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    Wed, Dec 18th - 12:51AM


    Barely.. December 17, 2013 at 11:43pm I can barely recognize it anymore. It's so faint so distant. It lingers back there, somewhere. I don't know why. What's it hanging on for? Everything in this life has proven it wrong........ But I can hear it. Like straining to hear that voice in the distance- not sure if it even exists, but knowing it does. Don't you realize that an unbroken promise isn't real? Don't you see that this isn't working? AHHHHH! I just want to scream--- scream at everything. Scream for all the pain and confusion. Scream for all the loss and abandonment. Scream for the little girl within me who only wants to be loved for who she is. Who only wants a soft hand and a tender word. Who longs to be held in the arms of compassion. Can you hear it? I know you don't feel it, but can you hear it? I know everything says it's a lie life SCREAMS ITS A LIE!!!!! but it lingers still.... It refuses to die. It tells me to wait.....just wait a little longer it becons me to hang on. But I can barely hear it. ...and I grow more weary with each passing second... I don't know why you bother... but please don't stop.

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    Tue, Dec 17th - 11:16PM


    My eyes stay heavy with tears.. a despair so deep, so controlling.... Promises forgotten- hope...faint The only end in sight, the only option is an end I've fought for years. But it's an end that must be ... Pain I know it well I fight with it every second of every minute of every day Longing and lack ---locked and chained in a place with no escape. This is not meant to be None of it ever was- sin and selfishness made it so now there's only suffering. Death is my only hope, and I so long for it. I long for His arms around me. I long to feel the softness of his robe against my cheek I long for His love afraid I'll never have it, afraid I'll miss it Afraid I've done all of this just to fail at the last --to trip just before the finish line Fear it holds me close My soul is so heavy so very heavy My heart is broken My mind is worn My body hurts My strength is gone My love wanes.... I will wait for Him, He is my only chance. The enemy wispers that it's not true... that my Father doesn't hear me--- doesn't want me--- won't forgive me--- is sick of me like everyone else is.... doesn't care.. but He is all I have, and even if all of that's true, I'll hang on anyway.

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    About Me

    Name: karen watson
    ChristiansUnite ID: abby33
    Member Since: 2013-12-17
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