Sat, Jan 7th - 8:08PM
My Blogs
All my blogs come from my web space.I want to share them as I write them there,Come and visit
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Sat, Jan 7th - 7:57PM
From the NIV version
1/If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2/If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3/If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,[b] but have not love, I gain nothing.
4/Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5/It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6/Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7)It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8/Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9/For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10/but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11/When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12/Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13/And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
As I read and reread this scripture.I fail miserably. I have come to the conclusion that my flesh can not or will not live to this scriptures standards.
Sometimes I get irritated in traffic when someone cuts me off.Or sometimes I get upset when a supervisor does not play fair with me.Or maybe a loved one has wounded me by their tongue and I lash out. Is this love? By a long shot NO.It shows me areas in my heart were I must grow in love.And if I know that my flesh refuses to live a life of love.What hope do I have? REPENTANCE. Its by doing the same thing as I did when I first asked Jesus into my life, but into that area of my life.
Ok lets give an example.You have a person that really irritates your flesh. ( I am goin thru this one folks)You want to give him or her the five fold ministry knuckle sandwich and lay hands on him suddenly.. Your mad.When ya get home you have the icky feeling of conviction. Now the flesh will try to rationalize your being angry, hurt and bitter.Your flesh will be PUFFED UP. Your flesh will say unkind things and outright nasty things.
BUT this is what I have been doing lately.I go to God and say" Lord this person really irritates me. Oh God forgive me for not walkin in love with this person.I am sorry for my sin.Forgive me wash me cleans me. Jesus I invite you in my heart in this area. Now I may have to do this many times hundreds of times ( I am a slow learner).But you know what Praise God.I am not comin home mad as much these days.The way this person is, it is not affecting my walk as much.( I am not all the way there yet.)God is using this person to perfect me.Glory to God. I Count it all JOY.I believe why I am BEGINNING to win this battle in my life is because I am loving God.I am starting to get into that first love relationship with Jesus.I am getting rid of the religion in me.And replacing it with a relationship with the Almighty God. King David was called the APPLE of Gods eye.WHY. He had a relationship with Jehovah.He spent many nights out in the feilds in the wilderness Praising God. He sang to the Lord. He danced naked before the Lord.He fell head over heels in Love with God. That love never changed with David.Yes he made some HUGE blunders. But he never lost that first love with the Almighty. When David realized his sin.He repented,he got back into right standing with his God. It grieved David when he lost that fellowship he had.
Jesus gave us a new commandment " I give you a new commandment: 12 love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.''
Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’
I really hope this helps you.Its an area that God is dealing with me.Maybe someone else may have insight you would like to share on loving the unlovable.And loving God
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Sat, Jan 7th - 7:42PM
A couple of weeks ago as I was driving my cab my mind for 12 hours wandered upon the verses from Hebrews 11 verse 1.
Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Now I began to say this verse over and over again.The word substance kept hitting me.Now when I got home I decided to look up that word substance.Here is what the dictionary said.Substance----the material of which something is made, the essential component of anything;wealth or property;the quality of being constant or solid. WOW. Now to really get a handle of this to really see how this verse applies to God I go toJohn 1 vrse 1 In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Now when reading that with hebrews 11 and the dictionary meaning ,it blew my mind.
In John 1 it was saying that the Word was God.The essential component of the word is God.And Because the Word IS GOD the substance to Gods Word is solid.We know that God word is never changing.there fore God is constant.If the word says that God will supply my needs according to His riches in Glory then that promise is SOLID Even in the dictionary it says wealth.. When in the word it says that my household shall be saved then that is a promise that I can bank on.That Word is solid I can take it to the bank and not worry about my family.When the Word says by His strips I am healed. Then because of what the Word is made of, which is Jesus Christ I am healed.In verse 14 of John ch1 it says,And the Word was made flesh, and dwealt amoung us. This blew my mind. So according to what the Dictionary says The word is made of Jesus Christ because he is the Word.Jesus Christ is the essential component of every promise and miracle. Our God has an endless supply of resources and wealth and property for we have been boughten by the blood of the lamb.And Gods word never changes.There fore our God is SOLID.Our God has fit every criteria of the definition within the Dictionary of the word substance.. WOW. I am sitting here and my mind has been blown away.Because of that it fulfills the second part of Hebrews 11 vrse 1 the evidence of things not seen.
Its my prayer that you catch this like I did.WOW
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Sat, Jan 7th - 5:35AM
Journey to the Fathers House
Journey to the Fathers House
Recently I just heard a message on coming to the Fathers house that just made me weep. It was based on the story of the prodical son. It showed me just how much more I need Jesus in my life.
Now I can relate to both sides of the son and the side of the Father.I have lived the side of the son and I have lived on the side Father.I know the agony and hurt of both sides of the fence. This message was made for the one maybe just beginning to know Jesus and also it was for the one that served Jesus for many years.
From the day we are born we have accumulated wounds hurts and dissapointments.the wound will fester for awhile.Then it scabs then hard tissue would form over that wound.For me it was , I had years of hurts locked up inside of me. Wound after wound in my heart began to give me a nasty outlook on people.It would give a warped thinking on relationships. I would go from one relationship to another.Each time i would accumulate more wounds,offences,resentments. Some were so deep rooted so ingrained in me that they became a part of me.
As I was listening to this tape something shock me inside.I am so sick of this.Just like the prodical that was in the pig pen,I began to seek the face of God.Ya see I have been trying ( the opperative word I HAVE BEEN TRYING) to live this life of Christ for many years.Many times I have stumbled and fallen. I have come to the conclusion I can not do it.I can not live this life in my flesh and my power.But there is hope. HALLEYLUYA there is a hope.By coming to this conclusion that I can not do it, Jesus now can do something.
The prodical then GOT up and started to the Fathers house. from far away the Father seen His son ,the Father ran towards the son .The father wrapped his arms around him and kissed him over and over.Now imagine this this son smelled bad from being with the pigs.He was dirty,he was filthy. But the Father did not care.The Father was so happy to see his son.He wrapped his son with a new robe, gave him a ring for his finger.
I can so relate to this.How many times did I have stinkin thinkin.How many offences did I have in my heart.How bad I stunk with the world.How filthy with sin in my life.What a wretched smell it must have been to my daddys nostrils.But he loves me so much.He did not care.He was so happy that his son came home.He called to his servants kill the fatted calf my son is home.ITS PARTY TIME. The angels in Heaven had a celebration. Oh God how my Pappa Jesus loves me.And loves you. I am growing so sick of this world and the things in it.I am so sick of its attitudes.I am so sick of the hatred, the malice , the self seeking, the self rightouesness, the self glorification, I am so sick of it all.Thats why I am heading to my PAPPA'S house. I have to say though this is not an instantaious proccess.Its step by step, precept on precept.
And then in the story there was the loyal brother , the one that stayed with the Father.When seeing the celebration of his brothers coming home party, got jealous.He was angry.His father rebuked him sayin my son was dead but now is alive,he was lost but now is found.How many of us ( I include myself in this) was put off after seeing a brother or sister in the Lord fall away into sin then when coming back in had thoughts that he or she does not deserve the fathers mercy.Oh God help us. We need so much love,or I should say I need so much love.But that kind of love I do not have.Its only when I take on the love of Christ in me.That what is goin to win the lost to bring more into daddys house. Tonight it starts with me.
Jesus there is so much worldly thoughts and attitudes in my heart.I stink and reak with the world.I am so sorry for doing it my way.I can not change myself.I can not undo the years of resentments and hurts.I ask you Father in Jesus name to come and heal my wounds.I give these things to you.Create in me a clean heart. renew a right spirit with in me.I am sorry That I have harboured resentments with your people,your servants,my family,I ask you to wash all this away. I ask that you make me new.So that I can be restored unto you. Oh God mercyful God I thank you for recieving me.I thank you that you are placing a love in me to love all people.Even the one 's that in my power I can not.
Jesus you are so wonderful and merciful.I now rest in this faith.I rest in you. AMEN
If you prayed this too You too are on the journey to the Fathers house.This ain't about a religion ,its about a relationship.Between you and God.
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