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    You are here: Blogs Directory / Ministries / Christian 12 Step Recovery Welcome Guest
    Christian 12 Step Recovery
          Christian 12 Step Groups Dealing with Adult Addictive Behaviors such as Alcohol and/or Drugs. Our primary focus will be Recovery Meetings in Knoxville, Tennessee and surrounding areas. We welcome and encourage Comments and Suggestions.

    Sun, Jan 1st - 2:22PM

    12 Steps, Christian Style

    12 Steps, Christian Style LA Times, Saturday, April 24, 1999 By William Lobdell, editor of the Daily Pilot, looks at faith in Orange County as a regular contributor to The Times Orange County religion page. He can be reached at wmlob@aol.com John D. used to spend his Friday nights drinking. He'd get home early and pour himself a tall glass of gin with a splash of tonic. "I'd keep the buzz level down until my little girl went to bed," John says, "and then I'd drink enough that I'd black out on the couch by 9." Karrie liked to stay put on Friday nights. Abused by her now ex-husband and battling anorexia and bulimia, she isolated herself at home. "That was my haven," she says. Sam's Friday nights were like most other evenings he spent as a teenager. "I was hanging out, getting high and stealing," he says. These days, John, Karrie, and Sam--along with about 500 others--can be found at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest on Friday nights. They sing worship songs, recite the 12 steps--along with their biblical roots--made famous by Alcoholics Anonymous, listen to a message and meet in small groups to talk about their "hurts, hang-ups and habits." An early-evening barbecue and chats at a makeshift late-night coffeehouse bookend the night. This church within a church is part of the Celebrate Recovery ministry at Saddleback, a program that's helped 3,300 people in its eight-year existence. It has been duplicated in more than 500 churches across the nation and even has its own Web site, http://www.celebraterecovery.com. Heroin addicts, drunks, sex addicts, people with eating disorders, co-dependents, people who have been physically or sexually abused and their children have found help at Saddleback. Alcoholics and drug addicts make up only 30% of Celebrate Recovery's membership. "We are all broken," program founder John Baker says. "We have all sinned. We have all missed the mark. We are all struggling with a hurt, habit or hang-up. It's time for the church to be a safe place--'safe place' are key words--for hurting people to discover and receive Christ's healing grace." The recovery program has become so popular that Baker has put together an inexpensive Celebrate Recovery kit, which--with its workbooks, videos and audiotapes--allows churches to more easily start a ministry for people with addictions and compulsions. Saddleback's 12-step program began when Baker, a recovering alcoholic and increasingly devoted Christian, grew frustrated with the taboo of mentioning his higher power--Jesus Christ--at traditional Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. In the secular world, the concept of a higher power--the cornerstone of 12-step programs--can be anything from God to a doorknob, depending on the spiritual comfort level of the person in recovery. "At an AA meeting, you can talk about anything else, but not Jesus Christ," Baker says. "I'd be mocked when I talked about my higher power." So Baker fired off a 13-page, single-spaced letter to his pastor, Saddleback's Rick Warren, outlining the need for a Christ-centered 12-step program at the church. Baker soon found himself first running the fledgling program--43 people showed up to the first meeting. Eventually he quit his high-paying sales job to join Saddleback's staff. "God's call was so strong that I really didn't have a choice," the 50-year-old Baker says. "It was a sacrifice my wife and I were glad to make." In Celebrate Recovery, Jesus Christ is front and center. When an addict introduces himself, he gives his name and then: "I'm a believer who struggles with . . . " "Our identity is in Jesus Christ, not the addiction or compulsion," Baker says. "This really is a spiritual maturity program." The program, which attracts 70% of its members from outside the church, is Saddleback's top outreach ministry. And 85% of the people who go through the program stay with the church. Nearly half now serve as church volunteers. "You can get addicted to recovery," Baker says. "Most people don't need to be in recovery the rest of their life. We want people to work through the program and go on to other areas of service in the church." There are happy endings at Celebrate Recovery. John D., 50--who'd spend his Friday nights passed out on his living room couch--has been sober for three years, is back together with his wife and is doing well in business. "I'm finally zeroing in on [being] 'reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with him forever in the next,' he says, quoting from the little-known last verse of the traditional AA Serenity Prayer. Karrie, 29, has been in recovery for five years. She's remarried, having found her new husband at Celebrate Recovery, and volunteers up to 20 hours a week at the church. "I feel like I have a purpose," she says. "I'm able to reach out and help lift people out of that pit I was once in." Sam, 21, hasn't used drugs in 27 months. He got clean two years before he could legally drink. He works with handicapped kids and is going to college to get his teaching credential. "I don't have anything to hide anymore," he says. "I can have a clear mind and sanity in my life. I have hope today that the Lord is with me and I have trust in him and can get through anything. I have a peaceful feeling inside." So does Sam's mom, Linda. She tried for years to get her son to stop doing drugs, including calling the police and sending him to a treatment center. Nothing worked until Saddleback. "I've been praying for him for years to get well," she says. "I almost lost him [to drug overdoses] three times. And now--he's like a miracle."

    Comment (3)

    Sun, Jan 1st - 2:16PM

    Celebrate Recovery

    Why Celebrate Recovery is Important Message from Rick Warren The Bible clearly states "all have sinned." It is my nature to sin, and it is yours too. None of us is untainted. Because of sin, we've all hurt ourselves, we've all hurt other people, and others have hurt us. This means each of us need repentance and recovery in order to live our lives the way God intended. You've undoubtedly heard the expression that "time heals all wounds." Unfortunately, it isn't true. As a pastor I frequently talk with people who are still carrying hurts from 30 or 40 years ago. The truth is - time often makes things worse. Wounds that are left untended fester and spread infection throughout your entire body. Time only extends the pain if the problem isn't dealt with. What we need is a biblical and balanced program to help people overcome their hurts, habits and hang-ups. Celebrate Recovery is that program. Based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory, our recovery program is unique, and more effective in helping people change than anything else I've seen or heard of. Over the years I've witnessed how the Holy Spirit has used this program to transform literally thousands of lives at Saddleback Church and help people grow toward full Christlike maturity. Most people are familiar with the classic 12 step program of A.A. and other groups. While undoubtedly many lives have been helped through the twelve steps, I've always been uncomfortable with that program's vagueness about the nature of God, the saving power of Jesus Christ, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. So I began an intense study of the Scriptures to discover what God had to say about "recovery." To my amazement, I found the principles of recovery, and even their logical order, given by Christ in his most famous message, the Sermon on the Mount. My study resulted in a ten-week series of messages called "The Road to Recovery." During that series, my Associate Pastor John Baker developed the workbooks, which became the heart of our Celebrate Recovery program. I believe that this program is unlike any recovery program you may have seen. There are seven features that make it unique: This recovery program is based on God's Word, the Bible. When Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount, he began by stating "Eight Ways to Be Happy." Today we call them the Beatitudes. From a conventional viewpoint, most of these statements didn't make sense. They sounded like contradictions. But when you fully understand what Jesus is saying, you'll realize that these eight principles are God's road to recovery, wholeness, growth, and spiritual maturity. This recovery program is forward-looking. Rather than wallowing in the past, or dredging up and rehearsing painful memories over and over, Celebrate Recovery focuses on the future. Regardless of what has already happened, the solution is to start making wise choices now and depend on Christ's power to help me make those changes. This recovery program emphasizes personal responsibility. Instead of playing the "accuse and excuse" game of victimization, this program helps people face up to their own poor choices and deal with what they can do something about. We cannot control all that happens to us. But we can control how we respond to everything. That is a secret of happiness. When we stop wasting time fixing the blame, we have more energy to fix the problem. When you stop hiding your own faults and stop hurling accusations at others, then the healing power of Christ can begin working in your mind, will, and emotions. This recovery program emphasized spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ. The 3rd principle calls for people to make a total surrender of their lives to Christ. Lasting recovery cannot happen without this step. Everybody needs Jesus. Celebrate Recovery is thoroughly evangelistic in nature. In fact, the first time I took our entire church through this program over 500 people prayed to receiver Christ on a single weekend. It was an amazing spiritual harvest. And during the ten week series that I preached to kick-off this program, our attendance grew by over 1,500 people! Don't be surprised if this program becomes the most effective outreach ministry in your church. Today, nearly 73% of the people who've been through Celebrate Recovery have come from outside our church. Changed lives always attract others who want to be changed. This recovery program utilizes the biblical truth that we need each other in order to grow spiritually and emotionally. It is built around small group interaction and the fellowship of a caring community. There are many therapies, growth programs, and counselors today that are built around one-on-one interaction. But Celebrate Recovery is built on the New Testament principle that we don't get well by ourselves. We need each other. Fellowship and accountability are two important components of spiritual growth. If your church is interested in starting small groups, this is a great way to get started. This recovery program addresses all types of habits, hurts and hang-ups. Some recovery programs deal only with alcohol or drugs or another single problem. But Celebrate Recovery is a "large umbrella" program under which a limitless number of issues can be dealt with. At Saddleback Church, only one out of three who attend Celebrate Recovery are dealing with alcohol or drugs. We have dozens of other specialized groups too. Finally, this recovery program produces lay ministers! Because Celebrate Recovery is biblical and church-based, it produces a continuous stream of people moving into ministry after they've found recovery in Christ. Eighty-five percent of the people who've gone through the program are now active members of Saddleback Church, and an amazing 42% are now using their gifts and talents serving the Lord in some capacity in our church. In closing, let me say that the size of your church is no barrier to beginning a Celebrate Recovery ministry. You can start it with just a small group of people and watch it grow by word-of-mouth. Your won't be able to keep it a secret for long! You are going to see lives changed in dramatic ways. You are going to see hopeless marriages restored and people set free from all kinds of sinful habits, hang-ups, and hurts as they allow Jesus to be Lord in every area of their lives. To God be the glory! We'll be praying for you.

    Comment (4)

    Sat, Dec 31st - 2:43PM

    Ten Considerations for Clergy

    Ten Considerations for Clergy Alcoholism, Addiction and Recovery in the Faith Community A Primer and Resource Guide for Clergy and other Pastoral Ministers Ten Considerations for Clergy Consideration One: Addiction is a disease; Treat it like one. Always remember, you’re not trying to make a “bad person good,” a “weak person, strong,” or an “immoral person, moral.” You are trying to help a “sick person get well.” Let’s deal with the issue of sin right up front. There is plenty of sin in the world and the addict and alcoholic have it in their lives just like the rest of us. You know the scripture, “All have sinned…..” Understand that the disease of addiction and alcoholism has a behavioral element rooted in loss of control and loss of social judgment. Understand that sin exists in the lives of alcoholics and addicts just as it does with all of us, but sin is not the cause of the disease, rather it is often a behavioral element of the disease process. The disease process also makes the addict or alcoholic hypersensitive to judgmental or moralistic attitudes and as one wise minister once told me, they are acutely adept at seeing through “BS.” Know that they are already judgmental enough of themselves, so be compassionate and non-judgmental in your interactions. The 11th Step of AA states, (we) “sought through prayer and mediation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry that out.” This is a good lesson for all of us and it might make sense to use this as a guide to help us in seeking a compassionate, non-judgmental, non-condescending attitude toward this disease and those affected by it. Consideration Two: You can’t “fix it” so stop trying. You wouldn’t try to “fix” a diabetic or a person with any other chronic debilitating illness. Treat this the same way. It’s your role to assess the situation, know the resources and make a good referral for both the alcoholic/addict and the family. A cardinal thought is that no one can control, direct or manage another person’s life. If we are honest, we recognize that we can barely do this in our own lives and often don’t succeed at all. As you move through the process, continually monitor your personal reactions to the situation. If you find that you have gotten angry or overly frustrated, you’ve sucked yourself into trying to “fix it.” At that point, stop, detach and start again. Know your role, your level of expertise, your limitations and your resources. Consideration Three: Learn your community’s’ resources and refer to them. Think “refer and defer.” Make a list of 5 to 10 “go to” people and make those referrals. Know who is in recovery in your congregation. They will be your greatest allies. Visit treatment centers and attend open 12-Step groups. This will be an invaluable experience and a resource for the future. Consideration Four: Learn as much as you can about the area 12-Step programs. Attend open meetings, talk with individuals in recovery and read the AA Big Book and the NA Basic Text. This will give you an understanding of the spiritual nature of the 12 step programs. The websites of these organizations are very helpful and can help you develop a meeting referral list. Examples are Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Alanon, and DRA (Dual Recovery Anonymous) etc. Consideration Five: Recognize that the traditional 12-Step programs, although non-religious, have a strong spiritual element at their base. This, along with the supportive, non-judgmental community they create is their strength. They are your ally, not your enemy. A good way to think of this is that spirituality and “spiritual baby steps” often begin the road back to Church and religion. Be willing to work with the program and allow this to happen. Be available to answer the religious and “God” questions when they come up. Make sure you know the theology of recovery and the doctrinal stance that your denomination takes on the issues. The American Baptist Church has a wonderful doctrinal statement that is worth reading. Consideration Six: After referral to 12-Step programs, resist the temptation to “rush the alcoholic or addict” back into church. Know that they may need, as one AA writer suggests, the “spiritual kindergarten” that is the 12-step program. Most addicts and alcoholics carry around a tremendous amount of guilt and shame. Unfortunately, this often relates to their formative religious experience and the concepts of morality, sin and judgment. They need time to heal in a non-judgmental supportive community. Unfortunately, but more often than not, that supportive community is not their Church; It is their 12-Step group. This is particularly true in the early stages of recovery. Understand that their disease has caused a bankruptcy of spirit, an alienation from God, church and community and a spiritual isolation that requires time and effort to overcome. They are often angry with God and need time to come to terms with that anger and to find, as the steps suggest, “the God of their understanding.” Be there to help with that understanding when they need you. Know that this is an individual process and often takes years to accomplish. I once heard a person with 20 years in both NA and AA say that he had not been able to even say the word “God” for the first few years of his recovery. His alienation and experience with Church and God were such that he did not want to address or approach the issue. He related that through the spiritual avenues of his 12-Step programs he eventually, although slowly, overcame this attitude. He came to realize that seeking a new relationship with God and re-establishing himself with a Church community could be a valuable adjunct to his life in recovery. Consideration Seven: In addiction as in life, there are few, as the Christian tradition describes, “Damascus Road” experiences. More often, recovery and return to the spiritual and religious life are more equated with the Christian Gospel story of the “Emmaus Road” experience described in the Gospel of Luke, verses 24:13-32. In this story, rather than the dramatic conversion experience of Paul on the Damascus Road, the two travelers on the road to Emmaus were ministered to by a risen Jesus in a step-by-step, mile-by-mile, day at a time kind of pace. It was not until the end of the day that they realized that through the presence of the stranger that joined them on the road, God had been with them every step of the way. They came to realize that God had been part of their journey all along. As he walked with them and slowly opened the scriptures to them and finally revealed his presence, they realized that this heart warming, mind opening, life changing experience was due to their encounter with the God who was revealed in a way that they could understand. Put In 12-Step language, this encounter revealed “God as they could understand God.” The lesson is: God is with us and at work all the time even if we don’t realize it. A great 12-Step slogan is “Let Go and Let God.” Trust God’s timetable for spiritual and religious awakening. It will always be better than ours. Consideration Eight: Understand the importance of educating and informing your congregation about alcoholism, addiction and recovery. Consider offering sermons and prayers that deal with these issues. You will find that although most of your congregation is relatively uninformed, a large percentage of them have and /or are being affected either directly or indirectly by alcoholism and substance abuse or misuse. I once heard Father George Clements of the One Church-One Addict program tell the story of a parishioner who asked him to offer a prayer for someone in her family who had a drug problem. Father Clements related that he agreed and during his early mass that Sunday brought the issue to the congregation. He began by noting the request for prayer and added that he wanted to expand it to include all those who either had drug or alcohol problems or were being affected by someone with drug or alcohol problems. He asked for all of those present who were in such a situation to stand. When almost the entire congregation of over 500 stood, he relates that he thought, and almost said out loud, “Damned!” He was taken aback and was totally unaware of the prevalence of the issue within his flock. Take this as a lesson and be aware that alcoholism, addiction and recovery exist in every congregation. None are immune and the shear numbers of people that have been affected by the disease are sometimes shocking. Congregational responses to these issues run the gamut from no response, to as one writer put it, “AA in the basement,” to full blown Recovery Ministries. Help your congregation find their level of involvement and strive to develop a “recovery friendly” atmosphere that welcomes and supports individuals and families affected by alcoholism and addiction. Your congregation will look to you to set the tone for this effort. Consideration Nine: Recognize that this is a family issue, a “family disease. Alcoholism and addiction take a tremendous toll on everyone involved. The spouse and all the children need attention and referral. As Stephen Apthorp relates in his classic book Alcoholism and Substance Abuse: A Handbook for Clergy and Congregations, “Recognize that the members of the dependent’s family need treatment as much as the dependent person.” As Dr. Apthorp also relates, “Seldom, if ever, will the cry for help be: “My husband (or wife) is drinking too much and the whole family is sick. Will you help us?” Again, know your role and set your boundaries. You cannot become the agent of one person or another. The entire family is caught up in the disease process. They will need to be part of the recovery process as well. Consideration Ten: Lastly, be aware of the message of hope. As Jeff Blodgett, Coordinator of The Alliance Project (a resource center for Recovery Advocacy nationwide), has been quoted, “People in recovery are all around us-they are our neighbors, teachers, clergy, co-workers and family members.” He goes on to say, “Recovery has changed the lives of millions of Americans dramatically for the better. Recovery happens. It is real. Families who experience recovery are the living proof.” The best message is a “message of hope.” There are literally millions of American families in recovery and living a positive recovery lifestyle. They are in your community and in your congregation. Find these people and learn their stories of hope. Spread this message as often and in as many ways as you can.

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    Thu, Dec 29th - 10:56AM

    The Theology of Christian Recovery

    The Theology of Christian Recovery The primary distinctive that differentiate Christian Recovery from other approaches to life change lie in our approach to spirituality. Here are some of the major theological tenants of the Christian approach to recovery. Recovery is truly Christian only if God is part of it. This God is not just a nebulous "Higher Power", but rather is the Creator of the Universe Who has revealed Himself in the Bible. Additionally, this God is a loving God, who showed His love by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into this fallen world to save us. (John 3:16) The Word of God is the authoritative rule and guide for our recovery. We believe there is, indeed, some objective TRUTH in this world and that it is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. (Hebrews 4:12) There is a real devil. He is a real entity, who though the power of deception, is fighting for the minds of men. Truth is therefore the ultimate weapon in the spiritual warfare of Christian recovery. (John 8:31-32) Sin is deceptive, powerful and addictive. As Christian author, Keith Miller states, sin (or the "control disease") is the root of all addictions and compulsive disorders. (Romans 7:15-25) There is a Redeemer. Jesus Christ has won the victory over sin, death, and the devil by His death on the cross. (1 John 3:8) Therefore, the message of the Gospel brings forgiveness and the power to experience real change in our lives through God's power. (Romans 1:16) This is a fallen world Not only are external things warped, perverse, confused, and corrupt, believers in recovery must still contend with their own fallen natures, as well. (Romans 7:21) All human beings need spiritual rebirth. Because spiritual death is a reality, we must assume that everyone needs to experience new life from God. (John 3:3) There is a significant difference between guilt and "toxic shame". Guilt is a response of the conscience to specific sinful actions. On the other hand, destructive (or "toxic") shame is an inner sense of being unlovable, unredeemable, hopeless, irreparably flawed, incomplete, and worthless. Everyone who struggles with a compulsive disorder experiences this to some degree. The Gospel provides the answer for both of these dilemmas. Confession and forgiveness are God's way to overcome guilt. And, growing in relationship to Him and other healthy people enables us to accept ourselves as loved and lovable. (1 John 4:9) There is a definite difference between the terms "drunkard" and "alcoholic." According to the Bible, drunkenness is a moral condition. On the other hand, alcoholism is a therapeutic condition. What separates the addict from the non-addict is not how often they drink or how much they drink, but what happens when they do drink - the loss of control (or powerlessness). Once an individual becomes addicted, he can never be a social drinker. (Ephesians 5:18) God works in processes. "Recovery" is not a one time, once-and- for-all thing - it is a process (Romans 12:2). Recovery is not just "fixing" ourselves, but rather it is gaining the "tools" to succeed in working out what God has already put within (sanctification). (Philippians 2:12,13) God works through His Spirit. The word Greek word "paraclete" is used in the scriptures to refer to the Holy Spirit. This term means "counselor" or "personal tutor." To succeed in recovery, believers must learn to respond to God's Spirit and walk in His will for their lives. (John 16:13-15) God works through people There is no more isolated and lonely person than the addict. John Bradshaw says, "The deepest wound of toxic shame is the inability to develop meaningful, intimate, human relations." The message of Christian Recovery is that God's grace is experienced as a process which involves intensely honest and nurturing relationships with other people. They serve as agents of His grace to unravel our woundedness and reshape our thinking. (Hebrews 10:23-25) Christian recovery is "intensive discipleship." "Putting the cork in the bottle" (not using drugs or alcohol) is no guarantee of any lasting change in an individual's life. What addicts need is a systematic commitment to an ongoing process of personal growth. Christian recovery means gaining new tools that enable us to live a new sober life and to remove all the "stumbling blocks" to a life of Christian victory. (2 Peter 1:5-11) We might also consider "recovery" as another word for what that Bible refers to as "sanctification". Repentance is more that simply confessing our sins to God. We all must own up to our own sin if we are to experience forgiveness. (1 John 1:9) Still an additional step is necessary -- repentance. The Greek word for repentance is "metanouia" which implies a complete change of mind. New thinking comes from new attitudes that have been formed by new perspectives. (Acts 3:19) "Rigorous honesty" is essential for true spirituality. Jesus declares that the truth will set us free (John 8:32) So, we must make a commitment to "walk in the light". (1 John 1:5-9) There is a "therapeutic value" to talk. Self-revelation in a safe environment is a tremendously healing experience. Support groups provide an environment that promotes this process. (James 5:16) "Grace flows freely through unclogged conduits." Christian workers cannot bring people to a place they have not come to themselves. Therefore, if we want to reach out to hurting people, we must be in the process of dealing with our own issues first.(1 Cor. 11:31; 2 Cor. 4:1-2) The above was adapted from A Guide to Effective Rescue Mission Recovery Programs by Michael Liimatta, Director of Education for the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions.

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    Wed, Dec 28th - 9:14PM

    Secular 12 Step Recovery

    What�s Not Covered In Secular 12 Steps Groups That Is Essential To Freedom What's Wrong With The 12 Steps? Absolutely Nothing! Everything they cover is helpful and good. The problem is what they don't cover. They don't cover what is necessary for a person to be free. This is a list of what's not covered. 1. The Person of Christ - Christ is our life 2. The Work of Christ - God�s only answer is in the cross 3. Forgiveness - God�s only answer for anger 4. Our identity in Christ 5. Grace - God�s method of dealing with us 6. Faith -The only way we receive all that God has for us 7. God�s unconditional love and acceptance 8. The part and work of the Holy Spirit 9. An answer for guilt and condemnation 10. That the battle is in the mind 11. Our position in Christ gives us victory over Satan 12. Spiritual warfare - How to win the battle 13. Our co-crucifixion frees us from power of sin 14. Dying to the law frees us from performing 15. Dying to the world frees us from demands of others 16. The part of the flesh (our learned independence) 17. Prayer 18. The Word of God In essence the 12 Steps are most likely the best program for enabling a person to cope with a problem, but they lack the necessary components to set a person free. This should not come as a surprise as freedom is only found through Christ. In Romans 7:24 Paul did not say, "What will set me free?" There is no "what", program that will set you free. He said "Who will set me free?" The answer is "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" (Romans 7:25). And as Jesus said, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36).

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    About Me

    Name: Tim Trimble
    ChristiansUnite ID: 1sttimothy
    Member Since: 2005-12-27
    Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States
    Denomination: Independant Christian Church
    About Me: I am very active in the Christian Community especially the Christian 12 Step Recovery.

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