Tue, Nov 20th - 12:42PM
We Thank Thee, Lord!
On Thanksgiving Day when the table was spread,
There was turkey and dressing,
And fresh loaves of bread!
A variety of vegetables steaming hot,
Were brought to the table,
Straight from the pot!
There were homemade pickles right from the jar!
To find any better one would have to go far!
The pumpkin, apple, and mincemeat pies,
If taken to the fair,
Would have won first prize!
There were cabbage and corn puddins',
And candied yams,
And several different kinds
Of jellies and jams!
There were freshly baked apples,
Yellow and red,
And friendship, banana nut,
And cranberry breads!
On the counter nearby was a ship-shaped bin,
Filled with cookies looking like,
Pilgrim women and men!
When the meal was fully prepared,
Those gathered there,
Bowed their heads and listened,
To Grandpa's prayer!
He said, "We thank Thee Lord,"
"For this Thanksgiving feast!"
"Each one of us is grateful,"
From the eldest to the least!"
"We could never repay You,"
"For the bountiful yield,"
"Of vegetables from the garden,"
"And crops from the field!"
"There were more taters in the hills,"
"And the corn had larger ears,"
"And the pumpkin and squash crop,"
"Was the biggest in years!"
"We also thank Thee Lord,"
"For the sunshine and the rain,"
"And for the perfect weather,"
"For harvesting grain!"
"Lord, You've always been Someone,"
"On whom we could depend,"
"You're closer than a brother,"
"And our dearest Friend!"
"We thank Thee for fellowship,"
"With these our kin,"
"And if it be Thy will we'll meet once again!"
Suddenly, Grandpa finished his prayer and then,
The kinfolk all joined together
With a hearty "Amen!"
Robert F. Dotson © 2004
Comment (1)
Fri, Nov 2nd - 1:11PM
Trees in various stages of dress,
The surrounding countryside caress!
Leaves of yellow, orange, and brown,
And shades of red come tumbling down!
Like unwanted intruders here and there,
Several trees stand leafless and bare!
Shocks of corn in wigwam style,
Seem to cover "a country mile!"
"Old Jack Frost" covers grass that's still green,
And orange pumpkins complete the scene!
A cabin nearby with its chimney curling smoke,
Is home to some friendly country folk!
Busy, frisky, chattering, squirrels,
Perform for several young boys girls!
Close by at the annual church bazaar,
Folks have come from near and far.
There's apple cider hot or cold,
Will "wet the whistle" of young and old!
Pumpkin, mince, and apple pies,
Are certainly pleasing to one's eyes!
Here and there are tables of crafts,
Staffed by church ladies with friendly laughs!
There's plenty of cornbread, ham and beans,
And even a couple kettles of turnip greens!
There are caramel apples, red, yellow, and green,
And the most tantalizing fudge you've ever seen!
There's sorghum molasses and honey in a jar,
Donated by churchfolks for the bazaar!
There's home made vegetable soup and beef pot pie,
And freshly baked bread, white, whole wheat, and rye!
Friend, everybody looks forward,
To this time every Fall,
When it can be truthfully said,
"A good time was had by all!"
Robert F. Dotson © 2007
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