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    Lois Ryan's Blog
          A place for my studies. Sharing my answers, notes and more

    Fri, Jun 12th - 1:26PM

    Week One Day One Faith Builder Story

    Day 1: Faith Builder Story Question 1. Why did you decide to do this study? As you begin to seek God in a fresh way, what are some of your hopes? Your fears? Personally I never heard of this Bible Study before. I happened to come across it when I checked online to see what the current study was going on at Women’s Bible Café. I believe that God was pushing me in that direction because I definitely need revival in my walk with God. I think my main problem is that I am always rushing through life. People always call me a whirlwind. At home I am rushing to get everything done before I go to work. I try to get the house cleaned as fast as possible. I rush to the store to get whatever I need for the house whether it includes groceries, cleaning supplies, toilet paper and so on. At work, I am rushing to make sure everything is completed before I go home. When I am at home and am not busy, I wish it would be time for me to go to work. Then at work I look forward to going home. I have to stop and ask myself what I am hurrying through and where I am rushing to get to. I must stop, sit and relax. Because of my rushing, there are many parts of my life that I might be missing. One of the most important things I am missing is my relationship with God. When my mind is full of thoughts about getting everything done, I won’t be able to focus on God’s words to me. This is also true with Bible Studies. While they are there to help have a stronger understanding of God and to build a relationship, they can also be a hindrance when trying to do too many at the same time. I have done just that. What once was enjoyable turned into a task that I just wanted to rush through. It is better to relax in the Word by taking my time. My hope is to have a deeper relationship with God. My fear is that I fall back into my bad habits. Question 2. The faith builder story is about a man who works at a church and is surrounded by god loving people. While he tried to resist, he eventually found himself experiencing revival. What outer and internal factors led to this revival? The outer factors that impacted his spiritual reawakening were the people in the church. When an individual is surrounded by people experiencing revival, it will eventually rub off an individual. This eventually touched his eternal spirituality and revived him. If this person was surrounded by negative people, he may not have experienced a spiritual revival. Question 3. Have I ever experienced the kind of encounter with God that he described? Yes. Many times. When I was a lukewarm Christian I worked with this one lady. She always acted in a positive way. I never heard her say anything negative. At my job that is quite an accomplishment. Let me just say it is a major soap opera. Drama after drama. But the drama never affected her. It rubbed off her onto me. The reason why I need a revival in my life is there is not enough of her-she retired some time ago-and too much of the negativity. The message I needed to hear is that God has always been there for me. No matter how I feel that God is distant from me, it is I who caused the gap. Question 4. Read Psalm 85:6-6. According to these verses, who needs revival? All of God’s people who have drifted spiritually need revival. Non-believers need redemption first by becoming Christians. Then they can experience revival. Question 5. What are some of the results of revival among God’s people? Peace with God and Ourselves Revival in one person will help spread revival in others and also lead non-believers toward redemption. Revival allows us to repent of our sins and to exalt and value Christ.

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    Fri, Jun 12th - 1:24PM

    Seeking Him

    My first Bible Study is Seeking Him.Experience the Joy of Personal Revival. Written by NANCY DEMOSS WOLGEMUTH AND TIM GRISSOM This is from the website seekinghim.com Welcome to Seeking Him, a 12-week interactive study designed to lead you into a revived relationship with your loving heavenly Father. This classic study has sold more than 400,000 copies. Ideal for individuals and groups, the updated and expanded edition now includes: New testimonies of revived lives. Expanded suggestions for group leaders. Helps for leading your church through this study. Targeted inventories on issues like pride, obedience, and holiness to expose and address blind spots in your pursuit of Christ. Expect to discover... As you seek the Lord with all your heart, He will restore, renew, and revive you. God has revived His people throughout history. He can do it again. You can reclaim your passion and zeal for the Lord. Begin by Seeking Him! I am finding that I am enjoying it immensely. Sometimes I find a study that I just cannot get into. Maybe God led me to this one.

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    Fri, Jun 12th - 1:21PM

    An Introduction

    I love Bible Studies. I love journaling. I love sharing. When I get involved with a Bible Study, I really want to get into it. I just cannot read a book and then put it away when I am done and start another book. I want to get deeply involved in it. I love the studies that have questions at the end of each chapter and write my responses. Sometimes the responses are just a few sentences and sometimes they are considerably longer. So this journal is share what I learn and if you have been or are currently involved with the same Bible Study, feel free to join in.

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    About Me

    Name: Lois Ryan
    ChristiansUnite ID: alongwaytogo
    Member Since: 2020-06-12
    Location: Binghamton, New York, United States
    Denomination: non-denominational
    About Me: I am a Woman of God. Right now I am working on a Bible Study blog and my current Study I'm doing is Seeking Him. Once that one is done, I will be working on a different Study. TBA. Most of my studies are geared towards women, but may do some that are... more

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