I ever be rewarded? Will I ever find an end? Walk the path of victory? Somewhere, God has a purpose. A plan to fulfill through me. This I no longer know. Evidence of a life in warfare. A deeper need of faith. The battle has been hard. The enemy has fought dirty. Cheated. Deceived. When all seems lost, in steps the King.

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    Mon, Jan 8th - 1:31PM


    What must I do to get your attention? There are others more capable than you . They have the training and are older. Everyone knows them and looks up to them. I don’t choose the wiser, the older and the well known. I choose the faithful, the obedient and the unashamed. Never think you are not worthy to be my servants or witnesses. I am not the one who gives you that idea. I have ordained each of you to go and bring forth fruit. Even more that your fruit should remain. Look at the example of the disciples. Many of them were average people I used to do mighty things. Do not let being average stop you. You have what it takes. You just do not have enough faith in me, to allow me to use you. Quit wasting your life. You have the ability within, waiting to be used. Raise the standard in your life. Know that this is my Will for you. To share my death on the cross with the world. I have chosen you.

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    Mon, Jan 8th - 1:29PM


    Some people live a lifetime and never find their gifts. Some people never even look for their gifts. Some find their gifts but take them for granted. Some never use their gifts wasting their lives. Some find their gifts but abuse them. God has given each of us gifts. They are hid from us until God reveals them to us. It's up to us to stir them up and use them. Use them to advance the work of God. Some of us teach, Some of us preach, Some of us sing, Some of us understand all mysteries, Some of us just have faith, However, without love we just make too much noise. God gives to each of us as he chooses. Trains us to accomplish his work, Causes us to act accordingly, Gifts carry with them accountability. Answering to God for what we do with them.

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    Mon, Jan 8th - 8:14AM

    Battle On.

    Hidden in the winds of faith, A still small voice speaks. Calling us to the frontlines. To face the workers of iniquity, Return to the message of the cross, Break out of the bondage of politics. Quit putting the responsibility on others. Live up to our calling as Christians. Let our actions match our talk. Listen to what God is trying to say. This is a Nation falling away from God. Where ungodly lifestyles are being promoted. Where false religions are prevailing. The heart of our faith is being attacked. Why are we silent? Have we grown cold? Have we stopped caring? Our inaction tells the story. The sickness screams for Christ. Let us humble ourselves before God. Interceding for our country. Seeking a revival to sweep the land. Judgement surely begins in our midst. Victory begins on our knees. Our struggle is not yet over. Why do we rest? Expect His soon return? There is so much yet to do? Warriors of the cross. Children of the Light. Battle on.

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    Sat, Jan 6th - 11:03PM

    Carry You

    Are you weak? Heavy laidened? Weighed down by cares of life? I don't want you to walk alone. I am with you. To help you, To fight your battles, While I take your battles, The victory belongs to you. I've said it before, Now I say it again. I've given you My shield of victory. My hand of protection, My spirit to guide you. My word to teach you. I see you losing heart. Losing faith, About to change course, Remember My words: I will never leave you. Nor will I ever forsake you. No power can take My love. Not even death can shake it loose. You are My sons and daughters. When life has blurred your vision. Of Me standing beside you, In front of you, No matter how it seems, I have never left you. Only reflect on Me for a while. You will see I still carry you.

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    Sat, Jan 6th - 12:00PM

    Broken Chains

    Broken Chains In a place of darkness, A place meant for criminals. A place of torment, A place without a view, Where people go insane. Suddenly a voice is heard. Someone has surely gone mad. The sound of singing, Praising God, After a while others join in. The place begins to shake. The chains around their feet, Fall to the ground. Then the cell doors opened. A guard nearby sees this. So scared he wants to die. Reassured that there is nothing to fear, This is the work of the Lord. He heard their praise from this place. In the midst of pain and suffering, Freed them from the prisons of strife, Shook the shackles from their lives, In addition, opened the doors to freedom Here we are, in a place of darkness. A place meant for criminals. A place of torment, A place without a view, Where people go insane. Living in our own pains, Let us lift up our praises to God. Until our prisons begin to shake. The chains that hold us fall to the ground. Knowing it is God overshadowing fear, Heard our praises from this place, In the midst of pain and suffering, Freeing us from our strife, Shaking the shackles from our lives, Opening the doors to spiritual freedom. Look, at where we stand. No longer in bondage, However, living in freedom, That sound we hear behind us, It is the sound of broken chains.

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    Name: Robert Coskrey
    ChristiansUnite ID: taebofreak
    Member Since: 2007-01-05
    Location: Odessa, Texas, United States
    Denomination: Baptist
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