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    Satans Bible - The NIV
    Author: Miles Coleman
    Description: The "Authorized "King James" Bible (the True Word of God) is being replaced by "Satans Bible" (the NIV) by thousands of Churches. .....TEACHERS, PASTORS, BIBLE STUDENTS, Don't be taken in by this very clever deception. The NIV and TNIV are Loaded with Major Distortions and Many Errors. Please take time to read this "VITAL" Information.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/usradio
    tom brownlee's Blog
    Author: thomas41
    Description: find out how i am doing in m ylife in genral
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/thomasb40
    Author: unshackled
    Description: Then should not this woman-be set free-from what bound her? ~Jesus
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/unshackled

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